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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.

I think I would block Besie. She's someone I don't trust at this point in the game, and I think she's cunning enough if mafia to create serious problems for town. 


Where do you stand on Pizza? If you have said I apologize. I don't recall off the top of my head.




Again with this type of I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND BESIE'S Scum game remark.  Again I dont feel that that is really possible for you to do.   Also the cunning enough comment is quite interesting coming from you considering Cory, Pizza and myself are in this game and have ALL proven we were cunning enough to create serious problems for town.  I know you love Besie and we both do know how smart she is but do you HONESTLY feel shes more likely to do this then say one of the 3 of us or someone more experienced in this game.


Im really finding the merits of your case against Besie very weak....they seem almost manufactured to me.  Like perhaps youre picking a target you feel may be easy pickings for you.


No, I don't know and understand Besie's scum game, but I do know and understand Besie just a little bit. I am giving her a friggin compliment here. I know she can be cunning if she wants to be, and I feel fairly certain that she'll be a formidable force to recon with as mafia in the future and perhaps even now.


I don't understand why you're suggesting she's easy pickings. She's no easier than anyone else in my books, and I have never condemned her. Heck I didn't even place a vote on her. 


Your defense of her is starting to bug me. You don't need to be her knight in shining armor. I think it will be better for both her and you if you let her defend herself instead of doing it for her. 



I wasnt implying that you were being mean. about the cunning comment I was simply pointing out the flaw with your logic.  Like I said if you were truly concerned with someone being cunning and hurting town there are much more logical people in this game currently that I feel Town!Sooh would be MORE worried about, who Ive also mentioned.


I also feel very certain she will become a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future as well.


The easy picking comment should be straight forward as newer players tend to be considered "Low Hanging Fruit" for the most part and you are well aware of this.


If my defense is starting to bug you that is a good thing my dear cause it leads me to believe im calling the right things out on your "case" of my top town read.  I lololololol'd at the Knight in Shining Armor comment because you know damn well know Ill defend just about anyone for just about anything if I disagree with it or just plain don't like it.  I most certainly will let her defend herself as she sees fit.  Doesnt mean Im gonna stand by when i see flaws or disagree with the reasoning behind someone sussing and or cassing a town read of mine.


None of what Im saying should come as any surprise to you my dear......

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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.




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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.


Very strange question to me....Like why choose to go with roleblocker as opposed to say Cop or Vig.  Not sure if it really means anything but something that struck me as odd.


Agree with 2nd Bold.  Like to hear more from Dice and others concerning him,


I felt like cop or vig would have been seen as breadcumbs/role hinting.

Roleblock basically asks the same question (who do you not trust?) without the baggage imo.




fwiw i actually dont mind this response from Nol

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I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].

He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.

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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.

So cliche but so good...


Ok I'll bite and I'm going to go big and go for deep wolf.


The person who eats my bullet is....






I think BFG is playing a middling game so far and it seems aimed to please more than to suss wolves and win.






No need to shoot BFG imo, Its already more then likely looking at Nightmare that if shes a wolf it will become pretty apparent as the game progresses.

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I wasnt implying that you were being mean. about the cunning comment I was simply pointing out the flaw with your logic.  Like I said if you were truly concerned with someone being cunning and hurting town there are much more logical people in this game currently that I feel Town!Sooh would be MORE worried about, who Ive also mentioned.


I also feel very certain she will become a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future as well.


The easy picking comment should be straight forward as newer players tend to be considered "Low Hanging Fruit" for the most part and you are well aware of this.


If my defense is starting to bug you that is a good thing my dear cause it leads me to believe im calling the right things out on your "case" of my top town read.  I lololololol'd at the Knight in Shining Armor comment because you know damn well know Ill defend just about anyone for just about anything if I disagree with it or just plain don't like it.  I most certainly will let her defend herself as she sees fit.  Doesnt mean Im gonna stand by when i see flaws or disagree with the reasoning behind someone sussing and or cassing a town read of mine.


None of what Im saying should come as any surprise to you my dear......


#1 what the hell?


#2 stop patronizing me


#3 sounds like you've decided that I'm scum this game then. 

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I think whatever was going to happen with Sooh already happened.

There's no point in taking this further unless I plan to case and push lynch.

Which I may latter but right now I want my vote back.



i think casing and planning someone should be a direction that you take atp Nol.

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Zander, just because there are other people in this game who might be cunning doesn't mean I need to point it out in each case now, does it?


All you keep saying to me is "Yes, she is this, but there are other people who could be too!" like that's a revelation of some sort. It's not. I'm trying to explain what I see in Besie, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If you don't like what I see that's fine. 

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I wasnt implying that you were being mean. about the cunning comment I was simply pointing out the flaw with your logic.  Like I said if you were truly concerned with someone being cunning and hurting town there are much more logical people in this game currently that I feel Town!Sooh would be MORE worried about, who Ive also mentioned.


