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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Only one spot left for my whoever doesnt vote Tina is Scum Pile.


Just saying!!!!


Zan, I don't think mafia needs your help to know to bus now. Just saying.




Believe this as you may......but there may just me a method to my madness here!!!!!!


I shall let your method do its thing. 




thank you!!!


but the better response would have been


I shall let your madness do its thing!!!!!




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This is what I wrote in notepad. Completely unfinished thoughts. We have to head out again and oh boy oh boy my wife found a cat on a back round an hour ago so I have that to deal with.


I'm only even posting this so you know I really do exist:



Her main argument against Lenlo is the same smudging Dice line that Pizza took, along with a possible TMI about night actions. I don't have time to see which of them suggested it first, but Tina seems to think she did:



Tina -1 Early bad stuff (2 posts) mitigated a bit, possible distancing from Lenlo in progress. But, hey, looking better.

I have no idea what these numbers means but I don´t like your comment about me. You just followed me on Lenlo but think I might be distancing. It seems really weird to me.


and isn't particularly happy about how he handles it. Pizza had picked up on the argument while simultaneously calling Tina scummy for suggesting it. Well, yeah, I can see town being bothered by that.


She reiterates her points on Lenlo, says she had a question for Zander but will have to ask it later, that's about it on to the 27th.


27th she kicks off the game with thoughts on everybody. Reiterates her earlier thoughts about Lenlo but likes #812 and is considering unvoting. Doesn't like that Pizza tunneled Lenlo and didn't understand his unvote. ~~Does she never follow through with why did Pizza call her Lenlo suspicion scummy yet copy it?




I brought up Dices math because to me it seemed like that part of your case on me depended on the fact that I was subtly laying out that Dice was scum so everyone else could lynch him for me.


I brought it up because I wanted to show that was not the case. There were two different convos going on there. One about mechanics and the other, later on, about Dices reactions. During the mechanics talk I wasnt trying to resolve his slot, I was focusing purely on the mechanics because I like to focus on one topic at a time. After that talk, Dice voted me because I annoyed him/wasnt listening to his opinion even though his math was for his logic was horrible. Its at this point that I get into it with Dice, because his vote on me was garbage and at the time he wasnt reacting very well at all.


I did not want our conversation to focus on Dice, I did not want to shift our conversation to Dice, if that is what you thought I was doing. I wanted to reach back to my convo with him and show why I was getting into with him and why I was frustrated with him that I used the bold and caps since that seems to be a good bit of your problem with me.


To be frank, I am quite frustrated with you atm because you go on and on about honesty with posts but from my perspective you seem to be twisting my words. Yeah, I dont compose my posts as much as you, but thats because I dont want to limit what I post. I used to compose my posts, or atleast try to, and it always lead to people saying I was trying to hard to sound town, that everything I said sounded forced or unnatural. So I decided to switch to the other side and just say whats on my mind. Yeah it has its problems, but its less problems than what I did before and the problems also arnt as bad.



Likes Zander and Cory but doesn't give much reason, likes BFG's level of activity but doesn't think she's really following through. Nikon null, doesn't remember my posts, Nolder laying low, hasn't paid attention to Besie, thinks Sooh is waffling a bit on Lenlo but hasn't read all her posts, Dice started towny but hasn't been active since.


~~That's quite a lot of null/didn't read/this player hasn't said enough yet. Pot Kettle though maybe, I dunno.


Lots of focus on the vote counts.


Asks Pizza if he unvoted Lenlo because Lenlo fought back.




Throws some dirt at Tina...possibly distancing?




Shad using a lot of AtE


Shad's involvement/lack of solidified reads/ and kind of Meh attitude is not what I expect from Town!Shad


Didn't like the fact he voted Pizza without finishing is ISO on Pizza especially since Pizza flipped Town.


Weak poss soft claim.


Pretty certain Shad's a Wolf


Like between Shad/Tina/Nikon I feel very strongly we hit at least 2 wolves.



