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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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When Darthe so called claimed, all he said was "cop", after "oooh, will I get lynched or will it random". When this happened, it was shortly before DL, when he had one of the biggest trains on his lynch. 


I asked him to verify that he was claiming the cop role. I felt (and still feel) that he could have been more clear/specific - because all it looked like (and still looks like) was a ploy to shift suspicion away from himself. I would still like a little more explanation than just "cop". He was my strongest scum read, he never answered my question or gave any more information, and his "meh" response to people still suspecting him isn't very pro-town, at least to me. With a strong role like cop, I would expect to see more scum-hunting and pro-town behavior and responses - instead he responds with "meh"?

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@GE - So using that logic about how scum-Theo would claim an outlier character less likely to get CC'd as mafia, what does that tell you about my claim as one of the show's mains?

It tells me you're not lying about the character you have cause you would have been CC'd probably. I tripped around trying to see if your character made you a more like vig or sk (which will always be the question when vig is claimed), but in the end I think it's less likely I can figure anything out from your character claim. I'll admit I've come off the mafia theory for you. If you're not town you're likely an SK. Even if I don't trust you 100% I think our interests are aligned at the moment. Even if you were SK it doesn't really behoove you to target confirmed town players. If you kill them you'd likely be lynched the next day. 


That's the general theory, yes.


But GE specifically posted somewhere that he thought by me claiming to be blocked was just covering up my NK as Mafia because I hit the Doc.


I noted it was a convenient excuse if you wanted to lie about your role and offered another possibility. In retrospect, I'm not sure you would have been as aggressive were you scum.

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One: I don't know much about how any roles work - like however you get to hunt off of the thread or whatever. I asked a very specific question, but I guess that you just felt it was of no consequence or beneath you somehow. Thanks for making it easy to understand stuff I might be unsure of. I stated earlier that my mentor was ill, so I am asking more questions here - most people have been kind enough to answer. I will make a note to myself that you are not one of them. 


That's a great way to promote the town team. (I was being a little sarcastic there, in case you missed it.) 


Two - maybe someone else will correct me if I am wrong - but isn't the cop one of the strongest town roles? Even if you are able to scum-hunt elsewhere, which I still really don't understand, wouldn't you have a vested interest in staying active in the game and getting people to see through scummy lies - and getting scum to react and say stuff that helps other townies to see their lies or whatever? Disappearing, "meh" comments, and not much help for us townies, really just still doesn't sit well with me. Since no one has CC'ed you, I just have to think on this. 


I thought that you as a cop, only get to "view" people or whatever, like once a night or something? So am I wrong, do you get to see more people than that, or how does this work? Maybe someone will answer my questions because Darthe just ignores me when I ask. I thought only mafia team people got a thread somewhere else - so Darthe has me a little confused. Does every game have a cop role? 


Have fun scum-hunting wherever else it is you go to do that. 


And thank you to anyone who answers my questions. 

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Cop normally can only view one person and at night. I don't think Darthe was referring to another thread, but that he does his "scumhunting" in his role pm with the mod where he submits his "NA"


I agree with the other points you made Aidanna. I think the Cop is best suited to lead town. They don't say "follow the cop" for nothing. A cop that isn't actively scumhunting on thread as well is really just limiting his effectiveness, since the discussion generated from his opinions can help him better choose who to view.


In general, every townie should be as committed as possible to getting out their reads and opinions.

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Guys, sorry but I feel horrible and nausetic standing up. I hope I will be back tomorrow in order to play propperly. It might be pneumonics (sp?) and I might not be allowed to get back to my family.


I will defend everything tomorrow. I am sorry a town had to go.


Again, Esther, she created the originals through witchcraft, so not an original. She wants them dead as everywhere., even more. She created them abnd she was the mightiest witsch.

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