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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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So far the only case on me is from Thane.  And his case is this:


"TG was gone and wasn't able to read the thread.  He saw other people voting me and voted me also, but since he wasn't paying attention he voted after the hammer.  This looked really scummy and I think that he is scum and his scum mates told him to do something that would look really scummy and probably get him lynched.  Because normally the scum team tries to help out their scum mates who are busy with real life stuff by telling them to do stuff that will get them lynched and make the scum team lose."


That is the only case on me so far.  And it is literally the worst case I have ever seen since I started playing mafia.

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I wasn't sure about you at first, since you were so inactive. Thought you were VT, and that you didn't really care about the game. Now, you're active. But you're one of the most experienced players on this site and haven't contributed to the game much, which makes me suspicious of you. You also haven't been defending yourself much, at least until now. 


I wasn't sure about you at first, since you were so inactive. Thought you were VT, and that you didn't really care about the game. Now, you're active. But you're one of the most experienced players on this site and haven't contributed to the game much, which makes me suspicious of you. You also haven't been defending yourself much, at least until now. 


I haven't been defending myself because I don't need to.  And my contributions have centered on the discussion around the potential roles and the likelihood of there being a cop. 


I have also cased T3 a bit in terms of his garbage push on me but I will push him harder today.  It comes down to T3, Tal, and Hallia, which I have already mentioned.  And yes, I will go through and put together more on T3.


I wasn't sure about you at first, since you were so inactive. Thought you were VT, and that you didn't really care about the game. Now, you're active. But you're one of the most experienced players on this site and haven't contributed to the game much, which makes me suspicious of you. You also haven't been defending yourself much, at least until now. 


Today is the first time I have been getting votes.  Explain to me why you think I should have been defending myself previously.


A lot of people thought you were scum, that's why. If someone says that they think I'm scum, I'll acknowledge it. You have not been. 


A lot of people thought you were scum, that's why. If someone says that they think I'm scum, I'll acknowledge it. You have not been. 


Because I'd rather focus on catching scum.  People can sit here and call me scum all they want.  Unless there is actual pressure on me with votes then it isn't worth me wasting my time and everybody else's defending myself and steering the conversation to myself.  A better use of time for everyone is trying to catch scum so I focus there.


Change their minds about what?  If T3, Tal, or Hally is scum how exactly should I defend myself against a scum going after town to "change their mind?"  I can't.  They will keep coming after me nomatter what because they have to lynch me or whoever is the other townie to win.  Right now I appear to be the easiest target. 


As for you and AJ, I'm in the middle of putting together a WoT for T3.  I'll do Hally and Tal after.  They could all be scum but I am already 90% certain it is Hally as GF and T3 as scum. 


I'll have to break this up into multiple posts so here is from T3 replaced in up to page 50:



i'm harder to get rid of than the toughest weed. :tongue:


let's see how long i shall manage this time :ph34r:


Comes in with a joke.


Seeing there are no backups in the game, i kindly get asked to fill for those who asked to be replaced. So, i guess i'll play as long as people need to be replaced :tongue:


on a more serious note:


vote TG


him and BFG i see as scum, i still have to make up mu mind about the others.


Bolded to pay attention to.  He says he will replace in over and over again.  Happily. 


Also, he insta-votes me knowing that I said I'd be back.  Trying to get me lynched before I could defend myself.


We'll see if his claim is solid. I go with Hallia for why he claimed, early day, i'd probably do the same.


Here he is talking about RTE.  Totally believes his claim.


i'll nearly agree with you AJ, except for the fact that Ed (me#3) is town.... so if your suspects would be accurate, scum has been unearthed, and we need to get going on lynching those people.



out of char: and AJ, you have a replacing-people-record?


Here T3 is happy to lynch...well...anybody.  Anybody at all.  Townies want to lynch who they think is scum, not just anybody at all off of other players lists.


I think that Ithi/secondThane was going somewhere with the suspicions about the less active. Seeing she/i were going to go after scum, we got NK'ed. That's my theory. And that's why i'll be going for TG, BFG as suspects, and primary lynch candidates.


T3 continues with his idea that all the scum must be lurking, but then disagrees with himself about the slot he replaced into. 


T3, why do you disagree with yourself?


so... guys. Although i really dig what you both are doing here, i read two townies giving eachother hell.


Shouldn't we focus on the obvious scum and clean out the harder to find after?


T3 likes the town v. town violence?  Really?  Scum like town going after town.  He sets up a future lynch between the two of them while at the same time buddying to try and lynch anybody who isn't active enough to defend themselves.


AJ, i've been following your little interaction a bit. Tsuki feels a bit better from my point of view, and you both seem in quite a discussion. Now, if you're trying to convince eachother, good. But why not go after the most likely scumreads, and fight it out later. We need to get scum lynched, asap, if town wants to have a chance.


