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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Thane/Ithi just flipped as a RBer so they could have very well blocked the NK from the mafia team and Thane2 was killed by someone else. Or mafia could have shot where the Doc protected, etc. There are several possibilities. I think whoever killed Chae needs to come forward and confirm if they shot Ithi as well. If so then scum either was blocked or hit the Doc protect.


Read the lynch scene again, genius. "Her heart crumbled...". The vig/SK used an arrow. The Queen takes hearts.


Meh - didn't read the scene, just looked at who died.


Okay, so the Vig was probably a 1x shot then if they didn't shoot last Night. Last Time game I played in I actually rolled as the Vig and was 1x (sorry to game you here Time :wub:) so I think that would fit.


That still doesn't explain how you tried to immediately turn that onto RTE and then once he claimed Cop you quickly backed off. Who did you actually mean - and what exactly were you trying to say? That the scum NK'd the same person they were pushing in thread?

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Tsuki - Town

Hallia - Town

Turin - Town

RTE - Town

AJ - Town



Dawn - Scum

Nikon - Scum

TG - Scum

BFG - Scum

Talmanes - Scum

Ed - Scum


These are my reads. The closer you are to the top of the list, the more confident I am of my read.

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That still doesn't explain how you tried to immediately turn that onto RTE and then once he claimed Cop you quickly backed off. Who did you actually mean - and what exactly were you trying to say? That the scum NK'd the same person they were pushing in thread?



I did not back off because he claimed cop. I backed off because I had thought he was YOU, badgering the hell out of Ithi the day before. I posted in haste, wrongly, because, as you said, I thought those pushing on Ithi implicated themselves. It's not an excuse, but I was in a hurry, distracted, and made a mistake.

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So you meant to vote me? What's stopping you now?


Yep, I pushed Ithi. I pushed Thane1, I pushed RTE and, I pushed Hallia. I have pushed a lot of players that apparently are or have flipped town. That doesn't make me scum by any means, it just means that scum is hiding and letting me and others rip the Town apart while they just ease the wagons along.

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Your snarkiness is noted, AJ :tongue:




Sorry if I'm coming across harsh - I'm just an intense player at times. It's nothing personal, I just play to win is all and expect others to as well.

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Can we please get the lists in the correct format? 


Turin is town.  not Turin-town or Turin: town 



I don't like the way RTE claimed I also don't like that he would be a cop and "forget" to submit on N1. I still want my answers and I  want his character claim.


AJ are you backing off Hallia because you believe RTE?  



Hopefully everyone else will join the party today. Specifically Ed and TG.  


I am off to bed now, early day tomorrow.

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Unfortunately yes. Cleared townies also don't tend to live very long, so we'll see.


I can buy the missed N1 action, he did make some weird comments about it on thread when it happened and I really don't see putting that much work in for a future fake claim.


I'm interested to see who is gonna vote where today now that the presumably top 2 suspects have been taken off the table.

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Can we please get the lists in the correct format? 


Turin is town.  not Turin-town or Turin: town 

Nit-pick much?? I fail to see the difference. I gave you a list, organized from top to bottom, of every player, with no qualifiers and no hedging or nulls - and you pick because people have individual style?

Now you come across as attempting to dominate the other players. Revising MY list.


Tsuki - Town

Hallia - Town

RTE - Town

AJ - Town

Turin - Town


Dawn - Scum

Nikon - Scum

TG - Scum

BFG - Scum

Talmanes - Scum

Ed - Scum


These are my reads. The closer you are to the top of the list, the more confident I am of my read.

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dawnflower8 is scum
 Nikon is town
RTE is town
TGlems is scum
Turin is town
AJ  is scum/town (AFLRFKWFJ I don't know.  You still seem scummy to me.  But at the same time I want so badly for you to be town.)
ed is scum
Hallia is town
Talmanes is scum
BFG is scum
Tsukibana is town



Is ed still playing? I don't recall seeing any recent posts of his.

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Talmanes' ISO for your viewing pleasure.





So far a few people have been a bit too candid for my taste but it is day one so eh.
Wall of text posts do annoy the crap out of me, so I'm tempted to vote Nikon just for that.
Plus I just realized Ed is in this game and so I'm really tempted to vote for him (can't trust someone with that many clones) I figure I'll at least let him check in though first.

There's a few little things that stick out to me here and there, but there is no way I'm going to try to do quotes and such on my phone, so later tonight when I can get to a computer I'll post a bit more.

