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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Could have sworn I posted this before salsa :dry: anyways, I'll post this and then continue from page 31 wish, I also need to get stuck into the Tsuki/Thane/AJ/Turin thing.


I'm betting on an AJ/Thane team.  AJ pushed Basel pretty hard D1, and then dropped this little gem:



Dice is town.

Soul read.


I'm gonna look back at Thane but in general nothing of his really stood out, I don't invest a lot of value in vote swapping D1.

Funny, Dice was the N1 kill, so this would ordinarily make AJ seem townish.  He then tries to say nothing stood out, but promises to look back at him.


voting inactivity on D1 is low.. even mentioning it would seem like wanting to lynch a possible townie. One less for scum to have to NK. We should focus more on the people that are actully around and let the mod decide inactivity and it's consequences.


If the only reason people read me scummy is my changing of votes.... wow... it has gotten people to talk, and i wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the fact that i want people to be more active. You can't tell scum if the game is not active.


That said, i get the feeling Basel wants to get the lynchtrain going on me.... feel like i'm being singled out here. He already was on my possible scumlist, there's a deadline and we need to get going in the game. His actions just made me make a decision.


vote Basel

Thane is all to happy to join him on Basel.


What's different this time about the bolded. Does this mean your read is coming from somewhere else? If so where?



BFG, you said that AJ started the RTE train but Chae was the first to vote RTE. Is it the second vote that makes it a train?

Second or third, depends on the reasoning behind the votes.




Yes I think Dice was the mafia kill. I pointed this out earlier with the differences in the cut scenes. Chae's death sounds very much like a Vig compared to Dice.


Dice could've been killed to make me look bad, that's possible. Not putting a ton of weight in it though. I read him correctly as town, his top 3 were me, Thane and Dawn. I think his kill came more so from the confidence of his posting style. This is bordering meta territory but I think someone on the scum team saw Dice's confidence and thought perhaps he was a PR.


Oh yes. I had forgotten the flavor of the night scene. Yes the heart removal is very much the action of the evil queen (from the wiki)


IIRC the other kill was basically that Chae was shot with an arrow. Do you think that Chae was more likely a vig kill or a SK? I read her as more middle of the pack and therefore not very likely as a vig shot. (unless it was Tommy again, lol) My take would be more likely that it is a SK out there. I would have expected Thane to be the most likely vig shot TBH.


Think choice of Chae indicates SK as nobody had her as a mafia read, so would be an odd choice for a vig. But the characters that seem to fit a 'bow' could all be Town: the Huntsman, Robin Hood, Will Scarlett... (latter two in particular would be town)





I'm off to salsa now, I'll finish catching up when I get back.

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@Nikon - Did you know you were casting the hammer vote there?


I'm waiting to see how Thane actually flips before I give further commentary. Keeping my fingers crossed for a scum lynch, but I'm having my doubts now.


While I'm not at all arguing that the person who killed Chae COULD be a SK, my gut tells me otherwise. The scene just doesn't give me that vibe, and generally it sounds like anyone who would use a bow and arrow would be considered a 'good' character according to canon. As far as no one voicing suspicion of Chae before she died - I wouldn't invest a ton of value in this. As a Vig, I wouldn't be particularly vocal about the people I suspected either. As a PR, it's usually good to keep your scum reads sort of under wraps because if you start to name them correctly on thread you will likely become a NK target. This is smart play by whoever shot Chae if that's the case - I'm thinking they had her a scum read, kept it quiet, and then shot her at Night to see.


That's how I would play it anyway. That may just be me though. *shrug*

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Official Vote Count

AJ (2/7):  Hallia, Talmanes
RTE (1/7): BFG
Thane (7/7): dawn, RTE, Turin, Ithi, AJ, Thane, Nikon

Hallia (1/7): TG

not voting (2/13):  ed, tsuki


That's a lynch!!! scene coming up....

