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I have only recently discovered this series recently and am disappointed to not have found it sooner. It was recommended to me by my friend.


I always wanted to join this site but wary of the spoilers since I am only on book 6.


Anyway I hope to find many fans here who want to talk about the series together.


The Wheel turns, and Ages come and pass.




Welcome to the active Draonmount, ShayolGhull!

I hope you enjoy your stay. I would be disappointed if you did not find a single person here who would gladly talk WoT with you!


Welcome to dragonmount! I'd normally suggest you begin with the discussion forums but since you haven't finished the series yet you should be aware that some of the threads there may contain spoilers. I'd highly reccomend taking a few moments to check out the Social Groups and see which one(s) work best for you. Each group has something different to offer such as the Black Tower's tainted brownies & spam or the Band of the Red Hand's taverns & discussions on music/arts. The social groups can be a little silly at times but are almost always a lot of fun and a great way for you to get to know and interact with a number of other DM members. If you enjoy Role Play you can also check out the RP forums, also broken down into groups, which can allow you to enter the WoT world and live out the story yourself.


Thanks guys for the welcoming. :wink: Will certainly look at the social groups and maybe join one. Can I ask - how many social groups can you join? I know you can join more than one but what's the limit? :huh:


No limit, you could be in them all if you wanted 


Ah. Thanks. Just looking through these forums. In Scotland, UK we have very little fans of WoT, but in the book shop, there is always this small group of people huddled around this big massive collection of books, looking at WoT. I am happy to say I am one of them. :wink:


Welcome to DM hun! One of my closest friends here on DM, my sis Taymist, is from Scotland too. She's a DM admin and you'll find her in the RP area mostly. *grins*


Sounds like the Social Groups will be a great place for you to start and hope to see you here!


Welcome to DM!


I replied to this thread. I swear I replied.


As Nikon said there is no limit to the SGs you can join. I am member of all of them. Though I don't recommend joining all at once as it becomes too confusing. I usually start in one or two groups at a time and when I become full ranking remember and it becomes boring them I join another. Social Groups are like family


Welcome to DM!


I tend to be always late... Anyway, as Nikon and Panchi told you, there is no limit to the SG you can join, though is recommended to hang around the SG -all of them if you want- introducing yourself and then join just a couple of them (the ones where you feel comfortable). 


Let me add my own "Welcome to DM!" 


And I'd  also like to encourage you to check out the social groups!  Each has a different flavor so I would recommend you to visit each and find the ones where you feel most comfortable.  If that's all of them then great!  :smile:


Thanks for the late replies. I have joined Shayol Ghul (strange that my name is ShayolGhull) and may join more in the future. Thanks for even the late welcoming XD


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