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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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(doing Desp first, then Darthe, but in the same post)


First off, what I really don't like about Desp, is how he goes on Aida all the time, when to me it just looks like a first timer (which she is). Next, I don't like this, at all. You're not going to be able to convince me you can INTENTIONALLY do scummy things without doing it too much or too little. The amount of buddying to Dap, as next point, is also interesting, to say the least. Of course, we don't know the alignment of either Desp or Dap, but there's a lot of buddying going in from Desp side's at day 1. And here we get the first of a bunch of posts that I - again - don't like. Three or four times, Desp calls me out on basically saying "we should take as much time for scumhunting as we can". Now, of course, we took too much at day 2, I won't deny that, but come on man. Don't lynch someone in 24 hours if you can do it in 60 hours, which would give you 36 hours more to find other scummy people, without mafia really getting anything from it. And I repeat (because you keep calling me out on this point), that I am NOT saying we should lynch a minute before deadline or something like that. But lynching more than 24 hours before deadline is generally a bad idea. In 24 hours, every player of the game can - and should, in my opinion - get online at least once. Then this: "Darthe and Wombat are obvious scum teammates." You were wrong about Wombat already. Of course only god knows wheter you are about Darthe, but they for sure are not SCUM teammates. In that same post also "Gives himself [Wombat] a nice out if he got me lynched (since I'd flip town)." Where's the need to say this? Saying you're town isn't really worth anything. Interesting too that you say (again in that same post) "WTL either Wombat, Darthe or Arez", yet since your last summary of reads, where Arez was a "neutral" read with Aida, Rags and AJ as scum reads, you haven't even mentioned Arez ONCE. "although judging from Wombat's recent posts I think it is fairly obvious he'll flip town." Considering you are the second vote on Wombat and pushed a lot of his train on your own, this is a really interesting statement... Forgetting a deadline on who I believe to be one of the scummiest players? I can't call that anything but weak. It's easy to check deadline times in case you are not sure. I don't want to put too much into character claims, but this just sounds bad imo. Why wouldn't you claim if that'd probably make you live a bit longer? Heck, I'd do it as either town or scum if it might make me live another day. Right here you're allowing a LOT of Dap, saying things like "yeah, it's bad, but I still think he's town". Why is that? Buddying? Trying to take him with you when you die and flip mafia? I can't, to be honest, find any reason why you'd act like this if you were town. For the rest, I like part of that post, but other parts I don't like at all. For example saying that Darthe could backtrack after saying "Des is scum". You really think he would be able to do that? You're one of the most experienced players on DM, you should know noone gets away with something like that. Interesting how Arez has changed to town read by the way. You haven't been mentioning him in between anywhere that I remember.


Now, onto Darthe. First thought: A lot less to read. He's generally being trolly. He too is suspect of Aidanna, while it's far more likely it's just her being new to the game. Good job on improving this fast by the way Aida. He hasn't really hunted, but on the other hand he isn't doing really scummy things either, like Des with attacking Aida hard all through day one (compared to Darthe just one post), him constantly buddying up to Dap while I can't see anything he'd get from it if he were town, backtracking from Wombats train (yeah, of course he is town) when it's too late to back off, yet telling Aida that doing so is bad, forgetting a deadline (man, you're supposed to be a million times better than me at mafia, but just let me tell you I NEVER forget deadlines), your extremistic stance on character claiming, and of course you seemingly random juggling around with your opinion on Arez without bothering to mention him in between. When I started this post, I actually thought Darthe was less believeble, but that certainly changed...


vote Des


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Isos me for a huge paragraph, then says he is gonna start isoing Darthe... yet continues to focus on me pretty much the entirety of the paragraph!!!!!


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Ley, you are so obviously scummy here it's ridiculous. You already knew who you were voting for before you "iso'd" me and Darthe.


I thought about picking your post apart, but honestly it's filled with so much misrepresentation, stuff taken out of context, and outright bs lies, that I'm not even going to expose myself to it's filth. There's like 23 things you try bringing against me, most of it BS, and like 1 thing you say about Darthe. Really sad that I'm really about to be lynched with this kind of crap against me.



