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WELCOME Daruya!!!

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Dar!!!  Yay!!  Welcome to the Band.  Yes, you will fit in even if you don't drink alcohol.  We have Brew Tea, which our previous MG drank lots of. 


Well, I do drink a bit, just very little (and I don't like beer) . . . *ducks and covers head*   :laugh:


psstt.. Bandy is the Cavalry's drink, not the Band's. (It is mighty tasty though, especially if you like the taste of sweaty socks.)


I'm 75% with Nyn though. I don't like beer (but if a high quality pale or apple ale, and icy, I can get through half a bottle). Wine, I like somewhat. I love dessert wine-- gimme the sweet stuff. I don't like dry wine though. 


In general though, I have to drink at least one full glass of water for every drink. Even then, I feel very nasty. I'm pretty sure a chronic sinus infection (I've had one since 2009-- bad enough to bother me, good enough to not warrant operation) impacts things though as even a swallow of wine messes up my sense of balance.


Horn, if you don't mind me saying so, if you have a chronic sinus infection that won't get better and you've had it for this long, get it tested for fungal infection vice bacterial infection.  It might make the world of difference for you! 


I actually had a drink tonight.  An Ultimate Mudslide at TGI Friday (Girl's Night Out for a friend's birthday).  It was scrumptious!


that name looks quite interesting ! :D

what was in that cocktail ?



and Belated Welcome in the Band !!!


I found the TGI Friday Mudslide recipe online:  http://www.food.com/recipe/t-g-i-fridays-mudslide-213528


It's a milkshake with vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream, Kahlua, cream, and chocolate and vanilla ice creams.


It looked something like this but the swirls in my glass went around, not up and down.  It was delicious!





It looks delicious.


*adds a couple of them to the tray she has to carry around*


Welcome to the Band, Daruya!!!


Horn, if you don't mind me saying so, if you have a chronic sinus infection that won't get better and you've had it for this long, get it tested for fungal infection vice bacterial infection.  It might make the world of difference for you! 


I actually had a drink tonight.  An Ultimate Mudslide at TGI Friday (Girl's Night Out for a friend's birthday).  It was scrumptious!


We'll see. I had my first VA appointment today. I'll find out my disability rating in 3-6 months... depending on what kind of health benefits I end up getting, I may have them take a better look at that. Hard to choose what to act on first though... I could see surgery on at least three limbs, so not sure where it will be on the priority list. I hate my sinuses, but I'd rather be able to run if there is ever a hope that surgery might help.


But in related news, I actually had a drink last night. (Since getting married, I've averaged maybe 6-7 drinks per year, usually with 10 or 11 dry months.) We got some delicious blueberry wine from a vineyard for our second or third anniversary, and on the way home after Christmas, it was the first time since that we have passed through during business hours. They had no blueberry wine this year, but they did have a very sweet blackberry wine. Tasty. 


Good luck with your rating.  Some veterans get a rating that actually helps while others get a run-around and concerted downplaying of medical issues.  I hope you get the rating that you need.


You wouldn't happen to have been Navy, would you?  I keep thinking we have spoken before a number of years ago and for some reason I think Navy when I see your name! LOL!  For info, my husband was Navy. We met when he was going through 1st Class Dive School.


I must be thinking of someone else, then. :smile:  Anyway, thank you for your service! 


the alcoholic drink of the Band of the Red Hand!  its a type of Ale i believe.  its yummy.

Apart from the ale part literally every word of this sentence is a lie /shrug


Have some Moroccan 'whiskey' tea instead :) I've become somewhat addicted :happy: (don't worry no whiskey was harmed or diluted in the making of this drink)


*looks seriously at Dar and then takes out pen and notebook*


Tell us about the moment when you decide you would join the band, what tipped you over the edge?


*ponders question seriously*


Well, I was trolling around the SGs and someone mentioned the Newsboys . . . and then I saw more music stuff and . . . well . . . MUSIC!


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