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About Leala

  • Birthday 09/04/1986


  • Member Title
    White Ajah Sedai

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  • Interests
    Whatever the ADHD Goblins have decreed we are interested n.
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  1. They are precious!! Ruby likes to sit in my office chair too. It's really cute. lol
  2. Welcome, dear! *hugs* @Delenn will get you set up soon. 🀍
  3. First, I'm so happy to see you here! Secondly, I've seen your journey through a lot of that. I'm so proud of you. 🀍 Blanket fort days sound amazing! We all need a break, and that sounds like a wonderful way to do it. And, kitties are always the best. Even when they're gnawing on the Christmas tree or tying to steal my yarn. πŸ˜‚
  4. Hi, Catt! It's good to see you here! πŸ€— ❀️ (Yes, this is your first-sister from the other site. lol)
  5. Awwww, kitty co-worker!
  6. We're going to Rhuidean!! This is genuinely my favorite arc of the books. My view of the changes made in the show is that the books are still there, so if this arc is changed so much that it's unrecognizable...I'll probably just read book 4 again. But, I've liked the show so far.
  7. It's become my favorite thing to say when people ask "what's one piece of advice you would give?" Be kind to yourself.
  8. So, because of my ADHD, just one thing doesn't cut it. But, whatever I do, I try to keep one thing in mind. Giving myself grace. Before I found out I had an anxiety disorder, I was super hard on myself. It took time and patience to apply the grace I give to others to myself, and sometimes it's a struggle, especially on days when I spiral. But, some things that help nowadays are reading (both audiobooks and physical books), crocheting, and playing D&D.
  9. Read and understood. πŸ™‚ I've also filled out the form. (Just a note, I do still have access.) 1. Leala Sedai (I just removed the "Sedai" today from my display name. Hope that's okay.) 2. Aes Sedai path 3. Aes Sedai 4. White Ajah 5. I...don't remember either of these. Sorry!
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