I made a mistake in the layout of that post. There simply wasn't much to say about Darthe, because he hadn't been that active (as I also mentioned, he neiter did town nor scum things, while you did a lot of scummy things), and I should've started a new paragraph when explaining how you had done a lot more scummy things than him.


As long as you're not picking it apart though, I can't explain you why I say what I say. I do have reasons for everything though.


One more thing- has anyone noticed how many issues Darthe is ducking here? Namely, the whole character claim thing. He hasn't even bothered responding to requests for his character. I on the other hand, have made it quite clear WHY I am not revealing my character.


It would be the simplest thing in the world for him, if he were truly the cop, to claim his character, and thus make me look worse for NOT character claiming. Yet he hasn't...


Munch on that. And don't let Darthe wiggle himself out of this if you do end up actually lynching me. I'll flip town, he'll try to make up some bs about multiple cops or being redirected, or being an insane cop or something. DON'T accept that bs.


Despo out.


You hypocrite.

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Can't believe yall are about to lynch your Cop and one of the best scumhunters in this game because of the lazy pile of crap Darthe is pushing forward.

Honestly...I've seen you post giant walls of text and that's it.  if you are one of the better scumhunters on DM, that's just sad because you have nothing to brag about from what I've seen.



This. It's a lot of talk, but you're not really making any points that make a lot of sense to me. It's mostly fluff, but that much of it it almost looks more like actual scumhunting.

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Both of you are gonna look like straight up doodoo if you end up getting me lynched. Start preparing your backtracking arguments.


Rags, I HAVE consolidated my arguments. SEVERAL times. You just straight up aren't reading any of them. Both you and Ley knew who you'd be voting before you ever read a thing on thread.


And fyi, not contributing much ISN'T a neutral tell. Town should and do try to actively contribute to the scumhunt. Darthe hasn't, so Ley has to try and defend him for it, while simultaneously pulling 17 things out of his ass to try and make me look bad.

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It would be the simplest thing in the world for him, if he were truly the cop, to claim his character, and thus make me look worse for NOT character claiming. Yet he hasn't...



You hypocrite.



That is not hypocritical in any way. I explained why I'm not character claiming. Darthe hasn't even responded to those same requests. It would be the easiest thing in the world for him to character claim and make me look bad. But he hasn't. He has no excuse. He doesn't share my disdain for character claims. He's already "revealed" his role. There is no reason why he's ducking this issue, as well as several others.


You're his little scum croney Ley. Enjoy the noose a couple of days from now.

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And Des, even if you were making good points, I'm not sure you are smart enough to consolidate on any of them.  27,000 words of blabber helps no one.  If you need that many words to make a case, you prolly suck at making cases anyways.  Better luck next time.  Hopefully you'll at least learn that coming after me is a hilarious exercise in futility.


And please do point me to where these arguments were consolidated.  Post numbers?

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Both of you are gonna look like straight up doodoo if you end up getting me lynched. Start preparing your backtracking arguments.


Rags, I HAVE consolidated my arguments. SEVERAL times. You just straight up aren't reading any of them. Both you and Ley knew who you'd be voting before you ever read a thing on thread.


And fyi, not contributing much ISN'T a neutral tell. Town should and do try to actively contribute to the scumhunt. Darthe hasn't, so Ley has to try and defend him for it, while simultaneously pulling 17 things out of his ass to try and make me look bad.


I'm not going to backtrack on what I believe in lol. If people think I have a bad case, I gladly invite them to tell me what they think bad, and I will explain it more. And people who go for someone saying "your case sucks" without saying WHAT sucks about it... Well, that's just bad play.





It would be the simplest thing in the world for him, if he were truly the cop, to claim his character, and thus make me look worse for NOT character claiming. Yet he hasn't...



You hypocrite.



That is not hypocritical in any way. I explained why I'm not character claiming. Darthe hasn't even responded to those same requests. It would be the easiest thing in the world for him to character claim and make me look bad. But he hasn't. He has no excuse. He doesn't share my disdain for character claims. He's already "revealed" his role. There is no reason why he's ducking this issue, as well as several others.