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I know that he was hammered. It was just more evidence toward him most likely being scum. (Even though he is dead, anyway)


TG's vote on Thane was kind of pointless. It was just a random bandwagon vote with no backup after the hammer vote. I'm going to assume that TG didn't even read the last page. 

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I haven't been replaced yet. I think I was right with AJ and Thane on Day 1. Don't let this be another day where they manage to get away. This may not count, and I don't have any time to elaborate.


Vote Thane


My son is home now and doing much better. Thank you for all your kind wishes.

Happy to hear that, I hope things continue to improve!

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The night had brought grief with the deaths of two of their own, and the town members finally thought they had caught one of the enemy... Granny may have been nice but tough, but what most people didn't know until it was revealed was that Granny was a werewolf... in their suspicion and endeavor to find a killer, they used prejudice as their evidence and had her killed...


Thane- Granny, town vanilla has been lynched...


It is now Night 2!!! Deadline: Wednesday May 7, 20:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?year=2014&day=07&hour=20&min=00&sec=00&p0=814&msg=OUAT+Mafia+Night+2

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First line of bolded. Weary of her? Dr. Freud table for one. lol. She is a strong player, and her slot is nearly cleared by Tina's posting alone. I would think that you would be more likely to put her into the too good to risk mislynching D1 pile. maybe that is just me. 


I am saying that in general about Ithi. She's a strong player so naturally I am weary of her. People are free to make their own decisions about her though.

Dawn was the first one to actually vote Basel for a legitimate reason (defending her), I'll need to look back on the other people. I joined the wagon at 4 I believe and then the others were close behind. Tsuki hammered.

I'll pull the quotes I want from Thane after dinner when I can get back on my laptop. That read is sort of conditional based on who he has pushed today and me thinking they are probably town players.

Tsuki is a town read because of how he is playing. He's questioning a lot (although I don't think all of his questions have been the best in some cases) and applying pressure. He seems invested in the game and trying to solve it.

The RTE quote will come later as well. I think you'll understand once I show it though.

Thane was third then switched to Ithi. Then you then Chae, then Thane leapt back on. Followed by ithi, Hallia, Nikon and finally Tsuki. Earlier you said that you would expect to find 2-3 mafia on that lynch.


I didn't even notice I had typed weary - auto correct again lol. I meant wary, which is a healthy way of looking at player's of Ithi's caliber. As far as not wanting to lynch her D1, I would put that as a situation thing. So yeah - definitely just your opinion there.


I still maintain that there are 2-3 scum there. Thane posting that we shouldn't pay much attention to the wagon pings big time to me. Wagon analysis is a very powerful tool for townies. For now I think Hallia and Thane are the scum there. The others look pretty townie to me. My next best guess would be Dawn for reasons I have stated already. Fleshing out my reads on her and RTE will clear things up significantly for me.


3 or 4 seems more likely with a possible SK out there (though I like your argument for vig)




Ok, so my marvelous reasoning. Brace yourselves, clarity is coming. Or you know, you trying to follow with this reasoning


RTE can you explain how you go from AJ is fine, Dawn is new to AJ and Dawn are mafia?




You guys are all crazy.


Thane is noob. Nikon looks town. Basel looks just fine with his qualms about people voting noobs. Not sure he's town yet but none of that stuff looked scummy to me. Tsuki is sticking his neck out to me, looks town. Tina defended the train on me, so town or looking to get town cred as scum. Chae is still scummy. Not due to her play but because of her fascination and obsession with all things pink. Dawn is still a noob in my books but posting well. Which either means she's a good player or is being helped by her team or both? Andrej looks just fine. Hallia's doing her Hallia thing. Ed is alive (Hi Ed, missed you!). TG is getting his EBromance on with AJ from the Hydra game. I can respect that. No read yet but I'm awful at reading the TG. Talmanes is new to me. Hallo der Talmanes. No read on Dice. BFG is just fine (and I still can't get a decent read on her for the life of me) and that's everyone. :wub:


So this was my first post after a lot of discussion about how I got 4 people voting for me in a span of a few pages on Day 1. I was basically trying to go through the game list and give my impressions of what I thought of everyone at that moment based on what I had gleamed from their posts and interactions.


