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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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I'm not worried about the votes on me. I'm not important. Yet another game where I roll Vanilla. If I can find some clues as to who the mafia are before you guys lynch me, I will consider my contribution to the team achieved. Not there yet.


Step 1: Prove that you're town - Failed

Step 2: Find scum - Failed

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jumping right out and claiming that he was a vig straightaway was a bold choice for JS, but he draws a lot of attention to himself like this, i dunno, it just seems like a weird power play to me with no purpose.


and pralaya claiming vig after JS  does two things. casting doubt on JS and also drawing that same attention to himself. it could be a play on pralaya's part in some way. ultimately though i think it casts suspicion on both of them, and they are both certainly coming off that way.


although i think im still leaning towards JS due to him jumping in like that and threatening people. it wasn't a very nice thing to do and wins him no points with me. Pralaya just kinda claims it, and handles the fallout relatively well. im not sure though, either way i think i want to wait and see a little longer.


This post has some interesting insight on Lotad's view of JS.


The way he calls what JS did as a weird power play with 'to him' no purpose makes me feel like they aren't teammates.


He's ok with how Pral handled the fallout, which is null to me. It doesn't say anything about Pral's alignment.

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Oh god, two vigs or we have a c.f.










Oh god, two vigs or we have a c.f.




Why cc? Why not two vigs in the game? :)






Feels like she's trying to egg on some TvT action. If we're CC'ing we'd be voting each other. 




You're kidding, I hope. Thatd not,true, we would have discussion and THEN your vote each other


Nope. If I was counterclaiming someone, my first move would be to vote them. 




But you weren't the person ccing, were you :)


Lots of people will cc as town in order to provide coverage. Others say things like you did to generate conversation. Either way, it does not always necessitate an immediate vote.


But your anxiousness is noted.




But you weren't the person ccing, were you :)


Lots of people will cc as town in order to provide coverage. Others say things like you did to generate conversation. Either way, it does not always necessitate an immediate vote.


But your anxiousness is noted.


I agree. But you were suggesting we Thunderdome. Obviously not meant entirely seriously, but it felt as if you were kind of hoping we would take it seriously. 



And, buddy, I'm not anxious. I'm bored. I'm about to switch to Terraria tbh. Anyone interested in joining me? New update is awesome. 




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Hardclaiming vig. 


Shooting the lowest post count at the EoD. If you want to live, give me more than this 2 posts in 3 days that some people try to get away with. 


Dumb idea. what is it with people and their insistence to read based on post counts? Dont quote cory at me either zander. here the problems with the idea


a) for someone like me I have a 12 hr delay between me posting and the person its aimed at responding. makes real time responding, which builds post counts, impossible


b) its not about QUANTITY it should be about QUALITY of what they post. sili posts towns yet people still cant clear him at times  i can post 5 times sometimnes and people can clear me. its quality you should look for.



Counterpoint to this. I have effectively the same situation you do, being I post after work, when almost no one is on.


Zander 143

Eldrick 135

seph 100

Laine 82

JS 68

Hally 64

Razen, Talya 56

Notbob 47

Heart 41

Lotad 33

dice, Tina 24

Pral 15


And yet I'm almost the top poster in this game.

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Here. :D



I have only read the thread once on my phone so I need to re-read now when I have my laptop. I´m afraid that I mix up many of you and I´m not sure who has said what. 


I would have supported Snow´s "vig the one with lowest post count" a year or two ago but not now. First, I will surely be one of the people with the least posts. As Dice said, I rarely get the opportunity to play in real time so most of my posts are catch up posts. Second, games nowdays seems to get more and more posts. While most people think that is great, it makes it much harder for me to play. The more posts, the harder I get to catch up, which will lead to me posting even less. It´s just how I am. 



Quick thoughts before re-reading:


I was surprised about Snow´s claim and thought it was fake, just a way to get reactions. But then Pral claimed vig as well and that was weird. I don´t remember Pral doing anything out of the ordinary before, but I could of course be wrong about that. As someone said, the way they posted without getting into an argument made me think that they are on a team together. What team? Not sure. 


I saw a post that pointed out x players as town so far. I will see if I can find it on my re-read. When I read it quick it looked really forced. 

I was asked before why I had such a strong read on Tina. I think this played a lot into it. She had basically the same view I did about the vig situation.

