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So... What now?


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What happens when the army of light fractures into its components?  Is Perrin Lord of the Two Rivers, or King of Saldea?  Does Mat lead the Seanchan forces in retaking seandar?  Is Malkier reclaimed from the shadow.  And what is with Rand's impossible pipe?


We got a pretty good idea from Avi's trip through the glass pillars. Some things will change but the broad strokes pretty much answer those questions.


What happens when the army of light fractures into its components?  Is Perrin Lord of the Two Rivers, or King of Saldea?  Does Mat lead the Seanchan forces in retaking seandar?  Is Malkier reclaimed from the shadow.  And what is with Rand's impossible pipe?

I think it's been confirmed that faile takes the saldaean throne and that LAN and Nynaeve take Malkier again. I would assume that Tuoj and Mat at least try to gain control of Seandar as he planned outriggers focused on Mat and Tuoj's adventures in Seanchan



I thought it was established in ToM that if Perrin was ever to become king of Saldea that Tam would become lord of the two rivers. I thought that was a stipulation that Elayne set. 


I think Harriet should make and executive decision on this one.  How can you have 15 book series and that is it?  Yes they should write some more for sure.

I think that what they have written is completely adequate. I would want more, but it wouldn't be at all by Jordan. I don't want WoT to be ruined by other people trying to fill in the gaps. Its up to the reader to decide, and I like that. 


I thought it was established in ToM that if Perrin was ever to become king of Saldea that Tam would become lord of the two rivers. I thought that was a stipulation that Elayne set. 

The stipulation was only about Perrin and Faile's children, which, yes, works in the long term, but in the short-term?

Well, I guess Perrin's only a couple of heartbeats away.


No reason why Perrin can't be both, though I would imagine he and Faile would rule Saldea directly and Lord Tam will act as their steward in The Two Rivers.   Mat and Tuon will stabilize Seandar as that was to be the plot of the outriggers.  Considering that the blight is receding I can see no reason why Lan and Nyneave would not reestablish Malkiar.  As to the pipe apparently only Robert Jordan knew the answer to that.  Brandon Sanderson has stated that he does not know how Rand lit the pipe


Star Wars was turned over to some great authors and some great stories ensued. WoT should do the same.

Some were great stories, others were utter trash.


It's why I'm not writing fanfic; I want to know what happens, not enforce my own bias on the story.



Star Wars was turned over to some great authors and some great stories ensued. WoT should do the same.

Some were great stories, others were utter trash.




I'd say much more trash than great stories.  In fact the best way I can describe the Star Wars EU is a few roses growing out of a huge pile of manure.   I really do not want to see the same thing happen to WoT.  I'm happy with WoT as it is and I'm sure the encyclopedia will answer many of our questions.


What happens when the army of light fractures into its components?  Is Perrin Lord of the Two Rivers, or King of Saldea?  Does Mat lead the Seanchan forces in retaking seandar?  Is Malkier reclaimed from the shadow.  And what is with Rand's impossible pipe?

Perrin was made Steward of the Two Rivers, Rand was made Lord - with Rand (apparently) dead, his children are the next in line.


The Two Rivers was given to Rand. Perrin is a High Lord and Steward to The Dragon Reborn. I assume Tam would become Steward (maybe with help from Morgase) until Rand or Perrins kids can take over. However, Rands kids with Elayne will be Daughter Heir and/or First Prince of the Sword and would probably stay in the Capital.


With gateways, Perrin and Faile may be able to be both Saldean royalty and High Lord/Lady of The Two Rivers.


The Two Rivers was given to Rand. Perrin is a High Lord and Steward to The Dragon Reborn. I assume Tam would become Steward (maybe with help from Morgase) until Rand or Perrins kids can take over. However, Rands kids with Elayne will be Daughter Heir and/or First Prince of the Sword and would probably stay in the Capital.


With gateways, Perrin and Faile may be able to be both Saldean royalty and High Lord/Lady of The Two Rivers.

Nope, Perrin was Steward, Rand was Lord. Perrin being made Lord was mooted, but wasn't part of the final agreement.


Personally I find the notion of re-establishing Malkier ludicrous. A nation is not the land but the people, and the leftover Malkiery are few and old. Since land is cheap and abundant in Randland and war is over and done with I see little reason for masses to emigrate to a land lacking the most basic infrastructure. I can't imagine Malkier being reestablished anytime soon.


A lot of young men flocked to Lan's banner, many of whom weren't Malkieri (i.e. were from other Borderlands or only had a little Malkieri blood).  I think BS and Harriet confirmed that Malkier would be reclaimed.  Reclaiming back land that the Shadow has held for years would be a pretty attractive proposition for many Borderlanders I think.


