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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Can I help you guys in any way?


Tell you what, I'll give you one question that I answer truthfully.




Terms and conditions: I won't out my scum bud in any way, so don't try that one.

How's the crochet blanket going :p

OMW absolutely terrible! I started with the flowers but then I had about 2 months of barely-sleep-caffeine-high finishing of dissertation. Since then I've spent 3 days crocheting. Just 3! I think I'm going to use the flowers just as a border instead.

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Besie, if I ask you very nicely to vote for Shad for.... even 60 seconds, and then unvote Shad, would you do so?

Not until Tina is here. ♡


Call it courtesy, if you must.

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Towning is by far the best imo.  I guess what I enjoy the most about it is....having to take a leap of faith and trust not only in yourself and your own abilities but others as well and theirs.  And not only that but having to solve the puzzle....what pieces fit where, the who, what, where, when and how,  The pure thrill of of being right and finding scum and getting your fellow townyes to follow you in taking down that dirty scum bag.  And the sense of pride, accomplishment and ecstasy of a job well done and VICTORY!!!!

As much as I agree with you, shush


Besie is probably exactly what DM mafia teams need to improve :)

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Like, the thing I did with Lenlo?


There was a time in my villaging life where nothing could persuade me that a wolf was anything besides a wolf when they reached a certain level of scummy to me.


You will lynch dozens and dozens of villagers when you're so sure they're scum, and it won't even register because sometimes you lynch a scum when you're certain.


It's difficult to push past your own confirmation bias.


Once you latch on, and you don't trust them, everything they say sounds really suspect. And usually they respond by a combo of aggression and defensiveness, regardless of alignment.


So in that state you guys aren't going to figure out each other very well and you're dis-inclined to even think you could be wrong, because after all, they're wrong and acting scummy too.


Knowing when to pull up and when not to pull up and swallow your pride is one of the most challenging things you'll ever do, because each and every time you let go of a wolf when you do that, it stings like 10 times as hard as the goodness you'll feel when they actually are a villager and you corrected yourself.


Your own emotions bias you. Hard.



My worst downfall will not be my emotions, but how stubborn I am. The only person I know that tops me, and only slight, on stubbornness - is Zander.






but no seriously were both pretty stubborn imo!!!!!



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Towning is by far the best imo.  I guess what I enjoy the most about it is....having to take a leap of faith and trust not only in yourself and your own abilities but others as well and theirs.  And not only that but having to solve the puzzle....what pieces fit where, the who, what, where, when and how,  The pure thrill of of being right and finding scum and getting your fellow townyes to follow you in taking down that dirty scum bag.  And the sense of pride, accomplishment and ecstasy of a job well done and VICTORY!!!!

As much as I agree with you, shush


Besie is probably exactly what DM mafia teams need to improve :)




Cant argue that at all!!!!

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Pral, brother, you should really include the rules of the game in the first post.



3) During the Night Phase, the androids can post, discuss and get to vote on who dies that night. The player with the maximum vote dies (gets converted to an android). Tie will be randomised

When is the DL, Pral?



24 hours from day lynch.


So, I guess there is still 12 hours to go. Technically

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My worst downfall will not be my emotions, but how stubborn I am. The only person I know that tops me, and only slight, on stubbornness - is Zander.


The greatest opponent you face in mafia is yourself. Knowing when you are your own obstacle.



Listen when I was a kid growing up, I was usually the youngest and smallest in my class, intuitively got all the answers right without studying, and had no understanding of how to make friends.


To this day, I still haven't got a clue, and because I am socially inept, it's taken me a long time to become self-aware enough to realize when the things I'm doing are what triggers other people not liking me.


It doesn't come as easily to me as it does for others. I might have a touch of some social disorder. The crippling shyness doesn't help.


My first instinct is usually to be nice to people and compliant, but that isn't always enough to be accepted or respected, and sometimes people will push against that as a sign of weakness.


I also was such a pacifist back then I wouldn't respond when people pushed me or struck me.


So, from first grade until seventh, it took me that long to learn that if you don't push back, people will always push you around.


Learning this meant that I became really really stubborn about standing my ground, and not bending to threats even if I believed someone would carry them out.


This held even for verbal arguments.


It's better than having no spine at all, but it then took me a long while to learn how and when to bend.


Going against your instincts is tricky. Especially your own established personality traits.


Being willing to stand up for myself was something that took me a very long time to learn, and once learned, it took me a very long time to learn that there are times you have to yield.


If learning those lessons about when to go against your instincts, or then, your experience, is tricky, the villager learning curve might be a little tough.


First you have your every day biases in terms of thought process. Recognizing them is hard.


Then you have your innate instincts pulling you a certain way. Going against your instincts is hard, when do you do that?


And when you finally do gain the experience that tells you to go against your initial instinct, when do you decide that your experience is wrong in this one special case?


Sorting all of that out is a mental nightmare.


But if you want to challenge yourself and are never satisfied with where you are at presently, and want to improve your "right"ness percentage, that journey of self-development can take you places.


Like, for example, banging your head against a wall in a mafia game and then dying immediately. Stuff like that.






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My worst downfall will not be my emotions, but how stubborn I am. The only person I know that tops me, and only slight, on stubbornness - is Zander.

The greatest opponent you face in mafia is yourself. Knowing when you are your own obstacle.



Listen when I was a kid growing up, I was usually the youngest and smallest in my class, intuitively got all the answers right without studying, and had no understanding of how to make friends.


To this day, I still haven't got a clue, and because I am socially inept, it's taken me a long time to become self-aware enough to realize when the things I'm doing are what triggers other people not liking me.


It doesn't come as easily to me as it does for others. I might have a touch of some social disorder. The crippling shyness doesn't help.