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so far? John Snow has been acting odd, claiming vig, and then throwing his vote around, it feels like he's trying to provoke something, and of course him not really defending himself all that well. im honestly leaning towards him a bit, but i'm taking a bit of a wait and see approach. get more of a feel for things you know?



jumping right out and claiming that he was a vig straightaway was a bold choice for JS, but he draws a lot of attention to himself like this, i dunno, it just seems like a weird power play to me with no purpose.


and pralaya claiming vig after JS  does two things. casting doubt on JS and also drawing that same attention to himself. it could be a play on pralaya's part in some way. ultimately though i think it casts suspicion on both of them, and they are both certainly coming off that way.


although i think im still leaning towards JS due to him jumping in like that and threatening people. it wasn't a very nice thing to do and wins him no points with me. Pralaya just kinda claims it, and handles the fallout relatively well. im not sure though, either way i think i want to wait and see a little longer.



im still leaning towards JS, but i i do agree with zander, i think we should wait on JS' answer, if he defends himself poorly, again, then i think we have our answer honestly.






Okay. I have read the whole thread now. The post I thought about was one of Seph´s posts but now that I read it it didn´t look wrong to me at all.


Things that I noticed:


Snow and Pral - yes, it looked coordinated. They claimed vigs 8 minutes appart. I have no idea what to do about them. I can see Snow trying to get reactions from claim and votes but I have no idea what Pral is doing. He definitely looks like he has some information that we haven´t.


Hally - I think her initial reaction was pretty normal. I would have expected some kind of argument from two people claiming that way at first. I wouldn´t say Talya is lock clear but her town reads looks like mine.


Razen - I really like his posting and get a strong town feeling from him. He points out the right things. I like his read on Zander.


Seph - I like his posting as well and think he is pointing out good things.


Eldrick - I don´t know what I think about most of his posts but it was good to point out that Seph said it was an advanced game where it doesn´t say it anywhere. I don´t know if it really says anything about Seph´s alignment but it was good of Eldrick to see it.


Zander - I have a hard time to read Zander. When is he joking? When is he not? Why make a serious vote with a non serious reason? Didn´t like #178 where he said that Snow should worry about not getting himself hanged or something like that. It´s like he is too confident, which I often (but not always) connect with mafia. He questioned my one post like he was doing something meaningful. I also don´t like the post about it being one mafia among Talya/Hally/Snow/Pral. I´m not sure if I´m having a hard time reading Zander and that makes me look at his posts in a certain way but he is the closest thing I have to a mafia read right now.


Laine - seems to defend Zander´s way of posting. Not much else.


LotD - very strange to ask others to fill in and base decisions on that. I get that he want to wait and see but why hope for others to tell him what happend. How could he base decisions on that? Weird.


Dice - after all of what has happened he voted Zander for posting in caps lock? Is it some kind of joke that I don´t get? Felt weird.




[v] Zander [/v]




I´ll be back later.

okay just defending myself on that one, it was a late night, and i was in the middle of studying for my EMT National, i was hoping to get the basics and then, and then later speed read through to formulate my own opinions, it would have made things a little easier on me that late at night, but i probably should have just waited in that case, so again, my apologies. also, i don't know if other people caught my other post once i had finally made my decision, but its there.


lord of the dawn, on 08 Jul 2015 - 01:47 AM, said:

jumping right out and claiming that he was a vig straightaway was a bold choice for JS, but he draws a lot of attention to himself like this, i dunno, it just seems like a weird power play to me with no purpose.


and pralaya claiming vig after JS does two things. casting doubt on JS and also drawing that same attention to himself. it could be a play on pralaya's part in some way. ultimately though i think it casts suspicion on both of them, and they are both certainly coming off that way.


although i think im still leaning towards JS due to him jumping in like that and threatening people. it wasn't a very nice thing to do and wins him no points with me. Pralaya just kinda claims it, and handles the fallout relatively well. im not sure though, either way i think i want to wait and see a little longer.

EDIT: Cut me some slack, it was almost 2 in the morning haha

Warning. I understand foggy brain when playing mafia late at night especially after studying earlier, but please just quote yourself and add things or post separately. Only warning.


Understood, my apologies, it will not happen again. thank you for the warning.









Interesting set-up.  That helped a little but who were the Vigs?  Don't see it listed.






OK...says NK...I took that as scum...good find...I guess...never saw it in any games I've played...plus that game was mainly masons...you suggesting we have more masons than just you and Pralya?