Most suspicious maybe Dawn for the 4th vote if I remember correctly. Least suspicious Thane for being an excited noob. Chae's vote also bears no suspicion for me. Who was the other again?


So this is the next morning. I hadn't gone back to look at the train itself to see who voted in what order but I should have. I also hadn't done that when I posted above, just went based on memory and having followed the thread without a reread. So here I point out that I don't know who the 4th person was on my train and also note that I had some doubt as to the vote order itself (if I remember correctly).


Ha ha ha. That's funny. You should know better.


Better than dawn even. Guess that makes you suspect number one.


vote Andrej


Thanks for your honesty. Now why would you jump on a train like that? Bad scum Andrej!


  I can't remember if there was another post before this that you didn't quote but whatever. Here basically Andrej says he was the the other person and I realize (or he tells me?) that he was the second person on my train. Here is where I get very suspicious. AJ is no stranger to mafia in the BT and knows the meta for the site. 2nd votes on the first day or basically joke vote #2 always has a negative connotation in it in my books. Joke votes are usually evenly spread with no one getting more than one and typically not having a desire to put anyone at 2 votes while everyone else is at 1 joke vote anyways. Of course, I'm so special I got 4. So yes, I call him out on being the second vote on me on day 1 joke voting period as IMO it has scummy precedent.


Nah not fussed. Biut of the 4 votes yours is the most suspicious if I count dawn's as bad noob play. Otherwise Dawn's vote reeks.


You on the other hand have played a ton of games here. You know how people feel about two joke votes on one person in a big enough game. It's pretty rare and always draws a lot of notice. 4 on the other hand... Ha ha well you all know how I make a guy feel special :wub:


I don't follow your reasoning here. If AJ knows how people view second votes on trains, why would AJ as mafia draw that attention to himself?


Are you telling me people who are mafia won't do anything that draw any attention to themselves at any point in the game? If any stage is most harmless it is during the joke vote stage and he didn't know I would end up having 4 people on my train. At that point he looked safe. And frankly at that point I just discredited Dawn's vote based on noob play as the game was still quite early and this is the only thing that had stood out against her then. Now I know that she is not only more experienced and not quite a noob, but scummier than I thought as well.


I was enjoying the show. Knowledge is power.


What's the issue? We don't even have a deadline yet.

Again why would a deadline affect your mafia hunting?


If we are at deadline, I think you don't use votes for reactions. You vote your best scum read or try to at least secure a lynch to avoid a random. Since it was still early day 1 I was interested that my vote against him stirred him as much as it did and yes I think there is a big difference between voting someone at deadline as opposed to at a point in the game where there isn't a deadline yet at all.



Ok on said bus with said power outlet so from here on out I'll be here per usual activity levels.


Ok so top people I'm interested in are Andrej, Dawn, and thane. I believe at least one of the quiet players might be mafia and I don't think it's a bad idea to look at the final VC but


Welcome back. So essentially you're most interested in the people who were on your train at the beginning of Day 1, any other reason?


Yes, I think their play hasn't improved or has dropped off considerably. AJ is an interesting one. I think that if dawn is scum as I suspect, it essentially clears AJ in my books as town. If she's town then he begs more revisiting. I'm still undecided about him but he isn't among my top scum reads.