But afterall it is Day One, and we don't have a deadline, and hell we haven't even had everyone check in yet, so I'm not ready to get all lynch happy anyway. First I want to see how everything plays out.


Mentions Nikon's WoT that he posted early on as an annoyance. Says otherwise it's still early in the game and not much to go on - nothing really to see here. The mention of Nikon is worth keeping in mind possibly.


Okay so Multiquote is not working for me for some reason, so bear with me here.
My thoughts so far:
AJ: What stuck out to me is that on two separate occasions he posted suggesting that BFG is Town. It just seems odd to reiterate this, and could be trying to hide BFG for some reason.
Dawn: The random vote for RTE with no joke or reason stuck out to me, because he already had a few votes, and it seemed like a bandwagon based on its lack or reasoning.
Thane: He voted for RTE after Dawn, but all of a sudden switches his vote to her saying he was only jokevoting RTE, and asking what she was doing. I agree that Dawn's vote stuck out, but why didn't Thane mention this before instead of adding his vote to the pile? Doesn't add up to me.
Nikon: Firstly, Wall of Text (especially this early) seemed unnecessary. This on itself is more annoying than anything, but he got very defensive when called out on the post. On Day 1 I really don't see why he was that defensive.
Tina: She pointed out that Thane seemed to be bandwagoning and voted for him, but said nothing about Dawn's lack of reasoning, whereas Thane's post had more of the sound of a jokevote.
Basel: I do realize people like to help newbies, but the newbie card always sticks out to me when played, and in this case it wasn't even played by the person being said to be a newbie.
Hallia: mentioned that AJ is probably Town.

I know there is a lot there, and believe me the last thing I want is a Wall of Text. This is the first time I was on my computer today though versus my phone, and so I had some time to analyze everything, and even though it is Day 1, we starting to have enough posts to go on in my opinion.

Right now AJ and Thane are at the top of my radar, but I'll stick with my jokevote for now, until the game has gone on a bit longer.

Night all, and please no Walls of Text that I have to read tomorrow on my phone :P


Has Thane1 (flipped town) and AJ as his top reads at this point in the game. His main issue is that I have mentioned town and BFG. Is this TMI on his part or a legit suspicion? Not really sure. Could be him thinking I already know what BFG is, which makes him not-mafia. Not necessarily town, either. He also points out how Hallia says that I am probably town. Points out Tina (vetted town) and Nikon as well.


@Ed - Yeah I keep really busy, and foot surgeries? That's gotta be fun. Going crazy from boredom yet?

@Thane - Like I said in my post, your actions stuck out to me, so I posted it. You'll notice I mentioned Dawn's vote stuck out to me, and also Tina's calling you out. I work to be very objective when I play.
I don't generally look for deeper reasons for Day 1 votes if they seem like joke votes, but I've also played enough games to know that the Mafia will use Day 1 if they can.


This post actually sounds pretty townie.


@AJ - It simply stuck out to me that you mentioned her and Town twice like that. Day 1 there isn't always a lot to go on, so I look for things like that. Worst case scenario you're trying to pull any suspicion from her, best case scenario you're making general Day 1 comments.

For Day 1 it is enough to get you on my radar, but as I said I'm not quite ready to put a real vote in.


Pretty valid observation here.


It's good to see people getting back to content. I realize it is still Day 1 but it both annoys me and gets almost suspicious when the game thread starts to derail.

I'm still looking at Thane and AJ for reasons aforementioned, but am adding RTE to my watch list.

RTE - Has posted a fair amount but not contributed much at all. Lots of erratic posts that don't really lean toward any solid ideas. The quick vote/unvote on AJ sticks out to me as well, because I think we are a little past jokevotes and I really don't see any merit to doing that. As it has been pointed out RTE didn't react much at all to bring voted for, but then tries to cast suspicion all of a sudden voting, then immediately unvoting. Doesn't add up, and does not look good in my opinion.


Talks about RTE looking scummy here who is now the claimed Cop. Can't generally knock him too much for it though, RTE pinged me a lot too.


@Mentions that I'm not being very active, I am very busy, and have been checking in but no one was posting too much so I didn't feel the need to add anything.
The game is getting a bit more active now it would appear, as well as we now have a deadline, meaning we need to speed things up.