Nothing of that sort. You said "I've never seen mason vig's before." I just was showing you a game where it showed up. I haven't said that Pray and I are masons. 



not good enough



Read better brah. 








I disagree. There are reasons to trust people D1. Not everyone is good enough to pick up on them, but some people are. 


ya but this isn't one of those times.



Not for noobs, it's not. 



try again.


I'm not liking the cryptic and mysterious tone.  You claimed Vig, then asked Heart to trust you because you're crazy like EP.  You're not making any friends by beating around the bush.



I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to win. I'm waiting for a couple of people to show up before I'm explaining everything. 



im not going to lie, this bothers me on multiple levels, all you have done JS, is drop your claim and defend yourself poorly. even if its to try and provoke reactions and start conversation, I dont know if defending yourself poorly is part of your plan, but if it is your succeeding. ive waited to hear some actually valid reasons not to vote against you, and you have not impressed me. granted i havent had much opportunity to contribute my thoughts on the matter, but i honestly think enough is enough, Zander, and others have been pretty cool on giving you multiple opportunities to defend your self, and i have waited and deliberated enough. 


I do apologize, but i think i have my answer after pages and pages of this. 


i [v] vote John Snow[/v]


my only hope is that i am not playing into your hands. which could very well be the case. but well, i will find out i guess, for better or ill. 




@zander whoops, didnt even see your call to action at the bottom, but im personally tired of 22 pages of deliberation on this haha




Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

im not going to lie, this play of yours didn't win any favors, at least with me, and i assume several other people as well. however this does need to be investigated further i think. some of what your saying makes sense, if that was your plan at all. unfortunately, i dont really know you as a player JS, only what ive seen so far. which like i said, doesn't put you in a positive light so all i can really judge you on is what ive seen of you so far, not how you play or what your like in other games or threads. 


ultimately however if what your saying about pral is true, then pral has some answering to do. 


and things suddenly got a little more complicated. le sigh





Anyway, [v]lord of the dawn[/v]


Based on my earlier reads. I don't think his reads are that organic when you look at it. The vote train on JS looks definitely scum driven. 


hey that hurts haha. i was honestly getting tired of his shenanigans. 22 pages  of playing catch up and seeing nothing but him defend himself poorly is enough,  and even with events after, im still wary enough of him to leave my vote there. its hard to see whether or not he's being truthful. and seeing you show up now of all times after this is kinda ridiculous. though i can respect waiting until your done catching up, but i don't think that's the case.


 though you put me in a bad place too, haha, either i leave my vote on JS- look like i'm covering my arse and look like a jerk, take my vote off and put it on you, although warranted, makes me look like i'm hopping on the train and hate voting you at the same time, which i wouldn't be. or take it off and look like im still trying to cover myself, kind of a lose lose situation, but for now, im going to 




and see what else happens, too much has happened to really make a good choice. this situation is just weird in and of itself all in all. so i will continue to wait and see




This LoTD progression on John Snow.


1) his sheeping of me should erase any doubts people have on me imo

2) if it wasnt for the unvote of John I'd consider clearing him.

3) Interesting to note it was Pral's comment that backed him off of John.

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Vote Count


John Snow (2/7): Hallia, NotBob

Dice (1/7): Eldrick

Eldrick (2/7): Razen, Seph

Heart (1/7): Tina

Zander (1/7): Talya

Seph (1/7): Dice


Not voting (4/12): Aiel Heart, Zander, John Snow, and Pralaya



Countdown to end of Day 2: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150716T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+2&font=cursive&swk=1

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I'm not worried about the votes on me. I'm not important. Yet another game where I roll Vanilla. If I can find some clues as to who the mafia are before you guys lynch me, I will consider my contribution to the team achieved. Not there yet.


Step 1: Prove that you're town - Failed

Step 2: Find scum - Failed

*Sigh* I hate it when people do this. Why, Eldrick, why say this now?


If you are basically condemned and your lynch would give people info and you are town, then you pull the "I'm only a vanilla, here are my thoughts, go ahead and lynch me" but even then you should be trying to convince them that your scum reads would be a better option than you.


Until you get to that point, if you are town, you are a town vote and therefore you are important. 


Also, you're not the only one that people always find scummy >.>


I see this kind of play as an appeal to emotion and pulling a martyr card so early makes me feel uneasy. I've seen you do this as town before, but that doesn't make me like it any better.


