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Roll Call!


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Alright folks - in between the RGL changes in the past year or so, it seems that the member information hasn't been updated. I'm searching the bios, progress reports, and etc to centralize all of the information into a single location so I can eventually update the wiki. So your help would be greatly appreciated!!


Please reply with your information:

Character Name

Assigned WS

Path/Discipline (for Tower Guards and Warders)

In a relationship? If yes, with who? (Note, if you are bonded AND in a relationship, mention both. Just for record keeping, thanks!)

Bonded? If yes, with who?



Edited by seiakera
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Visar Falmaien

Warder, also blademaster

WS 15

Path: rogue lol, mostly Ren'Shai i think.

Bonded and in relationship with: Rasheta Ardashir Sedai




Torvus Arathel of house Schaim

Tower Guard

WS 7 (or 8 i forget)

Path: if there's a path for gadgetry he's in it.

Not in a relationship, not bonded.




Currently rping using Visar with Rekinu, Aekold, Rasheta, and i'm not sure who else. I haven't touched Torvus in a while.

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Character Name: Rekinu Alasayaar

Assigned WS: don't know... I need to go over this and get it set straight... (Please help? Lol)

Path/Discipline (None? Warder? Don't think I knew they existed other than TG and warder...)

In a relationship? If yes, with who? No

Bonded? If yes, with who? Taia Misna (Rasheta's alt)

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**blows the dust off**  I'll have to look up all their stuff hopefully I remember their names correctly.


Character Name:

Assigned WS

Path/Discipline (for Tower Guards and Warders)

In a relationship? If yes, with who? (Note, if you are bonded AND in a relationship, mention both. Just for record keeping, thanks!)

Bonded? If yes, with who?


Perivar Tarigan (Warder)

WS 15


Bonded/relationship with Kabria Sedai


Kennar Tynes (TG)

WS 10

no path just an evil DF bastard

No bonds or relationships


Girsham Elmaren

WS 7

no path/disc

Bonded to Miahna Sedai


Odd I know he was bonded but I only see him with a WS of 7.  Guess it doesn't matter anymore as that has been changed.

Edited by Sieve
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Thera Trakelyn

WS 19

Flame and Void

Not Anymore Serena of the Blue Ajah (but she has not RP'd for years so I may want to dissolve that bond)




Adele Naurel

WS 2

Flame and Void

No relationship

No bonded

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Character Name: Tywin Gale

Assigned WS: 1!

In a relationship? If yes, with who?: no I is a lowly trainee working hard too hard for such a thing....

Bonded? If yes, with who?: No. Too low on the totem pole as yet..


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