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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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repeat it for me?





Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.


Id either follow the Tress rule and shoot Nolder or shoot Tina


I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].


He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.


Are you voting Pizza?  if not why not?




I may have missed it Dice but why Tina or Nolder atp?


What is your take on the Pizza/Len situation and Pizza's backing away from his read?



There you go brother.

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I'd also like people to weigh in about their thoughts of Pizza backing off of Len please.

I already gave my opinion on this. :smile:



yes you did!!!  did you finish your re read/catch up?  as anything stuck out or changed for you?

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if its about pizza backing off len then u have to wait as i have a QUESTION WAITING FOR PIZZA TO ANSWER REGARDING THAT






rips caps lock out of keyboard


ok no brother.








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Ahahaha woah. Don't make hasty decisions... :tongue:

Almost done. Almost. Trying new method of choosing alignment.





Just look directly into their souls....the soul bares all truths!!!!!

That... scares me.

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Ahahaha woah. Don't make hasty decisions... :tongue:

Almost done. Almost. Trying new method of choosing alignment.




Just look directly into their souls....the soul bares all truths!!!!!

That... scares me.




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This took longer time than I expected so I will just post a list and get back tomorrow. 





Cory - I still haven´t seen anything scummy from Cory. I don´t feel like he is trying to manipulate people. 


Dice - from his earlier posts. If he doesn´t give us something new he will be moving down. I don´t like that he is telling me to be more active when I´m trying and have posted more today. 


Null - town:







BFG - BFG will move down unless she comes in with some focused thoughts about other players. 



Null - Scum:







Sooh - I liked some of the content on her list but I don´t understand why she gets so angry with Zander. 



No, I don´t think that Lenlo and Pizza are both mafia. Right now I think Lenlo´s posts are more scummy and Pizza´s behaviour is more scummy. 




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This took longer time than I expected so I will just post a list and get back tomorrow. 





Cory - I still haven´t seen anything scummy from Cory. I don´t feel like he is trying to manipulate people. 


Dice - from his earlier posts. If he doesn´t give us something new he will be moving down. I don´t like that he is telling me to be more active when I´m trying and have posted more today. 


Null - town:







BFG - BFG will move down unless she comes in with some focused thoughts about other players. 



Null - Scum:







Sooh - I liked some of the content on her list but I don´t understand why she gets so angry with Zander. 




No, I don´t think that Lenlo and Pizza are both mafia. Right now I think Lenlo´s posts are more scummy and Pizza´s behaviour is more scummy. 




So... which of us is scummier?

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Okay I finally have a new listy thing. It's a combination of my gut feelings, opinions by myself and by others that I agreed with, and partially also some of Pizza's weird number system (that I actually liked).


I'm on mobile so there's no colour.


Scum: Pizza



I think everyone has a pretty good idea as to why; most people seem to have an opinion as to why he's rather scummy than towny. Imo I don't like that he keeps jumping between i-am-town and then-again-maybe-im-wolf mode in the beginning of D1. I didn't like the useless post, as I indicated somewhere (maybe page 46, not sure where). For the record, I explained why I called it a "useless post". It's not actually useless.


Then I don't like that he cleared people so early in the game. Feels like he knows something I don't. I further don't like how his word count increased after being called upon it.


And then the last minute unvote of Len... does not feel right.




Null-Scum: Nikon, Sooh and Dice.



Nikon; I didn't like the content of the few posts he actually has. And he's not here. Bothers in the back of my mind.


Sooh; Same reasoning as before (page 15). She continues to be defensive and "sassy" as it was called. I think Zander drew her out in the most recent argument where he defended me, and she... was... competely drawn out. It's an extreme response.


Dice; I mainly agree with his standpoint in terms of every argument he's been in so far. The difference is that he also feels overly affected by stupid things, such as the math thing. As stated on page 7 (by Len, I believe), "overreacting on light pressure". My gut is still unsure on Dice, which is why he's just slightly scummy in this list :wink: I like his jokes.




Null: Tina



I don't know. Those of you that know her say that she's playing towny, whilst others say that she's scummy. My gut doesn't have a problem with her. Yet.




Null-null-null-town: Cory and Nolder.



Cory; I had as null-town. But when I started my reread, I wasn't sure why. I don't know his game play, and simply stating to be town doesn't cut it for me. I do like his reasoning in many instances (page 11, 17, 46) but his unwillingness to sometimes explain properly makes it hard for me. I guess he might be closer to null-town, but only because I trust my top town reads' opinion. A handshake is a handshake, right? I do like his apparent honesty too.


Nolder; Was null. I thought some things he said was scummy (page 25). But I liked his reasoning in the last few pages. Still checking this one out.




Null-town: BFG, Lenlo and Shad.



BFG; I've liked her reasoning from the start. Feels towny.


Lenlo; So this is the largest change to my list. Was top scum read at page 15. Now, 30 pages later, I've only gotten town vibes. Throughout the entire Pizza-Lenlo conversation Len stayed calm. He walked away first. I also like his reasoning and defense (when not being aggresive, as I've seen in other games - Luv ya really Len :wub:) PS. Please don't be scum.


Shad; Since actively joining the game, I've felt like he's the same town!Shad as in other games (Matrix that I read and Diablo). Like his reasoning as well.




Town: Zander.



Same reasoning. He's said nothing to change my view.



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