Ok back to my wall of text...

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Grah. I need to retire from mafia again after this game. I just don't have the mental energy for it like I used to; will simply mod and have fun watching the games from the ceiling. 




This post is still going to be notes based, will do a few ISOs tonight. Speed finishing it before work

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Annoying that these take me so long. Here's part one:



Voted Zander for posting in caps and stayed there because of stubbornness
#250 is the first post I noted by him, and while he didn’t explicitly do any linking or direct hunting on thread, I did like the responses he gave. Similar case with #409.
#679 continues to comment and point out inconsistencies on things, gives what I’ve noticed as a first “solid” read which is being not willing to vote me (he had quoted a Tina ISO of me) and has not given a reason as to why this is yet. I am interested in knowing his reasoning as well, but his “crypticness” isn’t a scum tell for him in my perspective. 
#730 willing to lynch Lotad, Razen or Eldrick
#821 responds to Alanna saying there HAD been a progression for his vote on Lotad
#823 thought Zander had good points on Razen

Ok, dice to me is one of “those players” who has a semi-silent play style and tends to be a little cryptic and such in a way that annoys some people but is just a part of how he plays and gathers information and pushes for reads and he’ll give the information that he feels needs to be shared. He can play successfully that way because he is a competent player. So a lot of the things that others are seeing as scummy I chalk up to his playstyle, and while I’m naturally wary of him, I’d rather vote him for inconsistencies in those posts or some such thing. I haven’t seen anything that creates dice-red-flags for me yet, so I’ll leave him as a town lean.
~Post #981 was strange and needs explanation~
~Am nervous that he’s in many ways tied my fate to his~

 #324 voted dice so he’d contribute more. (dice called this the pot calling the kettle black).
#528 voted Eldrick for the way he voted on Hallia—continued to respond to Eldrick and note things on him on page 33
#646 liked Hallia’s vote on Lotad, implied that Zander was defending him
#649 didn’t like the reasoning for Eldrick’s scum reads
~Note that NotBob has consistently held the “mason WIFOM” against John since at least #653~
#789 voted Lotad for majority vote, still was willing to vote Eldrick. 

Another one of “those players.” Been fairly forthcoming with his reasoning behind his votes and his responses. Also have a town lean.
@Notbob—Reads list? Or at least a WTL list with reasons why?

#38 hard claimed Vig a few posts after John did and doesn’t vote/apply pressure/officially counterclaim
#480 said he was not a full vig so he wasn’t surprised that someone else also claimed vig, and felt ok about John trying to start activity, but did not like John shifting the attention towards him. 
#512 reads list and anecdotes; town/townish NotBob, me, Hallia, Zader, Razen; null/null to townish dice, laine, seph, Tina, Talya, John; leaning scum lotad and eld (this was before they were the two main contenders for scum and that actually helps me feel better about him for some reason…)
#524 had also claimed to gauge John’s reaction
#525 votes Lotad (first vote on lynch train)
page 31 Eld’s vote timing seems suspicious
#832 sees Hallia and John as town

Is a pretty strong town lean at this point. 
Two questions:
1) in #524 you said that you had also claimed to gauge John’s reaction. What did you think of John’s reaction? I don’t recall you explicitly expressing that. 
2) What did you do last night and why? 

From early on didn’t like the two vig claim and insisted that it was a counter claim and kept arguing about why that would be and something about the way she went about that felt off to me. 
#217 votes John for wolfy play
#219 reads list—Lock Clear: Tina—Towny: Eldrick, Zander, Seph, Razen—Null: dice, me, Laine, Lotad, Tina—Scum: John—“Time will tell” on Pral
#365 meant the “lock clear” in a fun light hearted way; detracts and says Talya is simply her strongest town read at this point 
#498 says she’s not the lie detector
#534 votes Lotad

I’ve just been overall not thrilled with her play so far. Her insistance on the counterclaims felt contrived to me, and the lock clear joke clearly confused things. I need to ISO her to look at her more, but I don’t recall one post by her that I’ve liked. 
Additionally, her lynch would be informational, but it’s probably not going to go anywhere today. 
Would like an answer to my last question directed at her. 