Red: Is that dirt?  I didn't finish it and still haven't.  Why are you putting words in my mouth??


Blue: I've told you it's not AtE.  Again, if I say I'm busy, I mean it.  I don't want you to "feel bad for me".  Just deal with it.


Green: I gave a very explicit and detailed reason for why I thought Pizza was scum.  If you had read it, you would understand that further content wasn't really that important.  So why didn't you bother reading it?


Orange: You asked me directly if i was scum.  I said no, and you responded to that by voting me.  So I asked what the hell did you want me to say?  Did you want me to soft claim wolf?  That isn't the same as soft claiming wolf.


What exactly makes you town in this game Zander?  Remind me, because I'm starting to forget.



I didnt put words in your mouth at all Shad...the term youre looking for is called an OBSERVATION,


Because you told me OFC its true right.....lolololololol  Dude I mean I didn't do #themathsarehard but like somewhere's I'd guess in the 15% range you have an AtE type post this game.  Im sick, tired. gotta go. playing with Ollie.  Like Im 100% not saying youre lying but the AMOUNT of time YOU feel the need to bring it up and use it differs greatly from any other game Ive played with you in,  Different Meta tends to usually mean.....differently alignment more often then not (Sorry Pizza).imo.


I did read it the problem I have with it is Town!Shad puts a lot of blood sweat and tears into making his reads.  You want to be right and leave little to chance.  I have trouble believing you wouldnt read EVERYTHING before making a judgement in this case.


That's not the attempted soft claim I was hinting at.  Also dont think I was the only person to pick that up either,  So your point here makes no sense.


And as to the last part, what makes me town.....







Ollie gave me a flu today.  Considerate kid.


I'm pretty blllalaagghhhhh from the meds right now, did a quick skim, kind of tempted to call Sooh town just for her quick start.  Got a similar vibe from Dice.  Cory/Pizza/Zander coming in with apparent motivation doesn't mean jack to me at this point.  My brain started melting the further I read and I have to Christmas all day tomorrow too, so I'll hold off and give a full-over from the start hopefully tomorrow night.



I look forward to more.  In relation to me Cory and Pizza.  Any feels on leans at all with any of us?



I think you've been generally looking around more than you do as scum, and I think scum!Zander usually pounces on Dice harder than you did earlier, even if the two of you were team mates.  Cory hasn't done anything to bother me in the slightest.  You can both be D1 town.  I'm entirely null on Pizza so far.








Tina and Lenlo are not w/w. Which is a big deal in a small game if Tina is indeed a wolf which is what is in my soul believes in the weird depths my mind won't venture

Can you explain this?


Cause atm I am suspect of Pizza, but I could see anyone who insta followed him onto me as potential ones for today.


Your main reason for sussing him is that he's reaching in his case about you?



Is that your opinion of Pizza's case on Len or just what you think Len's perception of it is?



I love this question and don't think it crosses scum!Zander's mind most of the time.





Shad lets talk about something else before I call it a night,  Who is your top town and scum read and why?

You're my top town and I think it's shining more here than D1 of NBC because you haven't shown that level of conviction on a single target that you fake so well. I'm kind of torn on Pizza for the reasons I just gave, leery of Tina and Nolder's lack of many thoughts since they've actually read up in the game, would like to see what happens after the Christmas bustle fades before I pass much judgment because god knows I've barely been able to keep up with this game and I'm a lot more dedicated to doing so than most players.
















glgl, I'm actually up to current content and should be able to maintain that pending this flu hitting me like a truck again.




Okay, different question. Again for everyone because this one is important.


What are your two strongest reads? Doesn't matter if it's a wolf read or a village read. What are the two most confident reads you have this game that you'd bet the house on if you had to?


For me, it's Zander villager and BFG villager, but I think I've stated that already.


At this point, Zander and Sooh.




Villa.  >_>





At this point, Zander and Sooh.




What's the difference between Zander this game and say, Zander in Matrix?


What's the difference between Sooh here and Sooh in [iDK game where Sooh was wolf that you read]?