Same here.  Wants to setup a lynch between AJ and Tsuki while buddying up for any other lynch now.  Straddling.


Who have we not heard from?


TG and BFG I think are the only two left that haven't been able to verify the Chae kill iirc


and, well... those two need to be lynched.


And here Thane is ready to lynch either myself or BFG.  Scum will often use the tactic of throwing one of their scummates under "suspicion" but avoid actually voting them.  At this point T3 was voting me but hedging by being "suspicious" of others.


....and if you die a 3rd time, you can replace someone else. 


nope, i highly doubt that there's anybody else needing replacement. 3rd times is a charm, they say, but coming in the game 4 times would be ridiculous


Remember the bolded before about how T3 said he'd replace in again?  Now all of a sudden he says "nope".  Why?  Because "4 times would be ridiculous"?  BS.  He obviously is scum and can't replace in again and that is why he changed his tone when directly asked about it. 


Turin caught this and noted the scum slip.


I wouldn't shoot AJ. I think the four players in my reads are more likely to be scum.


We should take the advantage of lynching a scum, use the night to get another, and lynch one more D4. If we play well, this should easily be possible. Should one of my reads turn up town, you can kill me off (again) for a scum move pushing on them. I want town to win, by any means necessary.


T3 now says that we can kill him if he is wrong.  Would a townie, who wants to win the game for town, ever say this?  A townie knows how bad a mislynch would be at this point and yet T3 is busy offering himself up.  Pure scum move to earn town cred.


Well, TG will be absent for some time to come, and i would like to hear from Nikon why he shouldn't be lynched. Both are fine for me too.


Notice here that T3 is voting me.  And he points out that I will be absent for a while but will come back.  Trying to get me lynched before I can return.


Also, he is "fine" with lynching Nikon who he has listed as a scum read but still is voting me.


As posted by Time, TG will not be active untill later. The fact that he was absent before that announcement doesn't become him. Usually he's more active. TG and BFG hiding as scum, that's what i think.


We still have some time, so i'm waiting for Nikon and his explanation.


He still has Nikon under "suspicion" and then....


Thank you, Nikon. Now, if the others would believe you too, then we'd nearly have scum nailed down.


Who are you voting for?


Nikon makes one post and T3 completely changes his tone on him.  Nikon is suddenly being thanked and basically all suspicion is erased.  Drastic switch up.





Part 1 TL;DR - Thane is happy to lynch anyone and throws suspicion all around but parks his vote on me.  Thane also states he will replace as often as he can but then backtracks and says he can't replace anymore.


EdThane3.0: I think the thing about not replacing was a slip. Not only was the post itself weird but his next post where he tried to explain it away even tho no one had commented iirc smacks of guilty conscious.


Thane, Having read your claim I have to say that I don't really like the way it is worded. I just noticed it. Now It may be a language thing. French is your native tongue correct? 


It might also be that you are new. I would not expect to see " I am claiming ________ ". I would expect to see "I am _________ ". I am not sure what to make of that but I do think the other statement I noted was a slip.   


Just quoting these as Thane slipped up twice and Turin caught both of them.




I want to apologize for my lack of motivation in these past couple of days. This game has me pretty exhausted.


Basically the only people I feel I can trust at this point are myself and Dawn, and her only because she has been cleared by the dead LD.


There's 6 left and 2 scum most likely, so if we mislynch today and another NK then it's game over. I can't stop the NK unless we lynch whichever role the mafia has that allows them to block me.


So this is it, basically.


Wasn't Hallia also cleared?


Only somewhat. There are roles that will view innocent to Cops (Mafia Godfather), and considering we haven't seen one turn up yet I wouldn't trust RTE viewing her as 100% - she pinged me A LOT earlier in the game but I have just been totally off so I'm not feeling very confident about any of my reads atm.


Thane3 Part 2 of 2:


So, here, i find BFG's defense a bit insufficient. I think i made myself clear enough why i see BFG as scum. It's too much of a coincidence to me that there are posts coming now, accusing someone who claimed town, while DL draws closer.

She did solve the game though:


RTE - Cop
Tsuki - Vig
Hallia - Viewed
AJ - Doc, LD tested
Turin - LD
Dawn - LD tested
Thane 3 = Little red riding hood, vanilla town



The lower four are scum, you're welcome



Here T3 sheeps BFG but still calls her scum.  Watch what happens to his views in just 3 posts/15 minutes.


my native languages are dutch and german actually, but i worded like that on purpose. A bit before my post, there was another claim. So, going with that trend, the wording made sense to me.


and i think i made a little mistake in my list, sorry about that , but it's not easy posting when your one year old starts screaming. 