Chae (1/9): Hallia
Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, AJ
ed (1/9): Talmanes
Thane (2/9): Tina, Basel
Talmanes (1/9): ed
AJ (1/9): RTE

Here is the most current Vote Count:
Chae - Didn't stick out too much to me.
Basel - His defense did stick out, but I've also played with him before and it wasn't out of his meta.
Ed - My vote's placeholder.
Thane - On my watchlist as mentioned, and has given me plenty of pings for D1.
Talmanes - Generally assuming jokevote by Ed, but who knows, he's crazy.
AJ - Also on my watch list, but not sticking out as much as Thane.

In the interest of getting closer to a majority, and because I may not be as active for the rest of the week due to working, I will go ahead and Vote Thane

At this point he seems like the best option. He's been the highest on my watchlist and is also closest to majority.


Votes Thane in this post. Says he was on his watch list anyway and is also the closest to majority. Thane1 is vetted town at this point, so this is a strike.


@AJ, why are you so confident that Dice is Town?


Questions my town read on Dice. Again, points to him being not-mafia. I'm thinking he probably suspected me as being mafia for mentioning several players being town at this point. It's a pretty townie way to analyze and likely assures he isn't mafia.


Fair enough, just curious. Like I said I've played enough games on both sides that it sticks out a bit to me when people are sure others are Town. It could well be genuine, but there is always the possibility of a cover.

I would like to add that, in the interest of reaching a majority before deadline, and in keeping the game active, if we don't have an agreement I would be fine with voting for Ice, as I checked and did not see any posts whatsoever (unless I missed something).
If they aren't going to post, then they don't do us much good.


Brings up voting Ice here for being inactive, who has now been replaced with Turin and who I am pretty confident is also town. Pushing this at this point in the game definitely pinged for me. I'll count this as another negative strike.


Oh Ithi you are going to make this interesting aren't you? Haha.


@Hallia and AJ - The only reason I am willing to vote the inactive is because I prefer an active game, and I like to look at worst case scenarios. Worst case scenario, Ice ends up getting Mod Killed for inactivity where I assume we would not get a coroner report. Considering it is Day 1, I would rather vote the person not posting at all than switch my vote to someone I don't find suspicious just to get a majority.

You can read that as you will, but that has always been my thoughts in Mafia Games. You aren't posting, you aren't helpful.


Justifies his rationale for wanting to lynch Ice on D1, I can agree somewhat in a general sense about disliking inactive players but at this point in the game I didn't see it as a very good idea.


@Chaelca from pages ago. I've posted my thoughts on everyone since the beginning of the game. You can consider that nudging, I consider it analyzation. And I really do not see  how I am buddying up with Ithi. I for one simply realized what she was doing from the start, and assumed it would make things interesting, which it most certainly did. Not only that but it worked.

With everything so far, my original prime suspects (AJ and Thane) seem even more so suspicious.

AJ - The way he has been posting (especially in response to Ithi) has been ridiculous. Mafia is a game of wills, but it should never be personal. I also really cannot see him getting that worked up unless he had something to worry about.

Thane - Has looked bad to me pretty much the entire time, and the recent posts have not helped at all. Content to keep my vote here, but rest assured, in all likelihood I'll be looking toward AJ D2.


Also like to note: Dawn - Gave me some reason for suspicion before, but the posts lately have brought her much higher on my list. Got very wrapped up with AJ and Thane, and when things went sour began pulling the newb card majorly to try and look innocent. I don't buy it, not want bit. Definitely on my list.


We need a majority pretty soon, and I'm sticking with Thane for now as I said. After all that has happened we will definitely have much more to look for on D2, but for now meeting our deadline is the most important in my opinion.


Responds to Chae here after she voices some suspicion of him. Could point to her potential killer, nothing solid though. Still has both me and Thane1 as his top suspects, also voices some doubt about Dawn and her playing confused after attention turned her way. Again a pretty legitimate point.


@Dawn - You posted saying you were very confused about teams and such in response to people questioning you and looking at you in.a negative way. To me, that is playing the New card. Things weren't going your way so you said you didn't understand.

@Nikon - Thane was always on my list, and we also need a majority. The wmtwo go well together. We may not be minutes away, but we are only hours away from the deadline. We need a majority vote, and I think Thane is scum.


Remains confident Thane is scum and that he wants to keep his vote there, fair enough. Responds to Dawn as well. Overall seems like a pretty solid explanation.


My break at work is over and I won't be able to check in again until after the DL, so I'm keeping my vote where it is.


Says he'll miss DL and keeps his vote on Thane. Could go either way on this one.


Well we have a Town down, can't say I agreed with the lynch, but what is done is done. Let's see what the night brings and continue on with D3.