You're his little scum croney Ley. Enjoy the noose a couple of days from now.



I remember I once misinterpreted a word you said (hunch) and I got killed over it, because I didn't know the meaning of the word back then. It's pretty ironic that a similar things happens the other way around now. You don't understand the meaning of a word, and therefore don't defend yourself.

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And please do point me to where these arguments were consolidated.  Post numbers?


I'll do you one better - I'll quote the bad boys for ya!




Okay short and sweet first.


Ooh will I die or will it random?





Here is Darthe's "claim". I mean, really it speaks for itself, but to elaborate:


He never says "I'm the Cop". I pointed this out before, that he might have been purposefully unclear so that he couldn't be LD'ed, or mebbe even keep from being CC'ed.


He taunts everyone with the "will I die or will it random" line. There's no way a cop who is being forced to claim early in a game is gonna be so cavalier about his own death. He's gonna claim and tell everyone to get the heck off of him posthaste. Frankly this is one of the laziest fake claims I've ever seen, can't believe the people who bought it so easily.


Next part is- notice who spoke out against it. When a scum has a fake claim like that, they're gonna look out for those who don't seem to buy it, thinking that there's a good chance that person is the actual role that they fake claimed. Tina thought it was bs, and lo and behold she gets NK'ed. I can see a claimed cop not getting NK'ed, obviously the scum team might not want to deal with the wifom about whether he'll get protected. But them killing one of the few people who questioned his claim? Makes it look a lot more like scum knows Darthe isn't the Cop. Also Tina was against Darthe before his claim as well, so Darthe's team might have wanted to shut up one of his detractors.


Lastly, and this is more for people who know Darthe's meta fairly well (so like mebbe 2 or 3 of the players left in this game that qualify lol, but if this helps convince them it's worth it). Darthe has been straight up apathetic as hell in recent games. It got me to thinking in another game when he flipped scum- he's done this before. Not too long ago, he kept getting roled as scum again and again, happened like 7 times in a row if I'm not mistaken. Towards the end, he was acting just like he is now, barely even tried making it look like he cared about scumhunting. He'd get rung up early, would try fake claiming, and would often still end up being lynched fairly early in games. Basically he was tired of being scum all the time, and lost his motivation to try and act like he was town. He even admitted as much himself at the time.


So fast forward back to the present. He's flipped scum in a couple of recent games, and is once again displaying that same apathetic attitude. Dude keeps getting roled as scum again.


Granted, it wasn't nearly as short and sweet as I meant it to be, but this summarizes a lot of the points I made against him. If this is too much to read, I can get you started on a lower grade level first Rags, since I'm a pal!




Vote Darthe if you like puppy breath, new car smell, or the cooler side of the pillow.


Vote for me if these things make you wanna punch a baby.


Here you go! That should be short enough for you to read!




And the sad thing is, this really is quite simple.


Darthe had an awful claim while being rung up (Just said "Cop"). Tina and I call the claim bullshanks. Tina is NK'ed, both cause scum prob thought she was the real cop and because she was one of Darthe's biggest destractors. Then he says I'm scum, one of his other biggest detractors. Doesn't say he viewed me, just that he's scum. 


And here is where I consolidate some of the simpler parts of my reasoning yet again. Isn't this so helpful! Now you don't have to "tl;dr" my posts anymore Rags!




And tell me this, everyone. What do you think is more likely?


1. That I'm scum and I questioned Darthe's cop claim openly, drawing a ton of attention my way, and then killed one of the few people who might have supported me in an effort to make Darthe look bad, meanwhile letting THREE town PR's live,




2. Scum team killed Tina cause they thought she might be the actual Cop after she questioned the claim as well, and because she was one of Darthe's biggest detractors?


While I was at it, I thought I might as well point this out for you as well, it's strong reasoning and it's not too many words for you either!




But yeah seriously, Rags, EAD... like so many times.



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1. hypocrite

(1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

hy·poc·ri·sy noun \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\

: the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do : behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel

hypocrite (ˈhɪpəkrɪt)


— n

a person who pretends to be what he is not


[C13: from Old French ipocrite, via Late Latin, from Greek hupokritēs one who plays a part, from hupokrinein to feign, from krinein to judge]


Did I ever once pretend to be something I was not there? Did I tell Darthe not to do something I did or do? Did I engage in the same behaviors I condemned Darthe for?