RTE - Cop
Tsuki - Vig
Hallia - Viewed
AJ - Doc, LD tested
Dawn - LD tested
Thane 3 = Little red riding hood, vanilla town

Nikon claims town


Seeing i go with the claim, the following four would be the most likely scum


Turin ,  BFG , Talames , TG


In 15 minutes and just a couple posts Thane's views completely switch on Turin and Nikon.  This was the day Nikon was getting heat and T3 is suddenly finding him town and Turin scum.  He still has BFG as scum but never votes her.


Thane 3 IS Little red riding hood, vanilla town


for the fourth time.... and now i will be really angry if i get lynched. Or Nk'd.


Note that it took Thane3 this long to finally answer the LD question (Turin's).  He had been using funny language around it the whole time before this.  Also interesting how he adds "or NK'd" at the end as though it is an afterthought and he realized he needed to add it.


who says that scum cannot have the Lie detector as a way to find out town PR's and NK them anyways? If there is a LD to start with...


WIFOM.  Pure introduction of WIFOM.


the only player that i see could be lying, would be Nikon. But we'd have to wait untill the night to find out. Would mean my original 4 would still be accurate. Nikon, BFG, Talames,TG with some room open for RTE, though i believe his cop claims would be genuine.


Which would also mean that there would be no problem lynching TG or BFG, so why aren't we?


As for the LD, i am unfamiliar with it, so that's why i didn't pick up on any hint about it.


Bolded.  TMI.  Nikon had been getting some heat previous to this and all of a sudden Nikon is back on Thane's list.  But Thane slips here before Nikon flips by noting that Nikon could be the one lying.  How would T3 know this ahead of time?  He couldn't have possibly known if he was actually town.


well done people. Going through the thread nearly made me think there wasn't going to be a lynch. 


I see BFG is STILL going after me. Still think that she and TG are both scum. If there's a 4th one, he/she will be harder to find. We'll have to verify the claims.


Furthermore, @AJ and everybody else questioning my allignment.... Thane is Vanilla Town. Verify that, cop view me, for real. I'm town.


@AJ, i have said BFG and TG were both scum for me for quite some time. That's why i would be happy to see either lynched too.


And now it is night time.  Thane finally clarifies again his LD statement to be extra clear.  The same night Turin is NK'd. 



*Thanks to the Vig for going with me and shooting her.


And, even though he's absent, i do feel that TG is the third scum we can catch. FInding the fourth one will be harder.


vote TG


*no edit so two posts for one message*


Once again, for all his suspicions of other people Thane votes me immediately.  He talks about BFG, Turin, etc, but is always voting me WHILE I'M ABSENT.  This is important because as soon as I come back...


TG would be the most likely scum out there for now. Hence my vote. Do agree with RTE about Talmanes being possible scum (have said so before).


Though, having said that, you know that people have had problems believing your claim, so viewing BFG didn't really clear you... I believe you, but i'm not sure the others will


Still trying to get me lynched here but once Tal and AJ bring up the possibility of RTE fake claiming T3 goes after it immediately.


I can get on board that, but I really wanna find a way to confirm RTE... which is impossible.


lynch him the next day?


Back to back. T3 trying to setup consecutive mislynches which would win the game for his team.


Hey guys, I'm mostly back and can start to contribute.  My IRL stuff kept me out a bit longer than I expected but things are, at least, under control for now so I have a bit of time.  I just PM'd Time back but I'll start catching up now. 
Any help would be appreciated.


I quoted myself here because I came back (I think on page 60) and started playing.  The reason why?  Because as soon as I did T3 constant pushing to lynch me basically disappears.  Once he knows I am here to defend myself he can't really say anything since he has no case on me.  Instead he starts following along with the RTE lynch.


How likely could it be that both cop and rubbertongue are fake claims? The roles go together, after all.... 


Sheeping to avoid attention.


I've been thinking it over, and for me there are 2 possibilities:


RTE is cop, so scum would be TG and Talmanes. TG has always been on my list, and Talmanes could have fakeclaimed rubbertongue to go with the cop role.


RTE is scum, which would mean Hallia would probably be too, seeing RTE's statement about people being scum (post 1249)


If we mislynch, we could be in trouble. Will it really be worth lynching a possible cop?


I dunno..... AJ, would you think that both cop and rubbertongue would be fake if RTE would turn up scum?


T3 coming around to lynching RTE while no longer really attacking me.  He stops attacking me when I can actually defend myself.  Scummy.


for real? Hammer the town cop? Perhaps TG or Tsuki can do it, because i think RTE is a bad lynch.


If RTE flips cop, TG and Talmanes have to go.


Backing off the RTE lynch when it is basically a go.  Distancing from what he knows the flip will be.


Tsuki... NOOOOOOO!!!


cya on  the other side.