I also feel very certain she will become a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future as well.


The easy picking comment should be straight forward as newer players tend to be considered "Low Hanging Fruit" for the most part and you are well aware of this.


If my defense is starting to bug you that is a good thing my dear cause it leads me to believe im calling the right things out on your "case" of my top town read.  I lololololol'd at the Knight in Shining Armor comment because you know damn well know Ill defend just about anyone for just about anything if I disagree with it or just plain don't like it.  I most certainly will let her defend herself as she sees fit.  Doesnt mean Im gonna stand by when i see flaws or disagree with the reasoning behind someone sussing and or cassing a town read of mine.


None of what Im saying should come as any surprise to you my dear......


#1 what the hell?


#2 stop patronizing me


#3 sounds like you've decided that I'm scum this game then. 



#1  should be obv from my post imo  what arent you getting"


#2.  im not patronizing you my dear Im calling out what im seeing which is my way ofc.


#3. Yes Im getting there tbqh.

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I wasnt implying that you were being mean. about the cunning comment I was simply pointing out the flaw with your logic.  Like I said if you were truly concerned with someone being cunning and hurting town there are much more logical people in this game currently that I feel Town!Sooh would be MORE worried about, who Ive also mentioned.


I also feel very certain she will become a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future as well.


The easy picking comment should be straight forward as newer players tend to be considered "Low Hanging Fruit" for the most part and you are well aware of this.


If my defense is starting to bug you that is a good thing my dear cause it leads me to believe im calling the right things out on your "case" of my top town read.  I lololololol'd at the Knight in Shining Armor comment because you know damn well know Ill defend just about anyone for just about anything if I disagree with it or just plain don't like it.  I most certainly will let her defend herself as she sees fit.  Doesnt mean Im gonna stand by when i see flaws or disagree with the reasoning behind someone sussing and or cassing a town read of mine.


None of what Im saying should come as any surprise to you my dear......


#1 what the hell?


#2 stop patronizing me


#3 sounds like you've decided that I'm scum this game then. 



#1  should be obv from my post imo  what arent you getting"


#2.  im not patronizing you my dear Im calling out what im seeing which is my way ofc.


#3. Yes Im getting there tbqh.


You keep telling me what I should or shouldn't do. You're doing the same to other people. It's annoying. Stop it.


Also the "My dear"s aren't flying with me right now. 

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I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].


He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.

Hahaha what? This is funny because I addressed this line of thinking in the last game where you and others hounded me all game and were wrong.

I mean in the end you made the right decision and never dropped the hammer but the pressure was there all game.


Anyway like I said last game you can't just compare attitudes from game to game. I know people like to think they can but they just can't.

Let's say you're mafia 4 times in a row like I was before I went on break. The first game you're going to have a fresh attitude but the 4th game you might just be exhausted of the same role and it has nothing to do with being scum or town necessarily nor does it have anything to do with meta. How you act from game to game is like 1 part meta 2 parts unique randomness based on irl feelings and 1 part the people/mechanics/etc imo.


Point is comparing attitudes from game to game is even worse than comparing meta which is unreliable in the first place because people act different from game to game even with the same roles. Why don't you focus on things I've done in this game rather than my attitude from last game?  

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Zander, just because there are other people in this game who might be cunning doesn't mean I need to point it out in each case now, does it?


All you keep saying to me is "Yes, she is this, but there are other people who could be too!" like that's a revelation of some sort. It's not. I'm trying to explain what I see in Besie, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If you don't like what I see that's fine. 


No it doesnt mean that but thats what YOU chose to use as one of YOUR reasons for YOUR read on Besie.  I think the reasoning is weak and more likely to come from SCUM TRYING to build a case when they already know someone's alignment but need to push someone....(See how badly I failed at doing this with Yates in Diablo!!!)


And I understand that my dear.  Though if youre pushing someone you should try and make sure people do understand why your seeing/saying about them.  And I dont like what I see from the case/push Sooh hence why Im commenting on it,

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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.

So cliche but so good...


Ok I'll bite and I'm going to go big and go for deep wolf.


The person who eats my bullet is....






I think BFG is playing a middling game so far and it seems aimed to please more than to suss wolves and win.






No need to shoot BFG imo, Its already more then likely looking at Nightmare that if shes a wolf it will become pretty apparent as the game progresses.


OMG I like just had this convo with Shad.

You don't know that she will do the same things as wolf she did in the last game.

This is a new game focus on what's here in this game.

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Zander, just because there are other people in this game who might be cunning doesn't mean I need to point it out in each case now, does it?