The biggest thing with Zander is where I think he's focused--when I feel like he's looking at everybody and not just pushing a few strong reads to buy a pass, he's usually town.  He got a little better at doing that as Matrix progressed and a few people brought this to his attention, but he certainly didn't in Diablo, and it would be a pretty massive overnight improvement for him to be scum here.


Sooh has a combative attitude as town that I've frankly never seen a hint of in her scum game, and while I think she could learn to fake it to an extent, I don't think she could maintain it this consistently for this long.




I just figured I'd let you answer your own question brother.....



Nice try Wolf....





1) There's nothing to observe because I didn't finish.  You call me out for not showing effort to solve, so I start sharing my notes in progress, and you treat them like I'm drawing hard conclusions, but I'm clearly not there yet.


2) I about told Nynaeve to go f herself in AoL when she wouldn't stop hounding me for my inability to interact in real time.  You scum read me there too, but you were wrong, and I feel like town!Zander ought to remember this.


3) Do you have any idea how many hours I devoted to figuring out Pizza in this game?  I guarantee I put more time into him than you did.  Not hard I suppose if you're scum.


4) If the "softclaim"hint was something other than what you quoted, you had better show it and explain why you quoted what you did.


5) You don't need to remind me that you were my top town read for most of this game. Do I need to remind you that the same was true in Matrix?

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Your not bein a jerk man, your asking me to play the game, its fine.


Ill find some time tonight or tomorrow morning to go through Besies posts to see if she spewed anyone anything and also look at Shad abit. 


I think Nolder is town and I also think if Nikon was scum he either would have been bussed to heck and back by now because of how little he is doing for the scum team, or he would have skipped alot to atleast try and catchup and help make decisions.

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I'm here.

I have a question.


I feel like Tina and Shad need to be resolved before we go any further and look for alternative wolves. Does everyone else feel the same? And is there a reason to slowroll today if we feel that way? I mean, it's not like we can't also discuss this at night and we have a pretty solid town team "on the other side" who can help us analyze further. 

Sorry, thought no one was here so I bailed after a few minutes.


1) I don't necessarily agree that they BOTH have to be resolved before looking for other wolves but it's probably better to lynch one or the other today.


2) No reason to rush. I am also a big believer in giving the lynchee final so I'd personally prefer waiting until Tina has a chance to post.

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I'll tell you what, I think I'm going to [v]Zander[/v].  I know it probably ain't happenin today but that's where I stand.



like what a joke.....from 1st to worst?  over what....Shad you havent even built a case on me....OMGUS me thinks here!!!!



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Nolder can I ask why you're so concerned with 'deep wolves' this game?

I'm not.

I've mentioned it, specifically to Cory, maybe...3 times? 4?


And the only thing I ever said was if there is any deep wolf I think it's you.

I have no issues with your gameplay. I'm not tinfoiling.


I think this is something that Cory maybe failed to grasp and I failed to articulate.

He probably thought I was attacking you when I wasn't.

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I'll tell you what, I think I'm going to [v]Zander[/v].  I know it probably ain't happenin today but that's where I stand.

Yeah... thats not happening at all.



I will have to agree with you brother!!!


There is 0% chance I'm being mislynched this game.  You think this many people are wrong about me Shad especially Cory and Pizza...cause you and I both know thats not the case.  Even in Matrix I had some people suss me like Rack and Pral early on.  But notice in like Nightmare that really didnt occur much or at all...theres a reason why it didnt there and it isnt here I AM TOWN.  And you know this.

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Nolder can I ask why you're so concerned with 'deep wolves' this game?

I'm not.

I've mentioned it, specifically to Cory, maybe...3 times? 4?


And the only thing I ever said was if there is any deep wolf I think it's you.

I have no issues with your gameplay. I'm not tinfoiling.


I think this is something that Cory maybe failed to grasp and I failed to articulate.

He probably thought I was attacking you when I wasn't.


Ok, thanks

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This is what I wrote in notepad. Completely unfinished thoughts. We have to head out again and oh boy oh boy my wife found a cat on a back round an hour ago so I have that to deal with.