We indeed are down to three, but it's either TG, Hallia and Tal. Hallia got viewed, so that's likely town. TG and Talmanes didn't have any confirmation (ok, neither did i but i know i'm VT) so for me those are the two suspects.


We need to get going, we have scum to go after


vote TG.  I'm still not convinced you're town, and the excuse you use for me could well be true for you too. Sticking with the vote from the previous day


And now this is today.  He didn't bother with me for the most part when I was here to defend myself but plants his quick vote here.  His reason for his vote is PoE, not scumhunting.  And his PoE forgets the idea of a GF.


How likely is it that scum doesn't have a GF?  There is no way on earth that they don't given cop+LD+doc+vig+RB.  Only possible balance is GF or framer/redirector/etc etc.  I don't think redirector/bus driver makes sense since RTE did say he viewed BFG the night she was vigged and found a guilty.  If scum had a redirector then they wouldn't have let the outed cop view BFG so easily.  So only other possible role to counteract cop is framer and maybe they guessed wrong.  Either way T3 leaves all of this out completely and votes me once again without a case.


TL;DR on T3 part 2: Slips that Nikon is silvertongue before the flip.  Full Stop.  That alone shows he is scum.




Also, stops pushing my lynch as soon as I can come back to defend myself.  But still leaves his vote parked on my while letting whatever suspicion abounds take him toward lynching RTE.  Also conspicuously avoids mentioning Hally even though we have all discussed GF in thread.


TG: That being said we are down to 3 with T-cubed, Hally, and Tal. Tal could be lying about his claim, Hally could be GF, and T-cubed could be some other mafia PR to even the scales for a cop.


so, here, i could be some mafia PR....



TG: As for you and AJ, I'm in the middle of putting together a WoT for T3. I'll do Hally and Tal after. They could all be scum but I am already 90% certain it is Hally as GF and T3 as scum.


And here, i am simple scum....



TG: I have also cased T3 a bit in terms of his garbage push on me but I will push him harder today. It comes down to T3, Tal, and Hallia, which I have already mentioned. And yes, I will go through and put together more on T3.


Why are you pushing a claimed VT and not the GF then? Why, if you agree with me that Tal could be lying about his claim, and you claim multiple times that Hallia is GF, do you go after me? It doesn't make any sense to me.


If you don’t get the fact that I’ve been joking about replacing people, you’re really looking for an excuse. So, either vote me, or one of the other ones.


If we both are VT, i know i am, then you should go after the other two, and not me. Tunnelvision, if you ask me. You look like you're desperately trying to get the attention on me....


1)Also, stops pushing my lynch as soon as I can come back to defend myself.  2)But still leaves his vote parked on my while letting whatever suspicion abounds take him toward lynching RTE. 3) Also conspicuously avoids mentioning Hally even though we have all discussed GF in thread.

1) explained above, 2) i think i was very clear about not wanting to lych RTE..... what are you talking about? 3) Hallia was been viewed as town, so.. she's lower on my list than you and Talmanes. I already explained that before.



TG: That being said we are down to 3 with T-cubed, Hally, and Tal. Tal could be lying about his claim, Hally could be GF, and T-cubed could be some other mafia PR to even the scales for a cop.


so, here, i could be some mafia PR....



TG: As for you and AJ, I'm in the middle of putting together a WoT for T3. I'll do Hally and Tal after. They could all be scum but I am already 90% certain it is Hally as GF and T3 as scum.


And here, i am simple scum....



TG: I have also cased T3 a bit in terms of his garbage push on me but I will push him harder today. It comes down to T3, Tal, and Hallia, which I have already mentioned. And yes, I will go through and put together more on T3.


Why are you pushing a claimed VT and not the GF then? Why, if you agree with me that Tal could be lying about his claim, and you claim multiple times that Hallia is GF, do you go after me? It doesn't make any sense to me.


If you don’t get the fact that I’ve been joking about replacing people, you’re really looking for an excuse. So, either vote me, or one of the other ones.


If we both are VT, i know i am, then you should go after the other two, and not me. Tunnelvision, if you ask me. You look like you're desperately trying to get the attention on me....



1) You could be a PR.


2) Even if you were a PR, you would still be scum.  You are resorting to semantics here which doesn't look good.


3) I'm not claiming Hally is GF.  I'm saying she could be.  I will ISO her just like I did you.  And I will do the same to Tal who is claimed RT.  I'm not tunneling on you, I just happened to start with you. 


4) I'm not voting you yet because I haven't been able to ISO Hally and Tal yet.  I want to be careful with my vote and not give scum a chance by jumping the gun and being wrong.


so.... let me get this in a nutshell:


you say you are VT.... i KNOW i am.... that leaves two.


no need to iso, we need to lynch.




TG, AJ, Dawn: between Hallia and Talmanes, who"s most likely? For me, Talmanes fake claimed.


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