Did I ever disassemble and make it seem like I was willing to character claim but that Darthe wasn't?




I didn't criticize Darthe for not character claiming, I criticized him for NOT EVEN ADDRESSING THE ISSUE. I responded to requests for my character, he DID NOT. That is how I showed the difference between us in that instance.


So NO, Ley. I was not being hypocritical. I knew the meaning of the word, and you trying to imply that I didn't is an insult to my intelligence.

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And Ley, I wouldn't even know where to begin in deconstructing your "case" on me. The whole thing was just absolutely awful. I fear that the moment I started embroiling myself into it, I'd run the risk of literally losing points off my iq. It was that bad. It may have been one of the most obvious fake scumhunting posts I've ever seen.


I could keep throwing out superlatives. But... I'm nearing the limit of letters I can use in a post until Rags won't read it anym-



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Besides, it's not like it matters. Your iso on me served no other purpose except to justify you putting your vote on me- which you planned on doing before the day began most likely. I highly doubt that post did anything to convince others that I'd be scum, and I don't see the need to defend myself from anything that it contained. If others think me undressing that post would help matters at all today, I'd be glad to.

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Lol I love how you two think slinging personal attacks and insults my way will make you look any better!




You're being more personal than me. Again hypocritical.



1. hypocrite

(1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

hy·poc·ri·sy noun \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\

: the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do : behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel

hypocrite (ˈhɪpəkrɪt)


— n

a person who pretends to be what he is not


[C13: from Old French ipocrite, via Late Latin, from Greek hupokritēs one who plays a part, from hupokrinein to feign, from krinein to judge]


Did I ever once pretend to be something I was not there? Did I tell Darthe not to do something I did or do? Did I engage in the same behaviors I condemned Darthe for?




Did I ever disassemble and make it seem like I was willing to character claim but that Darthe wasn't?




I didn't criticize Darthe for not character claiming, I criticized him for NOT EVEN ADDRESSING THE ISSUE. I responded to requests for my character, he DID NOT. That is how I showed the difference between us in that instance.


So NO, Ley. I was not being hypocritical. I knew the meaning of the word, and you trying to imply that I didn't is an insult to my intelligence.



Look, I don't want to get personal, but if you now already forgot what I had bolded in your post... Hypocritical fits perfectly there.


And Ley, I wouldn't even know where to begin in deconstructing your "case" on me. The whole thing was just absolutely awful. I fear that the moment I started embroiling myself into it, I'd run the risk of literally losing points off my iq. It was that bad. It may have been one of the most obvious fake scumhunting posts I've ever seen.


I could keep throwing out superlatives. But... I'm nearing the limit of letters I can use in a post until Rags won't read it anym-




Wow. Who's personal now, man? Take a shower and come back I'd say. Showers are good at making people calm down.


And stop saying it's bad without saying WHAT is bad about it lol. You're not making it any more credible that you're cop this way. If you thought it was so bad, say what you thought was bad, and I show you otherwise. I know VERY WELL I have not lied a single word in that post, wheter about opinions or facts, or twisted words or something. I suppose that's why it took me so many games to get good at mafia. I don't twist words by princip, while most people do.

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What I do want to get out now though, is that you should REALLY stop getting personal Des. I feel like I'm starting to become mad from it. If you go personal again, I will send a PM to Tina about it.



I have not once made any personal remark against you Ley.


I thought you never twisted words? SHOW ME where I said anything personal against you.

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I've heard enough, Des is flailing like crazy, but I'm going to chalk that up to him being as stoic as a chihuahua on ritalin. Des actually answered my questions instead of irritably brushing them aside. At this point I really don't see it as clear cut despite what either of them say so I'm going with my gut. 


Vote Darthe

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I do like your argument Des, however, I don't think anyone asking is going to make their decision solely on your claim.  But it can help go towards an informed decision.  We should use all the tools available.   Can't wait to hear what Dap's got to say.

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