I'm only even posting this so you know I really do exist:



Her main argument against Lenlo is the same smudging Dice line that Pizza took, along with a possible TMI about night actions. I don't have time to see which of them suggested it first, but Tina seems to think she did:



Tina -1 Early bad stuff (2 posts) mitigated a bit, possible distancing from Lenlo in progress. But, hey, looking better.

I have no idea what these numbers means but I don´t like your comment about me. You just followed me on Lenlo but think I might be distancing. It seems really weird to me.


and isn't particularly happy about how he handles it. Pizza had picked up on the argument while simultaneously calling Tina scummy for suggesting it. Well, yeah, I can see town being bothered by that.


She reiterates her points on Lenlo, says she had a question for Zander but will have to ask it later, that's about it on to the 27th.


27th she kicks off the game with thoughts on everybody. Reiterates her earlier thoughts about Lenlo but likes #812 and is considering unvoting. Doesn't like that Pizza tunneled Lenlo and didn't understand his unvote. ~~Does she never follow through with why did Pizza call her Lenlo suspicion scummy yet copy it?




I brought up Dices math because to me it seemed like that part of your case on me depended on the fact that I was subtly laying out that Dice was scum so everyone else could lynch him for me.


I brought it up because I wanted to show that was not the case. There were two different convos going on there. One about mechanics and the other, later on, about Dices reactions. During the mechanics talk I wasnt trying to resolve his slot, I was focusing purely on the mechanics because I like to focus on one topic at a time. After that talk, Dice voted me because I annoyed him/wasnt listening to his opinion even though his math was for his logic was horrible. Its at this point that I get into it with Dice, because his vote on me was garbage and at the time he wasnt reacting very well at all.


I did not want our conversation to focus on Dice, I did not want to shift our conversation to Dice, if that is what you thought I was doing. I wanted to reach back to my convo with him and show why I was getting into with him and why I was frustrated with him that I used the bold and caps since that seems to be a good bit of your problem with me.


To be frank, I am quite frustrated with you atm because you go on and on about honesty with posts but from my perspective you seem to be twisting my words. Yeah, I dont compose my posts as much as you, but thats because I dont want to limit what I post. I used to compose my posts, or atleast try to, and it always lead to people saying I was trying to hard to sound town, that everything I said sounded forced or unnatural. So I decided to switch to the other side and just say whats on my mind. Yeah it has its problems, but its less problems than what I did before and the problems also arnt as bad.



Likes Zander and Cory but doesn't give much reason, likes BFG's level of activity but doesn't think she's really following through. Nikon null, doesn't remember my posts, Nolder laying low, hasn't paid attention to Besie, thinks Sooh is waffling a bit on Lenlo but hasn't read all her posts, Dice started towny but hasn't been active since.


~~That's quite a lot of null/didn't read/this player hasn't said enough yet. Pot Kettle though maybe, I dunno.


Lots of focus on the vote counts.


Asks Pizza if he unvoted Lenlo because Lenlo fought back.




Throws some dirt at Tina...possibly distancing?




Shad using a lot of AtE


Shad's involvement/lack of solidified reads/ and kind of Meh attitude is not what I expect from Town!Shad


Didn't like the fact he voted Pizza without finishing is ISO on Pizza especially since Pizza flipped Town.


Weak poss soft claim.


Pretty certain Shad's a Wolf


Like between Shad/Tina/Nikon I feel very strongly we hit at least 2 wolves.



Red: Is that dirt?  I didn't finish it and still haven't.  Why are you putting words in my mouth??


Blue: I've told you it's not AtE.  Again, if I say I'm busy, I mean it.  I don't want you to "feel bad for me".  Just deal with it.


Green: I gave a very explicit and detailed reason for why I thought Pizza was scum.  If you had read it, you would understand that further content wasn't really that important.  So why didn't you bother reading it?