Hasn’t liked John since early on, initially thought that Pral’s claim was a joke, contemplated letting the vigs prove themselves, in #240 took Zander’s joke scum reads seriously.
In #444 I’m not thrilled with the way he answered my question, and he also liked Hallia’s reason for saying lock clear (later stated that he still didn’t understand why the town read was so strong). A lot of the other stuff was just parroting or agreeing with what others said. 
#457 also says he’s ok with John’s response but doesn’t unvote
#462 switched vote to Pral and kept on that a while
A lot of defending and vote switching
#578 Reads list—Strong Town: Tina—Town: Razen, Zander, Seph, Heart, Talya—Null to slight town: Hally—Null: Notbob, Lotad, JS—Null to slight scum: Dice, Laine—Scum: Pral (also not overly fond of the reasons his scum reads)
The “I’m just a VT” martyr post he did recently

Also not overly thrilled with his play, but… I don’t know. A lot of his reads and responses, though they may not be the most logical claim, have come through as honest. Idk; get a good feeling from him for some reason. 
Still don’t like that last post. 
@Eldrick—what makes dice the best lynch to you right now?
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Not sure what that was supposed to accomplish. Feeling ok about JS. Feeling better about Pral from recent play. Both are Null right now.


The thing that's bugging me the most is how Dice is handling the reaction to his vote. He doesn't care that we don't like the voteHe isn't reading Zander as scum, but insists on leaving the vote there.



red Guess what? I DONT care that you dont like the vote.


blue I said i dont have him as town. 


Green  Part stubbornness  Im not moving just cause other people want me to move. Part im making a point. Iam REALLY tempted to lynch him over this caps thing cause he goes overboard with it. Part the fact that I dont have him as town. he is a little off. I cant say his done anything scummy but he just doesnt feel the same as usual. His reaction to my vote and even to it staying there have been good


Mind melding...lol


@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?


I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.


I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol


Read AH and work it out.  im not saying anything else



No, what are YOUR reasons for thinking she is town?


Been meaning to ask that.


ok, EOD and this was the vote count:



Official Vote Count


Eldrick (2/8): Alanna, JSnow

Lord of the dawn (8/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya, Razen, NotBob, Seph

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick


Not voting (2/14): Aiel Heart and lord of the dawn


Scene coming up!!! (Sorry it's late... Lost track of time while reading)


I can't believe that all the mafia would be on the LOTD vote.


So narrowing it down,.


Alanna - Lock town and long departed too :-( RIP


JS - his vote on Elderick comes in late in the day, saying there was still an hour left (or words to that effect). Is he really trying to push another lynch is he is wolf with LotD. Could do.


Zander - went over his posts on Razen and I can't see what he was on about, I saw Razen progressing his reads even if he did change them, he showed why. He's posts do seem off a bit. Has totally ignored my vote on him, not sure what to make of that.


Eld - Is all over the place, but he does get lynched for it, I'm leaning town, mainly because some of his post feels honest, but I need to go over stuff again.


Heart - didn't vote at all, I would like to hear why Dice clears her. I did an ISO before, but I need to revisit this.


Seph, is on the table because of his hammer. getting a vote on a wolf bro? Need to look here again.


I'm not sure when end of day is again. Not going to get any ISO's in tonight. Exam is tomorrow so after that should have more time. I'll stick with Zander at present.

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Next one in the BT will be a WoT game.


NotBob - could you give us a list?


A list of?



Groceries?  :rolleyes:  I would like to see your thoughts on all of the players. 


I assume she means a read list, NotBob




@Tina--why me over dice or Zander at this point?

Also, would you rather I have voted when I didn't have time to go through my cases and build a solid one and vote on the person I thought was most likely scum? I didn't have time for that at the time. 


*Rubs hands together* ok, let's see what we can get done before work. 


It doesn´t matter to me if I vote you, Zander or Dice right now. Haven´t seen anything today that makes me change my mind on Zander or Dice. I´ll see about you when you have finished your posting. 


 It was strange that you didn´t have any scum leans at all. In a dl game it´s important to vote. It looked like you didn´t care. And then it was your defense of LotD. 














I still need to read zand, heart, Tina, hallia. But I feel pretty confident in this list!!

Could actually switch notbob and tina.



It would be great to get some comments on the players. I have no idea how you came up with this list. I saw what you wrote about Dice. 




why people scum reading you...clearly you're town here.


How is he clearly town?

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For Tina,


Got lazy from the day off plus not a big fan of early player reads.  Mainly because scum like to use other peoples reads as way to make cases.  Late game we have more of a voting record.  