All you keep saying to me is "Yes, she is this, but there are other people who could be too!" like that's a revelation of some sort. It's not. I'm trying to explain what I see in Besie, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If you don't like what I see that's fine. 


No it doesnt mean that but thats what YOU chose to use as one of YOUR reasons for YOUR read on Besie.  I think the reasoning is weak and more likely to come from SCUM TRYING to build a case when they already know someone's alignment but need to push someone....(See how badly I failed at doing this with Yates in Diablo!!!)


And I understand that my dear.  Though if youre pushing someone you should try and make sure people do understand why your seeing/saying about them.  And I dont like what I see from the case/push Sooh hence why Im commenting on it,


Again, I believe I've said this like 4 times already: I never said my cases were strong! I gave a reads list. Current reads middle of D1. They are not bulletproof cases without flaws or definite solutions. They are what I see where the game is at right now. 


And, my dear, I'm hardly the only one who has voiced concerns about Besie. 


So, my dear, if you'll let me read more from Besie and see more from her without coloring it by any preconceived notions that'll be good.


Alright, dear?

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I wasnt implying that you were being mean. about the cunning comment I was simply pointing out the flaw with your logic.  Like I said if you were truly concerned with someone being cunning and hurting town there are much more logical people in this game currently that I feel Town!Sooh would be MORE worried about, who Ive also mentioned.


I also feel very certain she will become a force to be reckoned with in the not too distant future as well.


The easy picking comment should be straight forward as newer players tend to be considered "Low Hanging Fruit" for the most part and you are well aware of this.


If my defense is starting to bug you that is a good thing my dear cause it leads me to believe im calling the right things out on your "case" of my top town read.  I lololololol'd at the Knight in Shining Armor comment because you know damn well know Ill defend just about anyone for just about anything if I disagree with it or just plain don't like it.  I most certainly will let her defend herself as she sees fit.  Doesnt mean Im gonna stand by when i see flaws or disagree with the reasoning behind someone sussing and or cassing a town read of mine.


None of what Im saying should come as any surprise to you my dear......


#1 what the hell?


#2 stop patronizing me


#3 sounds like you've decided that I'm scum this game then. 



#1  should be obv from my post imo  what arent you getting"


#2.  im not patronizing you my dear Im calling out what im seeing which is my way ofc.


#3. Yes Im getting there tbqh.


You keep telling me what I should or shouldn't do. You're doing the same to other people. It's annoying. Stop it.


Also the "My dear"s aren't flying with me right now. 




Im not telling you what you should or shouldnt do, Im telling you why I disagree with the logic behind your reasons Sooh,


Also the AtE stuff wont wash with me at this point because all I'm doing is questioning your case on Besie which is pretty standard for a Mafia game and me questioning stuff as you well know, is a pretty common occurrence in and away from Mafia.


Im sorry if you are legitimately upset Sooh and also if I'm wrong cause you know I :wub: you but I call things like I see them and this is what I'm seeing!!!

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Im not telling you what you should or shouldnt do, Im telling you why I disagree with the logic behind your reasons Sooh,


Also the AtE stuff wont wash with me at this point because all I'm doing is questioning your case on Besie which is pretty standard for a Mafia game and me questioning stuff as you well know, is a pretty common occurrence in and away from Mafia.


Im sorry if you are legitimately upset Sooh and also if I'm wrong cause you know I :wub: you but I call things like I see them and this is what I'm seeing!!!





and now it's dinner time.


I'll be back later

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Zander, just because there are other people in this game who might be cunning doesn't mean I need to point it out in each case now, does it?


All you keep saying to me is "Yes, she is this, but there are other people who could be too!" like that's a revelation of some sort. It's not. I'm trying to explain what I see in Besie, and I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If you don't like what I see that's fine. 


No it doesnt mean that but thats what YOU chose to use as one of YOUR reasons for YOUR read on Besie.  I think the reasoning is weak and more likely to come from SCUM TRYING to build a case when they already know someone's alignment but need to push someone....(See how badly I failed at doing this with Yates in Diablo!!!)


And I understand that my dear.  Though if youre pushing someone you should try and make sure people do understand why your seeing/saying about them.  And I dont like what I see from the case/push Sooh hence why Im commenting on it,


Again, I believe I've said this like 4 times already: I never said my cases were strong! I gave a reads list. Current reads middle of D1. They are not bulletproof cases without flaws or definite solutions. They are what I see where the game is at right now. 


And, my dear, I'm hardly the only one who has voiced concerns about Besie. 


So, my dear, if you'll let me read more from Besie and see more from her without coloring it by any preconceived notions that'll be good.


Alright, dear?



Bold: Then why are you getting "upset" with me for questioning them???  Like I just don't get how Town!Sooh is upset about that at all.



Its most certainly alright my dear!!!!


Im gunning for your man today anyways so you may end up still having some time to work with!!!!



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