Orange: You asked me directly if i was scum.  I said no, and you responded to that by voting me.  So I asked what the hell did you want me to say?  Did you want me to soft claim wolf?  That isn't the same as soft claiming wolf.


What exactly makes you town in this game Zander?  Remind me, because I'm starting to forget.



I didnt put words in your mouth at all Shad...the term youre looking for is called an OBSERVATION,


Because you told me OFC its true right.....lolololololol  Dude I mean I didn't do #themathsarehard but like somewhere's I'd guess in the 15% range you have an AtE type post this game.  Im sick, tired. gotta go. playing with Ollie.  Like Im 100% not saying youre lying but the AMOUNT of time YOU feel the need to bring it up and use it differs greatly from any other game Ive played with you in,  Different Meta tends to usually mean.....differently alignment more often then not (Sorry Pizza).imo.


I did read it the problem I have with it is Town!Shad puts a lot of blood sweat and tears into making his reads.  You want to be right and leave little to chance.  I have trouble believing you wouldnt read EVERYTHING before making a judgement in this case.


That's not the attempted soft claim I was hinting at.  Also dont think I was the only person to pick that up either,  So your point here makes no sense.


And as to the last part, what makes me town.....







Ollie gave me a flu today.  Considerate kid.


I'm pretty blllalaagghhhhh from the meds right now, did a quick skim, kind of tempted to call Sooh town just for her quick start.  Got a similar vibe from Dice.  Cory/Pizza/Zander coming in with apparent motivation doesn't mean jack to me at this point.  My brain started melting the further I read and I have to Christmas all day tomorrow too, so I'll hold off and give a full-over from the start hopefully tomorrow night.



I look forward to more.  In relation to me Cory and Pizza.  Any feels on leans at all with any of us?



I think you've been generally looking around more than you do as scum, and I think scum!Zander usually pounces on Dice harder than you did earlier, even if the two of you were team mates.  Cory hasn't done anything to bother me in the slightest.  You can both be D1 town.  I'm entirely null on Pizza so far.








Tina and Lenlo are not w/w. Which is a big deal in a small game if Tina is indeed a wolf which is what is in my soul believes in the weird depths my mind won't venture

Can you explain this?


Cause atm I am suspect of Pizza, but I could see anyone who insta followed him onto me as potential ones for today.


Your main reason for sussing him is that he's reaching in his case about you?



Is that your opinion of Pizza's case on Len or just what you think Len's perception of it is?



I love this question and don't think it crosses scum!Zander's mind most of the time.





Shad lets talk about something else before I call it a night,  Who is your top town and scum read and why?

You're my top town and I think it's shining more here than D1 of NBC because you haven't shown that level of conviction on a single target that you fake so well. I'm kind of torn on Pizza for the reasons I just gave, leery of Tina and Nolder's lack of many thoughts since they've actually read up in the game, would like to see what happens after the Christmas bustle fades before I pass much judgment because god knows I've barely been able to keep up with this game and I'm a lot more dedicated to doing so than most players.
















glgl, I'm actually up to current content and should be able to maintain that pending this flu hitting me like a truck again.




Okay, different question. Again for everyone because this one is important.


What are your two strongest reads? Doesn't matter if it's a wolf read or a village read. What are the two most confident reads you have this game that you'd bet the house on if you had to?


For me, it's Zander villager and BFG villager, but I think I've stated that already.


At this point, Zander and Sooh.




Villa.  >_>





At this point, Zander and Sooh.




What's the difference between Zander this game and say, Zander in Matrix?


What's the difference between Sooh here and Sooh in [iDK game where Sooh was wolf that you read]?



The biggest thing with Zander is where I think he's focused--when I feel like he's looking at everybody and not just pushing a few strong reads to buy a pass, he's usually town.  He got a little better at doing that as Matrix progressed and a few people brought this to his attention, but he certainly didn't in Diablo, and it would be a pretty massive overnight improvement for him to be scum here.


Sooh has a combative attitude as town that I've frankly never seen a hint of in her scum game, and while I think she could learn to fake it to an extent, I don't think she could maintain it this consistently for this long.




