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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Of course he would Leelou; but asking looks like looking for town cred, and wanting to spark a discussion about who was the NK target, to distract from deciding on a lynch today. I honestly couldn't care less who you protected; the most important thing is we didn't loose a townie, and that's enough for me.


Cloud, I didn't say you had a low post count; I said you'd been careful and not sticking your head out much since D1. I can't remember seeing any cases from you, but my memory is spotty from having so erratic access. But no matter how you look at it, you've been comfortably in the middle, not trying to lead town, and not getting any attention either.


And yes, I had a town read on you; reads change, you know that. And that was mostly because you hadn't stuck out much. It didn't worry me then, because there were others who looked way more likely to be mafia. Now, with so many of those dead and several town, I'm not willing to let you float by without much attention anymore.

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Vote Tglems


I'll pull quotes in a bit - busy at work right now-, but it has to do with voting. You didn't catch up until way after the Krak lynch, but posted some spam, waited until after Snow found Lenlo to be lying to switch over and the push on both Aemon and NotBob2 yesterday. 


Your wish is my command.  Thanks!


Vote TGlems


Snow, thoughts on how the day played out yesterday?


Reading up on it now, just got back from a doc appt.


My question still stands: who was your N3 protect?




Snow, thoughts on how the day played out yesterday?

Reading up on it now, just got back from a doc appt.


My question still stands: who was your N3 protect?

My stipulation for revealing that still stands. Not everyone has answered if they used a vig shot.




Snow, thoughts on how the day played out yesterday?

Reading up on it now, just got back from a doc appt.


My question still stands: who was your N3 protect?

My stipulation for revealing that still stands. Not everyone has answered if they used a vig shot.



Who hasn't?

  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


TGlems (2) – Leelou, NB2

Cloud (2) – Mish, Snow


With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 2 PM MST/5PM EST


Not voting – TGlems, Salami, Tress, Cloud


Mish: (notes are on paper sorry)



Cloud: (with some notes)



IshySnow: (no notes)



MoonKrak: (no notes)



HallyTG: (no notes)





KatNB: (some notes from the Kat days)



Tress: (have some notes from my earlier mini-case on her)




If you want to be the organizer-in-chief then thanks for this compilation.


If you want to scum hunt please provide an analysis to go along with your data cause right now you read like scum and I will not bother to read your links to other people posts.






Check out this VC.  Scum in a big hurry here.

For a lynch that took place hours before the deadline? I don't like the narrative you're spinning, especially since it doesn't fit the facts. You're still on my scum list.


I'll have a chance to do some re-reading tonight.


light blue



Your scum team did a good job.  Well done.  Zero to little conversation just line up those votes.


Fun to watch you swing.


Sorry if any of you answered before, and I forgot, but can you please answer if you have used a Vig shot. Especially for N3. 


Claimed Vig Shots:


Leelou - Day 1 - Des

Ishy/Snow - Night 1 - Leelou

Salami - claims no shot

Kat/NotBob2 - claims no shot

Mish -

Cloud - 

Hallia/Tglems - 

Tress - 

Vote Tglems


I'll pull quotes in a bit - busy at work right now-, but it has to do with voting. You didn't catch up until way after the Krak lynch, but posted some spam, waited until after Snow found Lenlo to be lying to switch over and the push on both Aemon and NotBob2 yesterday.




Ouch, terrible case Leelou.


First) I replaced into a game that had 50 pages on content and was very busy with work. It took a couple days for me to finish my reread and have time to contribute. So your case on me is that I...didn't start voting before finishing my reread?


Second) Also, what spam did I post? I said hi, I was going to reread, good to be back. That was about it. Once I finished my reread is when I stated being active.


Third) I had Lenlo listed as scum from the moment I put down my first reads. That never changed. I was one of the first people to peg Lenlo IIRC.


and Fourth) NotBob2 is wearing a Halloween costume of scummy to cover up his scum. I was wrong about Aemon.


As it stands, your read on me is wrong. And if the core of your case on me is that I was busy IRL and it took me a couple days to catch up and really start playing the game then that is a weak reason for voting.


Your scum team did a good job.  Well done.  Zero to little conversation just line up those votes.


Fun to watch you swing.


