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About Gudrean

  • Birthday September 18


  • Member Title
    The Grey!!!

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  • Interests
    Jordan, Sanderson, Butcher, sci-fi, fantasy, photography, gardening, Anime, nature/animals, hiking, K-Pop, Metal, Pop-Punk, singing/music, audio books, LOVE all things Vampire, world cultures/religions
  • Pronoun
    ur mom

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  1. this is very Depeche Mode and The Beattles!
  2. @CairosSo what evah happened with the cruise?
  3. I agree with so many things I've read here and just want to clarify what I find that should not have been done. 1. Mat and his family should have stayed exactly the same. Mat is a fan favorite and all these changes have left his ark all screwed up. Really love both actors as Mat. 2. Perrin is Eeyore enough, he didn't need a wife death scene added. I do love how his role is being portrayed by Marcus tho! 3. Moraine and Lan issues = not a fan. Their warder/aes sedai love is so special it just isn't touchable IMO. 4. Not using Saidin/Saidar! I can forgive not using all the "Blood and Bloody Ashes" as I would have liked, but The Sais are a must.
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