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Clash of Divinity - Advanced Mafia - Day 7 - Reckoning


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That's how I was planning on playing

However always aim for the head. You need to stop recruits to win

So if someone suddenly changes style it's a likely indication of recruitment. Find the people they have been acting differently too and look for the most likely leader in that mix

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Official Vote Count
Andrej (6): Turin, Dap, Dice, Andrej, chuckles, Ley
Chuckles (1): WBK
GF (3): Rag, Chaelca, Darthe
Darthe (1): GF
Not Voting: Goldy, Hallia
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
2 hours 



Look at those nasty wagons


Just disgusting 

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Official Vote Count
Andrej (7): Turin, Dap, Dice, Andrej, chuckles, Ley, Hallia
Chuckles (1): WBK
GF (3): Rag, Chaelca, Darthe
Darthe (1): GF
Not Voting: Goldy
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
Lynch Incoming in 5...4...3...2...1...



Just makes me want to puke 

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Wolfie, Lolguy, DIce, Ley!  People I don't get to see in mafia!  I'm so glad to see you guys :happy: 'specially my wolfie.


Thanks Darthe, I actually really appreciate that!  I am working on becoming a better player.  Maybe I'll attach myself to you this game :wink:



*attaches self to Darthe* :laugh:  :baalzamon:



HI DAP! :laugh:







Alright, so now that it seems we'll have some active posters I'll put some stuff out for you guys to chew on.


1. Turin - Agree in general with Darthe's meta summation. Accept his argument IRT early set-up spec. but the reasoning is also an easy one to place a vote for. Null, leaning scum.


2. Chaelca (Mentored by Csarmi) - Prob newbtown. Needs to get coached up a bit/post more as advised by other players. Newbtown feel comes from the early sheeping. I have the feeling if scum her partners would've given some kind of pre-emptive advice as the game started.

4. Darthe - Leaning town as previously stated. Would still like to see more participation/opinions.

5. TheRagnarok - Leaning town for general attitude. Vote on GF feels legitimate considering GF's posts in-game and that Rag wouldn't necessarily be aware the serial-lurking is GF's typical meta.

6. WBK - Mostly null/possible scum. I think by now he might've posted more as I think he tends to pick up on inconsistencies rather early. Could be trying to law low.

7. GF - Serial lurker. Would be fine lynching unless he picks up his gameplay.

8. Hallia - A little too jokey for my liking. Typical as far as meta goes, but would like to see more.

9. Dap - Town lean for the secondary vote. Would like some original thoughts.

10. Chuckles - Nullish. Sort of typical play thus far for him from what I remember.

12. Ley - OP felt a bit forced. I sort of inherently read his posts as scummy though, so I will reserve judgement for now.

13. Golden - Oddly quiet. 1 post so far, would like to see more before making a definitive statement.

15 Dice - Seems somewhat engaged, leaning town.





How can I ever be too jokey!? :tongue:







Alright, so now that it seems we'll have some active posters I'll put some stuff out for you guys to chew on.

  so from the get go you are associating activity with info. Something I agree with but thought I'd point it out


1. Turin - Agree in general with Darthe's meta summation. Accept his argument IRT early set-up spec. but the reasoning is also an easy one to place a vote for. Null, leaning scum.

  so the guy disagreeing with you is now null to scummy (easy to back out from)

Similar to me no? Guy disagrees and votes you so you go after them


2. Chaelca (Mentored by Csarmi) - Prob newbtown. Needs to get coached up a bit/post more as advised by other players. Newbtown feel comes from the early sheeping. I have the feeling if scum her partners would've given some kind of pre-emptive advice as the game started.

 cool whatevs


4. Darthe - Leaning town as previously stated. Would still like to see more participation/opinions.

 so one of the posters leaning town, but you wanna see more.

Yea that's not a cliché, run of the mill thing to say in mafia at all


5. TheRagnarok - Leaning town for general attitude. Vote on GF feels legitimate considering GF's posts in-game and that Rag wouldn't necessarily be aware the serial-lurking is GF's typical meta.

  So Turin got a scum to null lean for an easy vote, but rags is ok.



6. WBK - Mostly null/possible scum. I think by now he might've posted more as I think he tends to pick up on inconsistencies rather early. Could be trying to law low.

  so the other null to scum is a low poster in your eyes


7. GF - Serial lurker. Would be fine lynching unless he picks up his gameplay.

  cool. Another low poster is a low town read. Seeing a pattern yet? Cos I do and I like patterns. Strange that the one that disagrees is the issue in the pattern


8. Hallia - A little too jokey for my liking. Typical as far as meta goes, but would like to see more.

  that's weird. No read


9. Dap - Town lean for the secondary vote. Would like some original thoughts.

  secondary vote? Buddying just a tad? Who else is doing that? Oh yea!



10. Chuckles - Nullish. Sort of typical play thus far for him from what I remember.

  nullish. How noncommittal can you be


12. Ley - OP felt a bit forced. I sort of inherently read his posts as scummy though, so I will reserve judgement for now.


13. Golden - Oddly quiet. 1 post so far, would like to see more before making a definitive statement.

 no read and also no talk seems to feel like scummy reading your posts


15 Dice - Seems somewhat engaged, leaning town.

  Engaged means posting. That seems to mean town


You feel me?