Could you be any scummier? Seriously?



Also, I never had/used any vig shot.


I also have not had or used a vig shot this game.


I was leaning somewhat town on Cloud, but the way he was twisting my posts yesterday has me much less sure.  I need to look at Csarmi again as well since he was my next strongest scum read except for NotKat.  


Csarmi strikes me as trying to be seen as a very helpful townie.  The lists of post links (most without any commentary or analysis) were a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing IMO.  



My best bet is to vote Csarmi.

  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


TGlems (2) – Leelou, NB2

Cloud (2) – Mish, Snow

Salami (1) - Tress


With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 2 PM MST/5PM EST


Not voting – TGlems, Salami, Cloud


Claimed Vig Shots:


Leelou - Day 1 - Des

Ishy/Snow - Night 1 - Leelou

Salami - claims no shot

Kat/NotBob2 - claims no shot

Mish - claims no shot

Hallia/Tglems - claims no shot

Tress - claims no shot

Cloud - 


I tried to fix your post in the quote to read it easier. 


Vote Tglems
I'll pull quotes in a bit - busy at work right now-, but it has to do with voting. You didn't catch up until way after the Krak lynch, but posted some spam, waited until after Snow found Lenlo to be lying to switch over and the push on both Aemon and NotBob2 yesterday.

Ouch, terrible case Leelou.
First) I replaced into a game that had 50 pages on content and was very busy with work. It took a couple days for me to finish my reread and have time to contribute. So your case on me is that I...didn't start voting before finishing my reread?
Second) Also, what spam did I post? I said hi, I was going to reread, good to be back. That was about it. Once I finished my reread is when I stated being active.
Third) I had Lenlo listed as scum from the moment I put down my first reads. That never changed. I was one of the first people to peg Lenlo IIRC.
and Fourth) NotBob2 is wearing a Halloween costume of scummy to cover up his scum. I was wrong about Aemon.
As it stands, your read on me is wrong. And if the core of your case on me is that I was busy IRL and it took me a couple days to catch up and really start playing the game then that is a weak reason for voting.

Your scum team did a good job.  Well done.  Zero to little conversation just line up those votes.
Fun to watch you swing.

Could you be any scummier? Seriously?
Also, I never had/used any vig shot.

It's funny that you want more of a case, but didn't really present one at all when you were going after Aemon. Yes, I do have one coming (next post). I'm not going back to grab any Hallia quotes, just going from yours.


I also have not had or used a vig shot this game.


I was leaning somewhat town on Cloud, but the way he was twisting my posts yesterday has me much less sure.  I need to look at Csarmi again as well since he was my next strongest scum read except for NotKat.  


Csarmi strikes me as trying to be seen as a very helpful townie.  The lists of post links (most without any commentary or analysis) were a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing IMO.  



My best bet is to vote Csarmi.


I could also vote salami since he isn't putting in much effort. 


Just found this while I am pulling quotes for TGlems. 


So...Cloud I can't recall. Did you say if you used a vig shot at all?


I was replying to the things that were happening on this page while I was still catching up a bit :) No, I have never used a Vig shot.




Claimed Vig Shots:


Leelou - Day 1 - Des

Ishy/Snow - Night 1 - Leelou

Salami - claims no shot

Kat/NotBob2 - claims no shot

Mish - claims no shot

Hallia/Tglems - claims no shot

Tress - claims no shot

Cloud - claims no shot


Okay, since everyone has claimed, I protected Ishy N3. 

This is when you first actually started posting, I know what was bothering me so much is that you were voting for the event and were on during the time the game was getting really active with less than 24 hours to deadline, then you went away. 


I'm in.  I havent read yet but...


1) I miss my man in drag/french maid costume from last year.  I was sexy.

2) I should be eventer.  vote tglems

This was sandwiched in around the time Krak was starting to get attention. So you were aware enough there was an event, said hi and disappeared with less than 24 hours to deadline. It looked like you were going to start to play and then disappeared again, and scum do use the I don't have time a lot as an excuse, so sorry I don't necessarily buy it. 



I'm in.  I havent read yet but...


1) I miss my man in drag/french maid costume from last year.  I was sexy.

2) I should be eventer.  vote tglems


Hey welcome TG! Long time no see.



