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The Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention Survival Kit


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So I came across this page which I thought I should show you all. Especially if you're a first-time going to DragonCon this year.




Especially read the part about the Elevators, though that may be more fun for those who has actually experienced elevator lines.


But really, very funny, and at times very informational. =)

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Well, keeping in mind I have only been to one of these conventions (and it was amazing) I soon learned that some 40 floors, about 10 elevators and thousands (literally) of people makes for some looong elevator lines. Not to mention the kind of stuff that happens in these lines or in the elevators themselves. My favorite ever waiting-for-the-elevator-story, however, is as follows:


On the last day of D*Con the year I was there (2005, and good god I can't believe it's that long ago!) there were a lot of baptists coming in because they were to have some convention of their own once D*Con was over. I am pretty sure these people already thought we were going to hell in a handbasket, but the funniest thing was this:


I'm waiting for the elevator to come, and next to me is a very conservatively dressed lady in maybe her 50s. While we're standing there three people come up to us. One is wearing a catholic priest costume, the two girls are wearing these super-skanky, shiny nun uniforms (you know the kind). The baptist lady, of course, is trying her best to ignore the whole thing, but then one of the girls turn to the guy dressed in the priest costume and says,


"oh, father, I've been so very very bad".


I had a giggle attack, and the baptist lady came very close to fainting.

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*laughs* claustrophobia and the elevator LOBBIES at D*Con don't go well together (that's from experience). I never actually got ON an elevator because I couldn't get through the lobby for all the people. LOL

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