Edit for reply

It doesn't matter if you pointed it out or not. When I'm mafia I call my team out all the time. The point is he didn't. You actually agree he didn't.




Yes, I agree that he didn't. I'm also saying he hasn't commented on ANYTHING in general. No original ideas, no personal commentary or reads. Basically nothing. You continue to push this angle that since he didn't talk about me specifically that it means something. You are reaching. I suggest you re-read. I think the only other person to weigh in on it is GE. Does that mean I'm teammates with all those other players too? Now you are also linking him with me by saying that we are both buddying you. For one, get over yourself lol. Secondly, your insistence that he and I must be working together coupled with your commentary on there being a mafia team and your discomfort of him seeming attached to you on thread is starting to look like a distancing act. I do find it odd that you continue to bring up the fact that you think he will recruit you. Are you placing me with Chuckles in the hopes that if/when he gets lynched (and shows scum) that I will be next due to some contrived associative tell? C'mon bro... if that's your play here it's terribly transparent.


Okay, so for the blue comments now.


Turin: I have already explained this read. Also, when did I go after him? We have discussed on thread, sure, but I wouldn't regard that as attacking. Naturally I'm going to question those who vote me. It's called conf-bias. I know that I am town, so when I am attacked I feel like it is natural to be suspicious.


Darthe: I provided commentary on my town read for him in another post, so no, it wasn't just about him posting at the time. Are you even reading the thread?


Rag: I also felt like I explained this one pretty well. Sure, GF could be considered an easy vote. I also state that I don't find it suspect because Rags wouldn't necessarily know that about GF and his playstyle.


GF: Never said he was a town read. And sure, patterns are cool. It suggests consistency. Now ask yourself... which alignment typically is inconsistent?


Hallia: Too jokey for my liking should suggest a negative outlook.


You: Already touched on the linking comment.


Chuckles: Noncommittal shouldn't be a word that is applied here considering this was put out when like half the game had under ~5 posts. Are you having such an easy time bashing my list because perhaps you already know where I am right or wrong?


GE: I have liked his posts since this list was made. At the time he really only did have 1 post, which is odd. He is typically pretty active.


Now, since you've had such a hay-day with my list, I'd love to see one from you Dap.


i notice i was left off this list.


Blue  So why didnt you say this the first time?  unvote just in case vote AJ




Wait, Turn, did you just equate me coasting to victory by lurking for the French game? 'cause I'm pretty sure that's the last problem.  Why bring up other games, and focus on this one?  I'm home from work now and just caught up, and I'm going to put my reads out there.




@ Darthe, Ley, AJ 


*meme about setup talk*


I didn't really see too much in the way of setup talk, so I feel like it was kind of a strange thing to post.


Oh don't do that.  You'll get me NK'd.

*continues* Darthe is town, it is known.  (Maybe I WILL get you NK'd *cackle* )


I'd prefer not to guess and figure out what happens night one. It's a mistake to theorize before one has facts. Otherwise we fit facts to suit theories to suit facts. Data, data, data, I cannot make bricks without clay.



Yus, I think someone asked what your reads are.  Other than a gut feeling, why d'you think I'm mafioso?

I'm game to go for an AJ chase





unvote vote AJ


Choo Choo!


I feel the vote on Aj was scummy, because he was one of the few people pushing for actual game talk instead of spam, so wanting to go for him pings with me.

don't tell me that lurking has a special meaning in maffia games  -_-

The person a couple of posts above this used lurking in a sentence, and you'd used it was well, so I'm leery.  You're new though, so you may pass! For today...BUM BUMBUMMMM


I don't want to leave GF at L-1 overnight, so I'm going to head to sleep and check on this in the morning before work.




Ninja'd by a doc!



Who would you want to go for then GF?




Official Vote Count
Andrej (5): Turin, Dap, Dice, Andrej, Chuckles
Chuckles (1): WBK
GF (3): Rag, Chaelca, Darthe
Darthe (1): GF
Not Voting: Ley, Goldy, Hallia
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.




I'm up in time phew!


. Vote AJ



Hallia, are those your reads? Colour me underwhelmed.


Are you voting yet?


I don't know if you read the meme before editing it out. It clearly states initiating setup talk.


Gotta load now



Run gaiz its Tawmeh



Okay maybe I lied


Read the first 8 pages


Vote Turin


Get @ me Turin


Could also lynch Dice


Don't ask for reasoning yet



That moment when I ask for reasoning



I dunno what you want from me Turin, I said what I thought, even if you don't like my reads.


...okay, yeah. Hallia legit has not done anything in this game.


I have no idea why I had a town lean on her to begin with. I blame the wine.

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Ok, it's been a long day.  I'm not a mirror or anything else.  Straight up nilla town.


And here's my question for Darthe...what was this supposed result?  You have nothing.  You've given nothing.  All you've done is claim to have some mythical result. 


And the fact that the people who also voted for me have seemingly NO interest in getting anymore info before deciding is either sad or scummy.


This. If you're going to propose he die, give us the result. It's either or: he's either vanilla town and you're lying, or he is lying about being vanilla town. I understand the Dice/Halia fos'ing, but why are we not pushing Darthe/Rag? One of them has to be lying. As such, one of them is scum.

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