A lot of young men flocked to Lan's banner, many of whom weren't Malkieri (i.e. were from other Borderlands or only had a little Malkieri blood).  I think BS and Harriet confirmed that Malkier would be reclaimed.  Reclaiming back land that the Shadow has held for years would be a pretty attractive proposition for many Borderlanders I think.

Reclaiming the land is not unreasonable, but the new Malkier will be, effectively, a new nation and not just the continuation of the old one.


Personally I find the notion of re-establishing Malkier ludicrous. A nation is not the land but the people, and the leftover Malkiery are few and old. Since land is cheap and abundant in Randland and war is over and done with I see little reason for masses to emigrate to a land lacking the most basic infrastructure. I can't imagine Malkier being reestablished anytime soon.

Its possible some of the refugees had children in the last 40 odd years.


We can break this down a bit. Usual causes for emigration might be:

1. economical reasons, or more generally improvements of one's life quality.

2. fleeing war/anarchy/disorder in the general area of origin.

3. prosecution in the original area, lack of rights etc.

4. religious/ idealistic reasons (historically as far as I can tell this is pretty minor to 1-3)


So what would make a border-lander leave his friends, neighbors,  culture, possibly a home and a business and go to an area which lacks everything from roads to bridges, from cities to hamlets?

what would cause a man betray his country when it needs people the most? and lower his life standard while at it.


A lot of young men flocked to Lan's banner, many of whom weren't Malkieri (i.e. were from other Borderlands or only had a little Malkieri blood).


some of the would go to Malkier, no doubt. but how many would that be? reduce the heavy casualties, those that are more connected to their own land and just wanted to fight the same enemy under a different leader. those that have friends and family back home who they care a lot about, those that their wife would smack them if they suggested to go live in a wasteland.

sure maybe a couple of thousands will come, mostly men. definitely doesn't make it a nation.


Reclaiming back land that the Shadow has held for years would be a pretty attractive proposition for many Borderlanders I think.


The war is over, the shadow defeated, there is no purpose in this. I am not sure what's the mechanics of the blight but why would they need to settle there to combat the blight at this point? can't the many powerful channelers destroy it? Why should an Arafelian reclaim the blight far out there in Malkier when he can do the same much closer to home?


Its possible some of the refugees had children in the last 40 odd years.


It's possible that by now they have strong connection to the land they lived on for all their lives through family, friends, occupation, business associates and homes/land. Why would they go live in the middle of no where instead? because of Lan?


I think BS and Harriet confirmed that Malkier would be reclaimed.


Well that means I have to accept it's true, not that it makes sense.



sorry for meshing the order of the quotes a bit, I did it so I can bunch replies by subject.


As to restoring Malkier...  Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't many Borderland fortifications and villages overrun by the forces of the Dark One?  Weren't many villages abandoned and farms left to die?


For those who have freely abandoned home and land in sake of refuge, why not follow the White Crane beyond the battlefields to re-found Malkier?  If one must start over anyway it is better to do so in a manner history will remember, I say.


It's possible that by now they have strong connection to the land they lived on for all their lives through family, friends, occupation, business associates and homes/land. Why would they go live in the middle of no where instead? because of Lan?


Well, all of the borderlands were trashed to one degree or another. Probably a lot of people looking for new homes.  Its probably not unlike the Jews moving to Israel post WW2.


From the way other Borderlanders react to Lan (and anything Malkieri in general), I think they all have some kind of emotional investment in it and would want to see it brought back if possible.


Dont forget the shadowspawn though...the trollocs may be effectively destroyed, but there are all sorts of other evil things in the blight that will need killing eventually...Malkier might be reclaimed eventually, but I cant see the forces of the light hunting the shadowspawn in the blight until at least the next generation...the number of able bodied men to reproduce has been decimated by battle and the land has been almost entirely stripped of food...priority number one is fixing the food situation and number two is having kids so they can grow up and keep the food production going and help rebuild...


Dont forget the shadowspawn though...the trollocs may be effectively destroyed, but there are all sorts of other evil things in the blight that will need killing eventually...Malkier might be reclaimed eventually, but I cant see the forces of the light hunting the shadowspawn in the blight until at least the next generation...the number of able bodied men to reproduce has been decimated by battle and the land has been almost entirely stripped of food...priority number one is fixing the food situation and number two is having kids so they can grow up and keep the food production going and help rebuild...


Thats true but if I remember correctly there are examples of the blight receding and the land where it used to be being almost instantly restored to lushness. If thats the case, the most untouched lands in the borderlands could be where the blight retreated from, as opposed to where the armies warred across and burned to scorched earth.


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