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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Vote Count

John Snow (1/8): Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (3/8): Razen, NotBob, Alanna

Lord of the dawn (5/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick

Not voting (2/14): Aiel Heart and lord of the dawn

Countdown to end of Day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1

if this is current, besides me and js. We really need people here! There is only four hours left people!
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I'm here and I will be later if need be.  I don't like that LotD didn't think to place a vote when he was just here, so that definitely counts against him in my opinion.  Need to take a stand, even if it's just to say I'd rather not be lynched so I'll put my vote on the next guy.  He doesn't seem to be fighting it or putting up much of a defense either.  I'm reading back on him now.

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Ugh dm ate my multiquote.

This is from my catch up.

eldrick is a derpy town, he means well, and posts what he thinks which gets him in trouble sometimes, and I usually like it because i think his playstyle is similar to mine in someways, which usually helps me read him. The problem Here, is a am just seeing him as jumpy.


His vote on Hally Was uncalled for, and he only seemed to vote dice after others weighed their opinions on him as well. What really gets me is he votes dice much later, after the conversation. During a post that actually has nothing to do with dice.



Zander, there was a point where someone Asked you who you would rather lynch, Eld or lotd. You respond by talking about js and pral, and it looked like a giant dodge... this is one quote I plan to find again.


Lotd- I don't really remember much, most of his posts seemed like fluff, or fence sitting to me, which is a pretty big scum tell imo.



I still would feel 10x more comfortable lynching snow here!


I am going to iso eld and lotd and place my vote before I head out, unless you all want to come Over to the snow train FTW!

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I'm here and I will be later if need be.  I don't like that LotD didn't think to place a vote when he was just here, so that definitely counts against him in my opinion.  Need to take a stand, even if it's just to say I'd rather not be lynched so I'll put my vote on the next guy.  He doesn't seem to be fighting it or putting up much of a defense either.  I'm reading back on him now.

That does seem pretty odd.

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Revising foe over 7 hours and frazzled.


I want to have the time to go over JS, Zander and a few others before I vote there.


Add to others ref LotD not leaving a vote, hasn't left much of anything really.


Sorry that's all you are going to get tonight, off to bed now. Times for DL usually wrong for me

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Quotes are acting wonky and I don’t have the patience to go back through and edit all of them down just for the parts I want.  So I’m just going to use post & page numbers for now.  I copy-pasted this from my notes, so apologizes for any formatting errors that might result.


p. 12

#222 – apologizes for being busy and asks if he missed anything

#225 – hasn’t caught up on what had happened.

#227 – asks for a rundown of what happened.

#230 – reading through, hasn’t seen anything that stuck out to him at that point.

#232 – I like this observation on John Snow.  Wants to take a wait and see approach towards the dual vig claim at this point.

#235 – Thinks John Snow is more likely than Pralaya at this point due to how they’ve both handled themselves after the claims.


p. 18

#345 – Responds to Tina’s reads post.  Says that in hindsight, he probably should not have asked for a summary and just waited to read through.  Also edits.


p. 22

#432 – Apologizes for the edit.  Votes John Snow because of the way he has handled the claim by stalling and waiting around.

#433 – tired of deliberation around John Snow’s actions


p. 23

#456 – Response to John Snow’s admission that he lied about his initial vig claim.  Doesn’t like the way it played out, but thinks John Snow made a couple of good points.


p. 27

#538 – Responds to Pralaya’s vote on him.  Says he is still wary of John Snow, but feels that Pralaya is putting him in a position where he looks bad no matter what.  Wants to keep waiting and see what happens.

#539 – Responds jokingly to Hallia’s vote on him.


p. 28

#541 – asks for Hallia’s thoughts.

#545 – goes off to put a reads list together

#547 – has an initial list of reads, mostly speculation on John Snow, Zander, and Pralaya.

#548 – says his list needs to be updated.

#555 – his read list.

#557 – responds to Talya’s bringing up of the Mafia wiki.

#559 – grateful for the resource of the wiki.


p. 29

#562 – responds to Zander.  Thinks the vote swing on him is to put him in a bad spot because he seems suspicious.  Says that Pralaya is just as suspicious as he is and feels that his train is an attempt to take pressure off of Pralaya.  Asks for Zander’s opinion on it as well.

#564 – responds to Hallia.  Does not like that Pralaya didn’t say anything until after John Snow claimed.  Skeptical of Pralaya.  Defends himself for asking for the recap by saying he was busy and gave his thoughts in the meantime, while Pralaya was completely silent.

#570 – responds to Seph’s questioning his reads list.  Trying to be funny toward himself.

#572 – can see where Seph is coming from when regarding who Seph wants to lynch.  Understands John Snow, because he shares similar thoughts.  Has a hard time reading Eldrick, and asks for what is unsettling.

#573 – says it’s hard to read people you’ve never played with and don’t know.

#575 – responds to Seph, saying it is his first game in a very long time.


p. 33

#648 – apologizes for being busy.


p. 36

#712 – responds to Talya.  Says that his reference to his vote on John Snow was a joke.

#714 – responds to Talya again.  Again points out the John Snow part was a joke that failed.


p. 39

#771 - a couple thoughts here.  Explains his view on the me/Zander situation.  Doesn't like Eldrick's flip-flopping.  Feels it might be a distraction tactic.  Responds to Tina's question about the joke he'd made earlier.  Then doesn't vote and says he's off to work and not sure if he'll be back before deadline or not.