Now, part of me is starting to think that if Thane is scum, his team would have quieted him down a lot sooner than he did. Then again who knows, maybe he didn't check the QT or just was going with the flow and it got a bit out of hand. That being said he did go quite quiet now so that's interesting. I see a shift there. I'm thinking Dawn and Thane are scum and lately Hallia's posting is irking me. I have trouble with Hallia though. Her recent posts have been better although that is mostly based on the agreeing with Turin and possibly the post before. Problem is she plays very very similarly as town and scum but as town probably will post something more comprehensive and lengthy at some point which I don't think she has done yet. At least, not one that particularly satisfied me enough to have her as a solid town read. Nikon is someone else I'm interested in looking closer at.


Town reads on Turin, Tsuki, Ithi (sorry to see you go :sad: ) BFG,


Town lean on AJ


Scum read on Dawn and Thane


Scum lean on Hallia and Nikon


Null on TG (he said he had some R/L stuff going on FYI), Talmanes, Ed (posting was ok but very low volume, hard to make much of out it, almost a town lean though but too little to go on)


Happy with my vote for now but at deadline would switch to Thane or, as a last resort, Hallia for consolidation (scum lean but I'm wrong about her a lot and worried I might be here as well).






So I don't understand what your original opinion was based off then. If you'd forgotten that AJ was on your train where did your original vote come from.


I wasn't aware there was a difference in how things are viewed between the boards.


I like this response though.



@Tsuki: i know you like to give people the oppoetunity to speak. But, in my point of view, the bst way to get people to speak and clarify themselves is to have a vote on them. Maybe i have a kind of play this time that involves switching votes. You would have to agree with me that it did get people to talk. Furthermore, my vote is not on you. My vote is on Nikon. Did you mis that or are looking for excuses?


Derp. Mea Culpa.


Concerning having a vote on a person: I never understand why people think a vote makes a person more likely to get into discussion. 2 or 3, maybe. But just one? To me, throwing a single vote on a person says more about who tries to join the bandwagon, rather than getting the person to talk. (Although, in some cases it seems to work well - Ithi/AJ - I just don't get WHY?)(



Because it gives weight to your opinion and is then something solid that can be pinned to you.


Hey all, I haven't had a chance to read the game or anything due to IRL issues.  I won't be able to catch up until this weekend at best, but I PMd time about replacing me and she said if I can post once or twice before friday I won't get modkilled.  I'll try to read the last few pages at least but for today I'm going to sheep my vote on whatever the biggest train is.


Hope everything's ok. 


unvote; vote Thane


might as well get it over with so you people can focus on the real bad people out there. Always listen to the advice of elderly people


Almost always a bad play, unless there's a real risk of random. A lot can be learnt from the last few votes on the train. Does make it very likely you're Town tho, mafia are likely to hope for a last minute miracle.


@Nikon - Did you know you were casting the hammer vote there?


I'm waiting to see how Thane actually flips before I give further commentary. Keeping my fingers crossed for a scum lynch, but I'm having my doubts now.


While I'm not at all arguing that the person who killed Chae COULD be a SK, my gut tells me otherwise. The scene just doesn't give me that vibe, and generally it sounds like anyone who would use a bow and arrow would be considered a 'good' character according to canon. As far as no one voicing suspicion of Chae before she died - I wouldn't invest a ton of value in this. As a Vig, I wouldn't be particularly vocal about the people I suspected either. As a PR, it's usually good to keep your scum reads sort of under wraps because if you start to name them correctly on thread you will likely become a NK target. This is smart play by whoever shot Chae if that's the case - I'm thinking they had her a scum read, kept it quiet, and then shot her at Night to see.


That's how I would play it anyway. That may just be me though. *shrug*

Fair point, I think I'd go for where my reads matched consensus


I know that he was hammered. It was just more evidence toward him most likely being scum. (Even though he is dead, anyway)


TG's vote on Thane was kind of pointless. It was just a random bandwagon vote with no backup after the hammer vote. I'm going to assume that TG didn't even read the last page.

TG said a few pages ago that he was busy in RL and had spoken to Time about his activity up till Friday.