My first instinct is usually to be nice to people and compliant, but that isn't always enough to be accepted or respected, and sometimes people will push against that as a sign of weakness.


I also was such a pacifist back then I wouldn't respond when people pushed me or struck me.


So, from first grade until seventh, it took me that long to learn that if you don't push back, people will always push you around.


Learning this meant that I became really really stubborn about standing my ground, and not bending to threats even if I believed someone would carry them out.


This held even for verbal arguments.


It's better than having no spine at all, but it then took me a long while to learn how and when to bend.


Going against your instincts is tricky. Especially your own established personality traits.


Being willing to stand up for myself was something that took me a very long time to learn, and once learned, it took me a very long time to learn that there are times you have to yield.


If learning those lessons about when to go against your instincts, or then, your experience, is tricky, the villager learning curve might be a little tough.


First you have your every day biases in terms of thought process. Recognizing them is hard.


Then you have your innate instincts pulling you a certain way. Going against your instincts is hard, when do you do that?


And when you finally do gain the experience that tells you to go against your initial instinct, when do you decide that your experience is wrong in this one special case?


Sorting all of that out is a mental nightmare.


But if you want to challenge yourself and are never satisfied with where you are at presently, and want to improve your "right"ness percentage, that journey of self-development can take you places.


Like, for example, banging your head against a wall in a mafia game and then dying immediately. Stuff like that.








Starting to see what sooh sees in you. In this maf game.


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Towning is by far the best imo. I guess what I enjoy the most about it is....having to take a leap of faith and trust not only in yourself and your own abilities but others as well and theirs. And not only that but having to solve the puzzle....what pieces fit where, the who, what, where, when and how, The pure thrill of of being right and finding scum and getting your fellow townyes to follow you in taking down that dirty scum bag. And the sense of pride, accomplishment and ecstasy of a job well done and VICTORY!!!!

As much as I agree with you, shush


Besie is probably exactly what DM mafia teams need to improve :)


Cant argue that at all!!!!

That's really sweet of you both. :wub:

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My worst downfall will not be my emotions, but how stubborn I am. The only person I know that tops me, and only slight, on stubbornness - is Zander.


The greatest opponent you face in mafia is yourself. Knowing when you are your own obstacle.



Listen when I was a kid growing up, I was usually the youngest and smallest in my class, intuitively got all the answers right without studying, and had no understanding of how to make friends.


To this day, I still haven't got a clue, and because I am socially inept, it's taken me a long time to become self-aware enough to realize when the things I'm doing are what triggers other people not liking me.


It doesn't come as easily to me as it does for others. I might have a touch of some social disorder. The crippling shyness doesn't help.


My first instinct is usually to be nice to people and compliant, but that isn't always enough to be accepted or respected, and sometimes people will push against that as a sign of weakness.


I also was such a pacifist back then I wouldn't respond when people pushed me or struck me.


So, from first grade until seventh, it took me that long to learn that if you don't push back, people will always push you around.


Learning this meant that I became really really stubborn about standing my ground, and not bending to threats even if I believed someone would carry them out.


This held even for verbal arguments.


It's better than having no spine at all, but it then took me a long while to learn how and when to bend.


Going against your instincts is tricky. Especially your own established personality traits.


Being willing to stand up for myself was something that took me a very long time to learn, and once learned, it took me a very long time to learn that there are times you have to yield.


If learning those lessons about when to go against your instincts, or then, your experience, is tricky, the villager learning curve might be a little tough.


First you have your every day biases in terms of thought process. Recognizing them is hard.


Then you have your innate instincts pulling you a certain way. Going against your instincts is hard, when do you do that?


And when you finally do gain the experience that tells you to go against your initial instinct, when do you decide that your experience is wrong in this one special case?


Sorting all of that out is a mental nightmare.


But if you want to challenge yourself and are never satisfied with where you are at presently, and want to improve your "right"ness percentage, that journey of self-development can take you places.


Like, for example, banging your head against a wall in a mafia game and then dying immediately. Stuff like that.









Pizza GOAT and an awesome person Im proud to call frand!!!!  <3 <3 <3

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I just want to state my opinion on the entire argument that originated from this post:

So question: I just read up on the rules. Would we ever want to lynch a towny to ensure a majority in the NK selection? Cause if we lynch a towny first couldnt we, those alive in thread, direct them on who to kill during the night? Like we could take two votes during the day. Vote 1 = the official lynch vote, Vote 2 = the unnofficial, NK whoever has majority.


Pral Question: Do we see roles when we lynch someone and do the mafia have a NK in this game? I ask because at night those who are dead vote on who dies that night. So it would make sense for the mafia to not have an NK right? Or else two people die and thats crazy fast.


I almost forgot this game wasnt experimental.

I think Len was just honestly trying to explain his idea on a possible tactic. I can see your opinion, Len, but I think I'm going to stick to Zander's KISS rule. To me, it feels like keeping town alive is more important than having them as droids for the NK's.



In my isolated look at just Besie, before her flip, I noted this post as being difficult for a villager of any experience level to form.


Wolves white-knighting villagers is a common form of manipulation.


I think Besie or almost any wolf does this with a wolf-Lenlo partner less often, combined with the individual read on lenlo, looks good for Len.


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Finally someone calls me Len. Its weird. Are we not friends? Everyone else has short versions of their names!



I've been calling you Len for a long time now.

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Finally someone calls me Len. Its weird. Are we not friends? Everyone else has short versions of their names!


Maybe you should have chosen a name longer than 5 letters? Just saying :)


Hey man, blame the random name generator I used like... 7 years ago when I started playing WoW. Thats how long ive used this.



Finally someone calls me Len. Its weird. Are we not friends? Everyone else has short versions of their names!



I've been calling you Len for a long time now.


<3 I didnt notice sorry.

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