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Are We Restricted by the Book AS?

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There is something I wanted to clarify, as recently I read an excellent post entitled "Aes Sedai and their Lives" (or something like that) which gave a very good run-down as to why the WT in the books is in the current state it is in. Basically; they keep to themselves, they don't recruit, they don't live up to their Ajah calling (in general). The excellent examples used were: Yellows not having 'healing bases' in various cities, Greens not being in the Borderlands helping to fight the Shadow every day, Reds not trying to heal the taint but only sever men from the Source, Browns keeping to themselves instead of going out and becoming teachers and scientists, etc... And worst of all, no AS are actively recruiting in Randland, though I don't remember if this was ever explained as to why this wasn't happening.


I for one am of the opinion that, excuse me RJ, but I think an organization full of women WOULD be doing this stuff instead of always keeping to themselves and their traditions and not changing. I think RJ kinda screwed the Tower on purpose, but if this was a real organization, it'd be all over the world. It wouldn't just be Eyes-and-Ears networks. It'd be actual AS out in the world making and keeping a presence.


I'm writing this because I've always thought of my character being out actively recruiting, spreading knowledge, Healing, etc (you know, as much as she can do as she is traveling around).


But are we restricted by the position RJ has put the Tower in? Or can my character start speaknig for Reform?


(Also, sorry for any typos, I'm not used to this keyboard).

Edited by Jagen Sedai
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Fairly sure you're allowed to, so to speak, 'do what i want.' Though it may be true that RJ has made the Tower resemble some conservative republican enclave, your character could still have her own personality and perspective on what is right. In truth, part of the fun is to be a little different, so i'd say go ahead and write your character however you want and don't worry too much about what RJ's intentions.

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You are free to do as you will dear, unless Lor or Kat tells you otherwise. Taia and Mia (a blue and a green) are both off hunting darkfriends and Taia spends a lot of her time in the boarderlands. So you are free to do as you will as far as I know. Like I said unless it's been changed since I stepped down. 

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I like a good rebel, go for it!


We operate under the guise that there are probably Sisters in the Tower who are working to fix things that they see wrong, though leading protests in the Hall isn't going to win you any points. Might be fun to try and earn a penance for it, though. ;-)


I think there are Aes Sedai out in the world, even in RJ's writings. We have a Forsaken steak a body from a Brown while she's out researching, so I totally think the Tower is out there as much as these other countries will let them be. I agree, you'd think there would be a clinic in every palace full of Yellows, but maybe that's a political stand RJ took about not giving to much of the power of other governments to the Tower?

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Thanks for the replies.


I have always been under the impression that although many AS do gather at the Tower or in Salidar after the split, that many if not most had been out and about in the world at the time of the Amyrlin's disposal. It makes more sense, and I do seem to recall that being mentioned somewhere.

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Also, remember that the events that happened in the book to make society the way it is did not necessessarily happen in our portal stone world. The major events happen of course, but under different specific circumstances. So it is very possible that the nature of the Tower and the Aes Sedai's approach to life is different here than it is in the books. I suppose that is my long winded way of saying take on the universive Child! We have our own rules and as long as you follow them to the Pit with what the 'books' say.

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Most importantly...copyright. It's not so much that things "may be different" here, it's that they're quite deliberately different.


There's a reason we play in a PSW with alternative names and events rather than faithfully playing out the Book events/circumstances. Being unique, without contravening the essence of the world in which we write, has always been a standing tenet of our PSW RP's.

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