Hey Cloud!  Yeah, I burned myself out a little bit and needed a break.



You came back on an hour and a half after the lynch, voted for a house, and made no comments to the fact that we just lynched scum. So it shows that you were aware of what was happening in the game. 




The next day you were "catching up", had Darthe as one of your reads for scum (who was being voted at the time), and you didn't vote. Again, you came back after the lynch with your reads and then the derp confusion. 


I'm on about page 30 now...slowly catching up.  Work was intense today, all day.  So far Darthe and Cloud are topping my scum list.  Darthe for being the traffic director and Cloud for responding to a dead Des's case and saying "super town" things like how lurkers don't have to be scum.




 ^^You have added even less to the game than Hallia and it was already hard to have a solid read on her. I know the game is long, but you've replaced in a few days ago now. Do you have any reads? 




Leaning town on Cloud and Mish as well. Had a slightly town read on Hally, but Hally/TG adding nothing will get you nowhere.




So, continuing to catch up.


Kat - Scum.  Pops in, agrees with everyone and makes bland "i'm so town" statements.  Hardcore scum lurking

Cloud - still a scum lean. 

Mish - looking town, her back and forth with Leelou looks town on town

NotBob- NB is a little lurky/funny in general, town lean based on a few insightful comments throughout the game

CS - normally is much more "analytic", he did do it a bit with organizing a few people's posts but his analysis type activity is way below normal.  very slight town lean only for sniping on krak and activity on pp 40-43

llllllllenlo- scum lean.  the swipes he is taking at other players seem surface level at best, like a scum trying to look busy

Ishy - jumps in to hammer Krak on "didn't RB leelou" but leelou had a daykill, does not make sense (#907),  running commentary on darthe with cloud leading up to lynch, scum lean

Aemon - strange comment about how krak had no reason to lie and trying to use dying scum wifom to make game arguments.  bleargh.


Cloud and Ishy - definitely one of them is scum for their running commentary the night before the darthe lynch


In short, scum team is Cloud/Ishy, Lenlo, Kat.  Town reads are Mish, NB, CS, Leelou, maybe Tress.    Not sure about Aemon but he looks more confused townie.





Krak claimed town RBer, no clue what would have happened. Plus with Ishy's claim and the fact that I do have a role it makes sense. 


How exactly does it make sense that Ishy would have known you were not blocked on N1?  That is what I'm getting at.  Ishy stating that it was a fact you were not RB'd N1, as though he knew, doesn't make sense to me.  Unless I missed something obvious on my read through.





He claimed 1 shot Vig and that he shot me N1. 



So how would Ishy know about anything Krak did then?




Never mind.  It suddenly makes sense to me.  Ugh.



More in the next post, trying to finish this up before I have to leave for work. 


Here is where you moved Aemon to your top 3, but never really said why. 

My top three have flipped to Kat, Aemon, Lenlo.  For the sake of competing trains, vote Aemon.  Let's put some pressure on Aemon and Lenlo and get some gameplay out of both of them.



@ John - TGlems made that list during the night, so not sure how he would have voted? Unless you mean he didn't as soon as day broke? It's just the start of day...


Can everyone make lists from townie to scum? 


Thanks for pointing that out Leelou.  I lol'd that Snow started the post with my quote about how tough it is to get thoughts in order when catching up.


Also, welcome back Snow.  Glad to see you here.  We were worried about what happened to you when you disappeared. 


Questioning Aemon, good post. 


@Snow- i was not saying Leelou could confirm, I was trying to figure out why Ishy was askin Leelou if he could claim. I still feel strongly that Ishy is scum for the opportunistic claim that cannot be verified and put the hammer on Krak to give him town cred.



Okay, so you think mafia is pulling an elaborate scheme and you're going to stop it.  Moving on, what are your thoughts on Lenlo's play so far? 



Vote count before Aemon realizes his derp:


Vote Count:


Lenlo (3) – Salami, Leelou, Cloud

TGlems (1) – Snow

Aemon (2) – Tglems, Mish

Snow (1) - Aemon


With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7 PM EST


Not voting – Kat, Not Bob, Lenlo, Tress


Lenlo is at 3 and Aemon at 2, feels like you are starting to push more for Aemon by asking for thoughts from others instead of making comments on Aemon's claimed derp. 