Dice: Hasn't posted enough...refuses to add commentary even when prodded...plays this way every game...so who knows...null.


AH:  Provides good observations...I've come to value her form of communication...the fact that she didn't vote raises a red flag...null.


Pralaya:  Claimed Vig.  Timing of reveal + logical explanation.  No reason not to believe.


Hallia:  Looks like she picked up on LtoD early...doubt scum busses that early.  Town.


Eldrick.  Scummy behavior is scummy behavior.  


Zander:  Towny one liners that seems some are not getting.  More of a continuation from the last game.  Do not get his case on Razen.


Seph:  Over eager to appear town.  Could go either way...especially with his hammer...null.


Tina:  Same as Hallia above...plus one of you two did the LD soft claim which is always helpful.


Razen:  Mixing it up with Zander.  Seemed town during the exchange.


Talya:  Had a moment there where appeared to offer LtoD a lifeline...smart enough to observe my small commentary on it and make a joke to push it away.  Maybe clever scum.


John Snow:  The combination of the vigs, masons and a vouch for LtoD near DL is enough wifom for me.

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Next one in the BT will be a WoT game.


NotBob - could you give us a list?


A list of?



Groceries?  :rolleyes:  I would like to see your thoughts on all of the players. 


I assume she means a read list, NotBob




@Tina--why me over dice or Zander at this point?

Also, would you rather I have voted when I didn't have time to go through my cases and build a solid one and vote on the person I thought was most likely scum? I didn't have time for that at the time. 


*Rubs hands together* ok, let's see what we can get done before work. 


It doesn´t matter to me if I vote you, Zander or Dice right now. Haven´t seen anything today that makes me change my mind on Zander or Dice. I´ll see about you when you have finished your posting. 


 It was strange that you didn´t have any scum leans at all. In a dl game it´s important to vote. It looked like you didn´t care. And then it was your defense of LotD. 














I still need to read zand, heart, Tina, hallia. But I feel pretty confident in this list!!

Could actually switch notbob and tina.



It would be great to get some comments on the players. I have no idea how you came up with this list. I saw what you wrote about Dice. 




why people scum reading you...clearly you're town here.


How is he clearly town?


Lol, Tina it would be nice if many people in this game would give some reads, with explanations...


I am leaving shortly, so I am going to explain it in a few words. If you want me to go in depth on any I can


seph, on 14 Jul 2015 - 11:49 PM, said:snapback.png













I still need to read zand, heart, Tina, hallia. But I feel pretty confident in this list!!

Could actually switch notbob and tina.

Vote: Eldrick

Laya- After the vig situation was settles, she was one of my best town reads. She gave a accurate reads list, and pushed the lotd lynch, and is lock clear in my book!!

razen- I have explained already, but has a awesome thought process, and is very involved/game solving.

Tayla- I loved her beginning of the game, it followed along with my thoughts on the vigs. Her and alanna's posts through midgame helped make the thread much easier to read, and her interactions with alanna look really good. so +1 Stong town read!!

Notbob- When he is around I have liked what he had to say, and I really loved his posts, more towards Eod.

Tina- I feel like I can put you above notbob. here lately you have been very interactive, and are one of the few helping to push this thread forward, and game solving.

Heart-I have loved the way she has been posting this game, Whenever she is town, she is engaging. Plus I enjoy these short posts, when she is able to keep up with the thread!

and I don't see why people think she is scum?? I know she was one of two who didn't vote at Eod, which is a reason I have her this low.

js- i have already discussed him in detail

zander- need to read still. He early game was fine if I recall correctly, but towards the middle, and end of day 1, his posts started sounding weird and began tunneling on razen.

razen was pushing him with something thin, zander got extremely defensive. and was not involved at eod by voting razen, someone who was not going to be a lynch candidate

dice- explained

eld-He has his weird vibe going for him, but I dislike everything I have seen from him. The vote-jumping, role fishing, and at Eod he WAS here, but was no help to the lynch, and stayed off as one of the unvoted...






@ tayla- I knew I was going to have to deal with that when I hammered. It's fine, but I am here to win this game! this thread has been stagnant since Laine was killed, does this not bug anyone else? I think everyone here needs to give a reads list, and why they have people where they have them. I can iso half of the game, and I bet they haven't talked about half of the players remaining.... it is extremely unhelpful, and if your town, you are just hurting us...

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