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Just got home a little bit ago and finally caught up. Should have looked at the vote count but since I didn't get time to finish my retread and would have voted hammer anyway... Especially now that I see he voted himself and just have up.


I still plan to finish looking at the rest of the posts from where I left off and hopefully I can come up with some better opinions since my strongest one came up completely wrong.

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Nikon starting to look a little dirty here.


Your first sentence says you are finally caught up. The second starts out with you saying you plan to finish looking at the rest of the posts from where you left off.


Contradictions a plenty.


Thane's flip changes nothing about my view of Hallia, fwiw. I like how she avoided voting there as well - even when prompted to, although Thane was her other 'scum' read. VIG - SHOOT HER TONIGHT PLZ


RTE is kinda meh. He reacted pretty defensively when I said earlier that if Thane flips town that RTE would move higher up my scum list, not sure how to guage the reaction atm.


Ithi actually looks pretty dirty here too. Dislike how she is absolving her slot's responsibility but still participated on a townie lynch - reads to me kind of like 'Hey, don't mind this vote - it's to help the Town, I swear. I'm replacing out anyway so don't mind me.' This is also a good VIG target.


Not sure what to make of TG's post-hammer hammer vote. Insights from him would be much appreciated.


Tsuki - is there a reason why you didn't vote Thane today? I dislike the way you interacted with Dawn earlier, touching on how I seemed to be offering up my partner to clear myself (which suggests Thane and I were scum/scum) but you weren't a part of the lynch. Please explain yourself.


That's all I really got for now. I'll be back in the morning - for now I need to get some homework done since I spent my evening out at dinner. (Which was lovely btw :happy:)

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Tsuki - is there a reason why you didn't vote Thane today? I dislike the way you interacted with Dawn earlier, touching on how I seemed to be offering up my partner to clear myself (which suggests Thane and I were scum/scum) but you weren't a part of the lynch. Please explain yourself.


How about the fact that Thane got hammered before anyone discussed his claim? With 2+ hours till deadline?? You prove you read the thread, so why you acting like you haven't seen me post multiple times that I don't throw votes around until people have a chance to talk and discuss. Fact: I very rarely will vote before the last hour of deadline.

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His self-vote. I read that as a pretty strong Town claim, but was gone until after 5 pm... (will post link to Real Genius game, where I said GTG, back in 3 hours at 2 pm, local time (court-ordered anger management is a bitch).

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That's hardly considered a claim. A lot of people policy lynch over stuff like that, actually. Self-voting is very explicitly anti-Town, and something scum could potentially use for AtE - your rationale here is exactly what they would be taking advantage of. 'Scum would never self-vote' spiel.


And no, don't link me to other games that are still on going. I don't need you to prove you were gone, that's sort of pointless and a bit overboard imo.


My issue with you currently is how you commented on the wagon and are now trying to justify your lack of a vote there because you wanted to wait until the last minute, but were gone, and he was hammered before you could come around so it isn't your fault.


Not very good. Excuses are like [insert adult language], as I'm sure you've heard before. :smile:

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I do think Nikon looks sort of dirty for his hammer, that I can agree on - there's only so much leeway I will give his 'mistakes' as a new player. Eventually he will need to answer for them.

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Nice try. Damned if I do, damned if I don't? Day One clearly shows I have no problem making the vote when I say I will, I simply like to wait.

I like the way, Once Again, Dawn survived.


I consider it as much of a claim as naming a character.

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Because people keep linking them. If they are both scum, it seems to me that a sacrifice has been chosen, to get rid of an obvious scum, hoping that by pushing for

Thane he will seem more town when/if Thane flips scum.


This is the comment I was speaking of, btw. Doesn't look as bad as I remembered looking back at it - it's actually pretty objective.


And no, you aren't damned if you do or don't. What I'm trying to do is interact with you so that I can better gauge your alignment - frankly I'm pretty unhappy with how today turned out.


Still leaning town on you atm. How are your top scum reads with the new info?

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