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Why "it"?

Sila Darklover

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Why are Myrddraal referred to as "it" instead of "he"? Unlike Trollocs, they're known to be all male. I know they aren't human, but horses are referred to by gender. Please aid me in my confuzzlement. :?


Well, it's not human, so it's "it".


Nowadays people love their pets so much that they say "he" or "she", but I don't think we have Myrdraal pets, except for Fain ofcourse.


They are Trolloc offspring of some sort and can't make their own babies. Hence no male/female and therefore no he/she.


Or something like that. If you have a copy of the BWB(The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time) it explains all that in detail.


Myrddraal are in fact Trolloc offspring. They're the trollocs who have the genetic trait for the ability, in humans, to channel. It's true that they're unable to reproduce, however they are all male. There are no female Fades.

Myrddraal are in fact Trolloc offspring. They're the trollocs who have the genetic trait for the ability' date=' in humans, to channel. It's true that they're unable to reproduce, however they are all male. There are no female Fades.[/quote']


I thought it was simply a throwback from the Trolloc line. The ones that go towards humans are Myrddraal, and the ones that go towards animals die.


I'm a biology bachelor, so I'll give it a biological view:

Trollocs: females stay in the Blight, males go and look for food in Randland ==> they're HE's


Myrrdraal are non-reproducive.

Look at your computer for instance. Any idea how to put a sex to it???? So ==> Myrrdraal = IT's

Guest Majsju

How often have you heard a trolloc being refered to as 'he'?


Neither trollocs nor myrdraal are humans, they are creatures.


How does anybody know that Myrddraal are sterile? Since their human mates usually go insane and die for some reason, it doesn't seem like their would be much proof. Unless some people volunteered to test the theory... :wink:


(Sorry if this is all in BWB, I have no idea how to get the book)


From that elusive BWB:


Although Myrdraal are the offspring of Trollocs, they bear little similarity to them, other than having Trolloc names. So far as is known, all Myrdraal are male, probably sterile due to their hybrid nature, and completely lacking in individual expression, such as ornamentation or variations in armor or clothing.


As for getting the BWB:




Thats hardcover, the one actual Big White Book.




Thats a paperback version, not as Big, or as White, but still a Book.

Guest Wynne Jessal
From that elusive BWB:


So far as is known' date=' all Myrdraal are male, probably sterile due to their hybrid nature...[/quote']


Probably sterile?! Uh oh. Should Moghedien be concerned? :shock:

I thought it was simply a throwback from the Trolloc line. The ones that go towards humans are Myrddraal, and the ones that go towards animals die.


I believe that's another thing in the BWB. Trollocs are human and animal stock mixed together. Whenever the genetic trait for channeling comes up in a trolloc child a Myrddraal is produced. All Myrddraal are sterile males, and their semen drives women insane..... thus women suffer from the attention of Fades as is mentioned in the books.

I thought it was simply a throwback from the Trolloc line. The ones that go towards humans are Myrddraal' date=' and the ones that go towards animals die.[/quote']


I believe that's another thing in the BWB. Trollocs are human and animal stock mixed together. Whenever the genetic trait for channeling comes up in a trolloc child a Myrddraal is produced. All Myrddraal are sterile males, and their semen drives women insane..... thus women suffer from the attention of Fades as is mentioned in the books.


My copy (Paper back) doesnt say anything about channeling.

Guest Wynne Jessal
All Myrddraal are sterile males' date=' and their semen drives women insane..... thus women suffer from the attention of Fades as is mentioned in the books.[/quote']




Wow, that struck me as really funny.


Did the BWB get really that specific saying "the semen of a Myrddraal will cause a human remale to go insane"?


Being raped by a Myrddraal would be "suffering" by their "attention." I don't know that anything else (semen-wise) was implied.


Wow, this conversation is so wrong... :oops:

How often have you heard a trolloc being refered to as 'he'?


Neither trollocs nor myrdraal are humans' date=' they are creatures.[/quote']


Dito. (That's what I said, but then again, people have problem reading my words.)

  • Community Administrator

The BWB nor the Books mentioned anything about Mydraal being the offspring of trollocs with channeling gene. That is 100% pure speculation. Unfounded, and far more likely the DO toke a direct hand in the making of mydraal. After the first dozen came about that is.

Nor did it mention anything about mydraal 'seed' causing women to go insane. Far more likely it was through the shere amount of torture they go through... Not to mention. Mydraal blades = tainted right? So whos to say there armor, nor the very mydraal themselves arent? For all you konw they 'procrate' *unsuccesfully* by doing there shadow tricks....


Yes the whole bit about Myrdraal seed making women insane was a misconception, spread to some degree by me I'm afraid, until I realized I had misread my source. There is no indication that Myrdraal semen is toxic in any way.


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