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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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Official Vote Count:


Kronos(2): Turin, Talya

Dice(1): Heart

Despo(1): Hally

Hally(4): Cloud, Peace, BG, Chuckles

RTE(2): Dap, Despo


Not Voting (10): Nya, Noli, RTE, Tina, Ley, Tigs, Pank, WBK, Dice, Thorkin


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.




Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 3

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Official Vote Count:


Kronos(2): Turin, Talya, Tina

Dice(1): Heart

Despo(1): Hally

Hally(3): Cloud, Chuckles, Dice

RTE(4): Dap, Despo, BG, Peace

Cloud(1): RTE

Chuckles(1): WBK


Not Voting (6): Nya, Noli, Ley, Tigs, Pank, Thorkin


With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.




Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 3


OK, think I got it right this time, sorry guys I'm a mess

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Ok I lied not going to be able to do awake stuff tonight. Got too wrapped up in trying to get the Aiel end of the month stuff done.


Btw, I'm going to be gone the 2nd through the 6th. Thus far RandA says that we'll see what's going on in the game before we see if I need replaced just for being gone those few days. Really last minute planned family vacation; sorry :/

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Ok, lots happened since i last was here. There's a few interesting cases made that i was almost swayed by, but after they've been quite active in the last pages, I'm sticking to my suspicion on RTE/Kronos, as I mentioned in my last posts.
Havent fully caught up, have to work now and I'm definitely gonna vote this time. Vote RTE

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So now I can get on DM again


I am on Kronos and RTE as scum. One thing that makes me more suspicious of Kronos. Last Night, Turin was saying that Kronos is scum. I had one shot doc and protected Turin. Result- no one died that night. So, it means that mafia targetted Turin that night. It makes little sense for mafia to try killing Turin unless he was disturbing there plans.


I agree with the whole RTE train. His posts have been pinging.


vote RTE

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So now I can get on DM again


I am on Kronos and RTE as scum. One thing that makes me more suspicious of Kronos. Last Night, Turin was saying that Kronos is scum. I had one shot doc and protected Turin. Result- no one died that night. So, it means that mafia targetted Turin that night. It makes little sense for mafia to try killing Turin unless he was disturbing there plans.


I agree with the whole RTE train. His posts have been pinging.


vote RTE


That's a shame that we both used our NA on the same person then.


I'm the doctor. So let's stop wasting what's left on day and get to casing alright?

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Yeah, I just uh, I don't believe you. I think you would have self-protected if you were the Doc, and considering that Turin was already suspicious of you there's no way you'll get me to believe that you would have protected him. But please, continue.

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Finally something we can agree on Turin.


Vote EP


Turin already pointed out the oddity of this post, but to reiterate: What was their to agree on? Turin didn't say he "thought" EP was scum, he revealed a viewing on him.


But to my point, your wording here makes it seem like you and Turin had been at odds throughout the game and had disagreed multiple times.



Turin any time I answer your questions you ignore them and ask again. For a supposed mason, you can suggest all the names you like but you've been tunneling me for a while now, and it's your own agenda.


I did answer your first question moons ago, and then you just reasked it in your next WoT post. I work for town, not for you. Also, it is better to do this in the day than the night and I will post then.


I haven't been active enough yet this game but I am following and trying to make sense of it between all the WoTs and everyone pointing fingers in every direction.


"For a supposed mason" - Doesn't sound like you quite believed the claim, even though Turin's viewing had already bagged us a mafia.


Thoughts post!


1. Turin: Making big claims and pointing a lot of fingers. A very smart and experienced player who is swaying everyone's opinion but also posting well. I think your strongest player should also be the one you are most suspicious of. I feel that his cases are forceful but are not grounded on very much at all. Also unverified Mason claim which could see him float by unchallenged if people by it for the rest of the game. Convenient.


18. Pank: Disappeared as soon as the Mason claim dropped. Free pass till the end? This isn't her first time around the block either. What gives?


Seems like you were still distrustful of the mason pair here as well



RTE is also definitely mafia after that last post. Can we please just lynch these two.


Kronos and RTE. If hallia is mafia she is taking one for Kronos. Don't let the mafia have what they want


RTE, my case I'd based on actions. EP viewed mafia and EP flat out refused to vote Kronos yesterday. Also the EST you three echoed each other in your posts and reads on each other was classic mafia. I am nearly ready to add BB to the list with her thoughts post.


The mafia playbook seems to be cast doubt on the masons(one who has already caught a mafia) and vote anyone but their team.


Just read the thought posts of all of them and concentrate on what they say about each other.


Also the votes placed by RTE and Kronos both smacked of mafia overjustifying even with a mafia view. Note BB didn't vote. I know she was still catching up so will cut slack there


Wow. Anything else you'd like to add in there? Did I shoot the Sheriff and the Deputy? Do I eat babies?


BG's role, if RBed, would provide no evidence that Hallia is JoaT. Why? How do we have proof that his ability was RB'ed? Even he might not know depending what type of result he gets back.


If you don't see the logic in that, your head is stuck in the ground. And your head is obviously stuck somewhere Turin...



And this post is downright hostile towards Turin.


Yeah, if you were town, there's no way that you would be protecting Turin after all those attempts to discredit him.


Going to bed now but let me claim before you lynch me kthx.


If you were the Doc, here is where you would have claimed. But you first had to check in with your teammates and see what the best fake claim would be.


With people claiming town roles, especially Mason, I thought they were more at risk than I was. Turin in particular.


I self-protected night 1.


I'll go into more detail in the next post, but masons make an awful target for mafia. If you kill one, it vets the other. And Turin said that he used his one-shot move already, so as far as they knew he was a vanilla mason at that point.


Once again, I might have believed you had you not claimed to have protected Turin.

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