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Blue Con 2013: Whose Line is it Anyway? (Peanut Gallery)


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I needed to start this because I have four players and I really need a studio audience for a couple things....


So welcome to the Peanut Gallery!


What I need is audience suggestions for Scenes (Where would you like to see our Comics act out a scene?)


Situations (Drop random situations on our Comics to act out) 


Silly Songs (Silly subjects for a quick song made up on the fly)


Also, we need suggestions for "Galaxy's Worst". (examples: Galaxy's Worst Prosthetic Hand Salesman, Worst Smuggler.....) 



Remember...it's all Star Wars based! 


We appreciate the help and hope you enjoy the show! :biggrin:

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 No, Theo. These are suggestions...in the American Idol Case, three of my Comedians would be judges and one would be a singer. The judges would

then have to make up some random comments towards the singer. 

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The question game, where all questions have to be answered with a question. 


Topic ideas:


1. Between Luke and Vader:  "Darth Vader, are you really my father?"

2. Between Palpatine and Anakin: "Don't you want to save Padme?"

3. Between Luke and Han: "Is money all you really care about?"


Just a few ideas . . . I'd love to see other people come up with some, too!

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