Mentions the Basel lynch and how he didn't agree with it. The mention of seeing what the Night brings kind of pings though considering Chae turned up dead the next morning.


The heart thing is definitely Regina, so that would have been the Mafia NK.

The arrow means the Huntsman, but the question is, is he a Vigilante or Serial Killer.

I'm pretty sure he dies in Season 1 of the show, but he was working for Regina. That being said, he also doesn't kill Snow White and sort of betrays Regina which is why she kills him.

(Yes, not ashamed, I watched the first [and second I think] season of the show)

I'm not a big fan of having a Vig in the game, especially since they killed a Town, but a SK would be even worse.

I'm going to go back and look for anything that points to who might be the Vig/SK, and also analyze anything that would point to who is Mafia based on their kill.


I just got off a long shift and it is almost 1am my time, so no promises that I'll post again tonight. Just depends on how long I stay awake.

AJ is right though, 9/4 isn't a death sentence, but it isn't good either. We need a Mafia lynch today to get things headed back in the right direction.


Offers his opinion on the Vig/SK debate. Definitely leaning in the SK direction from what I gather, says he is going to look back to see if anything points to anyone but I don't remember a follow up on this. This could be him monologuing about his kill - something similar that I did when I rolled SK in a recent game. Kind of inconclusive, and looking at it objectively just because it's something I did as a particular role doesn't mean that Tal would. Something I'm going to keep in mind though.


Still here just been too tired from working all weekend to really get on here. Reread a bit tonight and will post in the morning.


Not much here - promises later content.


My damn phone just deleted an entirely typed post before I could submit it, so that's lovely, but let's try this again.


For one, I don't know why everyone is just assuming Vig over SK. Most people don't seem too familiar with the show, but are still happy to use a basic wiki and go from there. The Vig/SK is definitely the Huntsman based on the scene, and I'm really leaning SK. Yes the Huntsman does not kill Snow White when told, but he is also under the control of the Evil Queen and for the most part does her bidding. He is defintiely not the type of character to kill because he wants to. That being said, I don't know how close this game's roles are going to rely on the show. The things though is that no one had any huge suspicions on Chae D1. This leads more toward SK than Vig, because a Vig would take out someone they thought was scum, not just kill someone and try to stay hidden like a SK would.


Today though the one really sticking out to me is AJ. Throughout D1 AJ and Thane defended each other, and definitely seemed to be working together to me. Today, AJ seems to have completely flipped and is saying Thane is one of his highest Mafia reads. He then did not vote Thane until he was pressed to do so, and even then he seems to just be trying to get anyoen but himself lynched (that at least is understandable). The whole thing with Thane makes me think that AJ knows he'll flip Mafia, because they both are. Turning on someone like that but seeming hesitant to actually vote them makes me think they are on a scum team, and decided that since it looked like one of them was going to die, they would go against each other so the living one would be cleared.


All that being said, I'm going to Vote AJ


More talk on the SK. Says that from the scene the killer was definitely the Huntsman (TMI?) and further goes on to say that the killer is more likely a SK than a Vig. If we don't get a claim pretty soon then I might start seriously considering that Tal is the SK and kind of admitting it here in a roundabout fashion. Again, I'm projecting my meta in this case, but generally him talking about it like this lends to the idea that he may have knowledge on the matter that others don't. He votes for me here, solidifies the Thane1/AJ scum team angle. This was also the last post we have from him. Definitely would like to see more.





Overall Tal looks pretty solid with the things he has pointed out. All of them could be seen as legitimate pings from a townie perspective, so my read as him being mafia has diminished a bit. I've also never played with him so I'm not familiar with his level of play. He seems pretty objective with his points, which I generally would consider a good sign. The biggest knock I have on him currently is that he seems to know more about the Chae kill than others - him also being confident of the presence of a SK instead of a Vig definitely pings.


I'm somewhat confident in saying that I don't think Tal is mafia, but I certainly wouldn't rule out that he could be the SK based on some of the things he has said about it. He seems to have a bit more knowledge about it than a player should.


Having a RBer as Town also kind of reaffirms that there could be someone anti-Town with an extra kill. Ithi's role was likely put in here to help control the SK and the death rate of the game.


Would be good as a later lynch once he starts to get involved again so I can get a more solid read and we have lynched a few mafia players. I would say he is either town or the SK. Unfortunately, by lynching him at this point in the game it helps the mafia team get closer to victory because although he doesn't count towards their numbers, having him removed still brings them closer to majority.