After going through this, I'm getting much more of a bumbling town read on LotD.  He's trying to ask questions and trying to show how he feels about things.  Reads are progressing somewhat, which is good.  He's also responding when asked to.  I feel like he is resigned to getting lynched today.

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Quotes are acting wonky and I don’t have the patience to go back through and edit all of them down just for the parts I want.  So I’m just going to use post & page numbers for now.  I copy-pasted this from my notes, so apologizes for any formatting errors that might result.


p. 12

#222 – apologizes for being busy and asks if he missed anything

#225 – hasn’t caught up on what had happened.

#227 – asks for a rundown of what happened.

#230 – reading through, hasn’t seen anything that stuck out to him at that point.

#232 – I like this observation on John Snow.  Wants to take a wait and see approach towards the dual vig claim at this point.

#235 – Thinks John Snow is more likely than Pralaya at this point due to how they’ve both handled themselves after the claims.


p. 18

#345 – Responds to Tina’s reads post.  Says that in hindsight, he probably should not have asked for a summary and just waited to read through.  Also edits.


p. 22

#432 – Apologizes for the edit.  Votes John Snow because of the way he has handled the claim by stalling and waiting around.

#433 – tired of deliberation around John Snow’s actions


p. 23

#456 – Response to John Snow’s admission that he lied about his initial vig claim.  Doesn’t like the way it played out, but thinks John Snow made a couple of good points.


p. 27

#538 – Responds to Pralaya’s vote on him.  Says he is still wary of John Snow, but feels that Pralaya is putting him in a position where he looks bad no matter what.  Wants to keep waiting and see what happens.

#539 – Responds jokingly to Hallia’s vote on him.


p. 28

#541 – asks for Hallia’s thoughts.

#545 – goes off to put a reads list together

#547 – has an initial list of reads, mostly speculation on John Snow, Zander, and Pralaya.

#548 – says his list needs to be updated.

#555 – his read list.

#557 – responds to Talya’s bringing up of the Mafia wiki.

#559 – grateful for the resource of the wiki.


p. 29

#562 – responds to Zander.  Thinks the vote swing on him is to put him in a bad spot because he seems suspicious.  Says that Pralaya is just as suspicious as he is and feels that his train is an attempt to take pressure off of Pralaya.  Asks for Zander’s opinion on it as well.

#564 – responds to Hallia.  Does not like that Pralaya didn’t say anything until after John Snow claimed.  Skeptical of Pralaya.  Defends himself for asking for the recap by saying he was busy and gave his thoughts in the meantime, while Pralaya was completely silent.

#570 – responds to Seph’s questioning his reads list.  Trying to be funny toward himself.

#572 – can see where Seph is coming from when regarding who Seph wants to lynch.  Understands John Snow, because he shares similar thoughts.  Has a hard time reading Eldrick, and asks for what is unsettling.

#573 – says it’s hard to read people you’ve never played with and don’t know.

#575 – responds to Seph, saying it is his first game in a very long time.


p. 33

#648 – apologizes for being busy.


p. 36

#712 – responds to Talya.  Says that his reference to his vote on John Snow was a joke.

#714 – responds to Talya again.  Again points out the John Snow part was a joke that failed.


p. 39

#771 - a couple thoughts here.  Explains his view on the me/Zander situation.  Doesn't like Eldrick's flip-flopping.  Feels it might be a distraction tactic.  Responds to Tina's question about the joke he'd made earlier.  Then doesn't vote and says he's off to work and not sure if he'll be back before deadline or not.


After going through this, I'm getting much more of a bumbling town read on LotD.  He's trying to ask questions and trying to show how he feels about things.  Reads are progressing somewhat, which is good.  He's also responding when asked to.  I feel like he is resigned to getting lynched today.

I know dm likes to give new guys a pass, but I don't want to get bit in the button by this. It hasn't happened to me personally, but it worries me.
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All right, so, like I said above, I'm getting more a bumbling town kind of read from LotD.  Some of his posts have been really apologetic in tone, and they come across to me as someone who is out of their depth at the moment and trying to swim their way back to safety.  I don't believe that a scum team would have left one of their members out to dry like that.


With that said, deadline is approaching, and I'm not inspired by what I've seen so far regarding activity.  I'm not liking all the parked 1 vote trains/no votes either. Right now, I'm not seeing how we get to a majority.  I think it will be interesting to see who changes their vote with the deadline approaching and who leaves it parked where it does nothing.  So I am going to unvote, vote: Lord of the Dawn.

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John Snow (1/8): Seph

Pralaya (1/8): John Snow

Eldrick (2/8): NotBob, Alanna

Lord of the dawn (6/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya, razen

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick

Not voting (2/14): heart, lotd, seph, js


This is current I believe.


John snow are you still around?

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I will here notbob.

I have been waiting hours now for js to get back to me. He pops in the thread for the first time in 24 hrs and this is all he has to say...

I need to do some ISO's to see how I feel about everything. 


80% sure dawn's town, I'll ISO to double check. 


[unvote] since Pray lynch isn't a thing. FTR when Pray flips maf I told you so.


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I'm not caught up. I had net issues when I got up, and didn't have time. I checked to see where we are vote-wise just to know how the day is going down, and noticed this post.


He's played bumbling...maybe scum...maybe not...unvote vote LotD...more to ensure majority lynch than anything specific.

This is why I don't like hammer games, and the reason for my early post about it. Voting because you don't want the repercussions of no majority, not because you think he's scum.

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