Songstress, what are your thoughts on Aemon's derping and the votes on Lenlo?


NotBob, have we waited long enough for your list yet?  Care to share your thoughts?




The list:
Leelou - I've had a town vibe from her since D1, and with her uncountered doc claim, she's almost certainly town.
Ishy/Snow - Ishy was very lurky until late in the Krak train.  I'm not sure why Snow thinks it's "highly illogical" to consider he could be an SK given only one kill per night - a limited shot SK is just as possible as a limited shot vig, and would have the same result regardless of his alignment.  However, Ishy's interaction with Leelou around his claim gave me a pretty good town vibe, I would have expected him to stay more under the radar as SK.  I highly doubt he's mafia.
Mish - Has made several good points, seems to be playing a consistent game. Most likely town.
NotBob - early play was odd and I didn't like the way he immediately went from sheeping Leelou to tunneling her after Despo's flip, but his play as of D2 started coming across much more town.
Hally/TG - Not a lot of content from Hally but she seemed to be putting in a slight effort at first to give thoughts and reads, then she went quiet, and appeared to try to avoid taking a stance on people or voting.  TG's contribution is more solid, seems to be actively scumhunting.  Leaning town.
Cloud - Took some early heat but it fell off the radar.  Has been participating actively.  No strong read one way or another, possible town.
Salami - Early ping with the "HEY GUYS I'M CHANGING MY PLAYSTYLE" - although I'm really liking the New Improved Salami Style to be honest with shorter posts. Re-reading I noticed a decent amount of questioning other people instead of giving his own input, and a lot of his reads seem to be more meta based than gameplay.  Slight scum lean.  
Kat - beginning of the game I got a town feel.  I understand life becoming too busy to keep up the participation, it happens. Her posts around the AJ lynch pinged seriously though, saying she was up for an AJ vote but wanted to delay, then declining to add additional thoughts because everything she wanted to say had been said, then ranting a bit because AJ was hammered before deadline and we wasted "the best scum hunting hours" and had less time before losing another townie to night phase. Moderate scum lean.
Lenlo - Low participation. Lack of serious votes.  He seemed to be reaching to justify voting Ishy, and doesn't seem to have any justification for his list of reads. Strong scum read.
Aemon - Tunneling on NotBob early game, then followed by tunneling on Ishy immediately after his reveal.  He hasn't mentioned NotBob since, by the way, which I find significantly odd. He's said very little about anybody other than those two actually, except for voting Despo temporarily before Leelou stabbed him, and a short stint at suspecting Cloud, who he's also apparently forgotten about.  His about face on the Ishy/Snow vote could be a "derp" moment, but the thing is that he was pressing this hard well before Leelou revealed.  It strikes me that he was trying to justify his tunneling on Ishy so hard that he lost track of when it became public knowledge that Leelou was the doc.  Perhaps if he is scum he would have been more careful to keep the timeline straight, but I dislike using that as justification for calling someone town.  Mafia make mistakes as well, and the most townie looking thing they can do is admit them when it becomes obvious.  Strongest scum read, although I'm good with a vote on Len as well.
Vote Aemon



Calling people out for not voting and wanting them to take a stand on voters. NB1 and Aemon eventually flip town. 



Vote Count:


Lenlo (3) – Salami, Leelou, Cloud

TGlems (1) – Snow

Aemon (3) – Tglems, Mish, Tress



With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7 PM EST


Not voting – Kat, Not Bob, Lenlo, Aemon




Unofficial VC.  10 hours left and we have a gaggle of straggle.  Apparently they have inactivity in captivity.  Finish this for me...I'm a poet and I....


Scum like to play one of two ways, IMO. The Ithi way where they lead lynches and play hard.  Or the lurky can't-pin-me-down-because-I'm-unaccountable-way in which they make sure to never make any statements or votes they can actually be taken to task for.  Kat has asked to be replaced, but NB, Lenlo and Aemon look like they are desperate to take unaccountable stances to me.  At least Aemon made a vote, even if he unvoted. 


Bob's not my name and Lenlo, reads and a vote.  Take a stance.



I keep reaching quoting limits. Sorry. 


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