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Gonna be doing a few others when I get more time tomorrow. I think I'm running out of time to spend on DM tonight - I keep getting the stink eye from my girlfriend :tongue:


Dawn and BFG will probably be next.


For now I'm going to unvote and vote TG as I think he's much more likely to be mafia and we need to take a few of them out to really get control of the game again.

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I apologize for my lack of posting lately, but as I've stated before, I work two jobs and am in college. I also have finals coming up and a final project each of my classes so I've been quite busy. That being said, if I can't get my posting up, I'll ask for a replacement. I'd rather not have to do that, but I'll see how much time I can manage on here.


I've been trying to make sure I at least keep up on reading the thread as much as I can, and off the top of my head these are the things that stick out:


Nikon's hammer vote which he seemed to not realize was the hammer vote looked bad, but TG's after hammer vote looked even worse. I realize he is also have IRL time issues, but I would think that he would at least read the thread a little before voting.


Dawn continues to ping me with her complete cluelessness on everything. She has let herself be led around for the most part, and the fact that she didn't even seem to know that Turin replaced Dice? Is she paying no attention at all?


The RTE claim/clearing of Hallia definitely interests me. Based on his prior comments the claim seems plausible, but is also convenient seeing as Hallia seemed to be a popular lynch candidate for today. I find it curious he didn't claim a character, and would be interested to here who he says he is.


Also in the area of just plain not reading (or conveniently claiming not to), AJ calls out for the Vig to out themselves based on his theory that they killed Thane2, when the scene makes it blatantly clear that it was a Mafia kill not a Vig kill. On this I could be wrong, but I believe AJ before said that it was a scum move to try to get the Vig to reveal themselves. I'm also interested as to why me being away for a bit apparently moves me to the top of his list, seems a bit reaching to me.


Tsuki hasn't hit me too much either way but his recent response to being asked for a list by Turin I find interesting. Either he is missing the obvious, or has something to be worried about.

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Looks like there were more posts while I was typing.

@AJ - Like I said in my posts, I watch the show, and I've based my thoughts on Vig/SK off of a mix of my knowledge of the show and the scene which previously made me lean toward SK. I do agree though that the fact that we did not have an extra kill N2 makes it much more likely it was a one time Vig kill. It still could be either, but I assure you, I'm not a Serial Killer or Vigilante.


I post my thoughts and what sticks out to me. I'm very obviously not always right, as not all my calls turned out to be accurate, but no one is perfect.


I should have a little more time tomorrow and Thursday in the morning between classes, so I will check back in at that time. Right now though, I'm going to sleep.

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Tsuki hasn't hit me too much either way but his recent response to being asked for a list by Turin I find interesting. Either he is missing the obvious, or has something to be worried about.


Please explain what obviousness I am missing, or what I have to be worried about if I WERE to type "Turin is Town" as opposed to "Turin - Town"?? Oh yeah, deep secrets revealed in that one word.

I find his nitpicking to be a drive towards dominance. Scum tries to control and guide town - whinging about the format of the lists, as if anyone is obligated to actually do it how he wants, pings hard enough

that he is now at the bottom of my town reads.

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Tsuki hasn't hit me too much either way but his recent response to being asked for a list by Turin I find interesting. Either he is missing the obvious, or has something to be worried about.

Please explain what obviousness I am missing, or what I have to be worried about if I WERE to type "Turin is Town" as opposed to "Turin - Town"?? Oh yeah, deep secrets revealed in that one word.

I find his nitpicking to be a drive towards dominance. Scum tries to control and guide town - whinging about the format of the lists, as if anyone is obligated to actually do it how he wants, pings hard enough

that he is now at the bottom of my town reads.

Is there a town reason to not make the statement as requested? If you think I am mafia it is fine, just say so. If you think I am town and have made a simple request numerous times maybe there is a reason for it and maybe you don't need to know that reason at this time.


If you think I am town, and you are town, you would want to assist me in any way possible to help solve the game. That you apparently would rather whinge about why it is important instead of just complying reinforces my opinion that you are most likely mafia.


I still am not sold on RTEs claim. Too early to reveal and only give out an innocent view IMO. I also still want to know what character he is claiming. I think that is quite likely the topic of discussion on the QT right now.


Which then casts doubt on hallia. Who has only claimed a character and nothing else. She still hasn't been able to produce her list either.


Simple request. A properly formatted list of all players stating clearly who is mafia and who is town. None of these three have been able to produce said list. I am therefore suspicious of all three.

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