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Welcome to the band Hallia!!


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Fantastically explosive drink, with extra insanity, visit us in the Range sometime and we'll show you what a real drink is :)


*points over Davricks shoulder and takes the flask as he looks round, drops a lit firework in his pocket so he doesn't notice the weight change*




Exploding things in the Range, now there's a change




*looks innocent (but an Archer trying to look innocent generally turns into a grimace of some sort)*


Flask, what flask? 


*slices self free with hidden daggers before sufferring much more than a grazed back*


*pulls out a very special cuendillar flask*


*walks back up to the front and knocks Davrick to the ground, pinches his nose and pours a double strength FED down his throat*


*Stands and looks regretfully at the flagon*


That should just about do it.  My apologies on behalf of my fellow Banders, but the Infants can't really help themselves


This? Coming from an Archer?!

Oh, and don't let the inter-regiment rivalry get to you hallia. We all know the Infantry is the best, it's just fun to watch them come up with reasons why we aren't! :p


shakes head


stop lying to hally starry  


"hally  the infants are exactly that     infants   they cry iof you take them away from their latrines for too long. And the Archers are scared of open spaces cause there is no where for them to hide. And the Cav  well we are the free roaming fearless kick ass regiment with the best people and drinks"



nods firmly and notices that hally believes him totally.....as she should


*listens to Dice and tries very hard to keep a straight face*


*fails and falls over laughing*


shakes head


stop lying to hally starry


"hally the infants are awesome! And the Archers are scared of open spaces cause there is no where for them to hide. And the Cav well we are scared of all the tiny things that run around on the ground. So we never get off our horses. also we have the worst tasting drink."


nods firmly and notices that hally believes him totally.....as she should

There I fixed it for ya.



*slices self free with hidden daggers before sufferring much more than a grazed back*


*pulls out a very special cuendillar flask*


*walks back up to the front and knocks Davrick to the ground, pinches his nose and pours a double strength FED down his throat*


*Stands and looks regretfully at the flagon*


That should just about do it.  My apologies on behalf of my fellow Banders, but the Infants can't really help themselves


This? Coming from an Archer?!

Oh, and don't let the inter-regiment rivalry get to you hallia. We all know the Infantry is the best, it's just fun to watch them come up with reasons why we aren't! :p



Did I hurt your feelings?


Have a flaming shot  (wishes there was an icon for looking innocent, think Puss in Shrek)



Hallia - May I extend a formal invitation to join us in the Treetop Tavern and Flaming Shot Pub as soon as you're able?  And, have a flaming shot




*slices self free with hidden daggers before sufferring much more than a grazed back*


*pulls out a very special cuendillar flask*


*walks back up to the front and knocks Davrick to the ground, pinches his nose and pours a double strength FED down his throat*


*Stands and looks regretfully at the flagon*


That should just about do it.  My apologies on behalf of my fellow Banders, but the Infants can't really help themselves


This? Coming from an Archer?!

Oh, and don't let the inter-regiment rivalry get to you hallia. We all know the Infantry is the best, it's just fun to watch them come up with reasons why we aren't! :p



Did I hurt your feelings?


Have a flaming shot  (wishes there was an icon for looking innocent, think Puss in Shrek)



Hallia - May I extend a formal invitation to join us in the Treetop Tavern and Flaming Shot Pub as soon as you're able?  And, have a flaming shot



*throws snowball at BFG*


*ducks snowball and fires a suction cup arrow at Starry*


Poor sensitive Infant :)


*strolls in and sits down on a chair*


*looks at all of her fellow bandmembers squabbling over which regiment is beter*


*hands Hallie a drink*


Here hun have a good one, and make sure you have a good time at every regiment.


*strolls in and sits down on a chair*


*looks at all of her fellow bandmembers squabbling over which regiment is beter*


*hands Hallie a drink*


Here hun have a good one, and make sure you have a good time at every regiment.


Says the voice of reason


note - she's an Archer :wink:


I've already told Hallia to not get sucked into all of this banter and just try to get to know each regiment and choose the one that feels like home to her.


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