I just figured I'd let you answer your own question brother.....



Nice try Wolf....




1) There's nothing to observe because I didn't finish.  You call me out for not showing effort to solve, so I start sharing my notes in progress, and you treat them like I'm drawing hard conclusions, but I'm clearly not there yet.


2) I about told Nynaeve to go f herself in AoL when she wouldn't stop hounding me for my inability to interact in real time.  You scum read me there too, but you were wrong, and I feel like town!Zander ought to remember this.


3) Do you have any idea how many hours I devoted to figuring out Pizza in this game?  I guarantee I put more time into him than you did.  Not hard I suppose if you're scum.


4) If the "softclaim"hint was something other than what you quoted, you had better show it and explain why you quoted what you did.


5) You don't need to remind me that you were my top town read for most of this game. Do I need to remind you that the same was true in Matrix?



1) Let me explain it to you this way brother....I feel that Town!Shad doesn't leave any stone unturned and doesn't leave things especially his vote to chance without first evaluating ALL the info available.


2)Town!Zander remember's quite a bit brother hence why I use Meta a lot for my reads and I play much better on DM then away from it, as Im sure Cory, Pizza and Sooh can certainly attest to.  I dont remember ANY GAME that YOU used THIS much AtE in it.  Im not accusing you of lying about your RL stuff man as Ive explained,  its more that YOU feel the need to keep using it to excuse inactivity/involvment and i feel that this is more likely to come from Scum!Shad then Town!Shad.


And its not the real time interaction that Im singling out or even that I mentioned it I think.  Its the involvement and commit level overall.


And if I'm wrong or you feel the need to tell me F Off in Skype after the game and I won't blame you man.  Im going with what I feel because thats how I do things.  Im sorry if this bothers you but you know this is how I play brother.


3) Obv I dont know how much time you put into that read brother.  And you may have even put more time into then i did....but I can guarantee and the proof speaks for itself that I'm putting more effort into this game overall and that's 100% not a knock against you its just the plain and simple truth,


4) Here's the quote I felt was a soft attempt at a soft claim. 


Seriously, don't lynch me.



Cory mentioned he thought he saw it as well.  Ill let him weigh in on if this is the same one or not.  Its subtle but its something that kinda stuck out to me.


5.) lololololol ofc not.  But this is different then Matrix,  Im not playing the same way at all.  Like we'll ask everyone here who played or followed both Matrix and Nightmare and they can weigh in which game my style this game emulates.  Even in Matrix you made comments like Zanders Town but.... or Zander if youre a Wolf you deserve this win....little self doubt posts.  You didnt do that at all here until I started going after you.




You know Im not Scum and I know you are a wolf.



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Nolder can I ask why you're so concerned with 'deep wolves' this game?

I'm not.

I've mentioned it, specifically to Cory, maybe...3 times? 4?


And the only thing I ever said was if there is any deep wolf I think it's you.

I have no issues with your gameplay. I'm not tinfoiling.


I think this is something that Cory maybe failed to grasp and I failed to articulate.

He probably thought I was attacking you when I wasn't.




i dont hate this explanation at all.  Not saying its really alignment indicative for me.  I just like the explanation itself. And if I HAD to guess prolly comes from a Towny minset more often then not over a Scummy one.

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I have a lot of pictures.

Most of which I can't post on DM.

But sometimes I can.



like on a scale of 1 to 10 how horribad is Shad's vote on me?


anyone feel free to answer.




I always like to leave room for trolling.


He's basically thrown in the towel.

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I feel like I should ISO Besie and see what I can find.  BFG your much better at analysis then I am.  Wanna do this with me as well?





I have a lot of pictures.

Most of which I can't post on DM.

But sometimes I can.



like on a scale of 1 to 10 how horribad is Shad's vote on me?


anyone feel free to answer.




I always like to leave room for trolling.


He's basically thrown in the towel.




That right there is GOAT level comment imo


No you know what this right here is a GOAT level post overall!!!!!



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