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Welcome to the Band Bloody Mat!!

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Welcome to the band Mat! You should check out our three divisions and enjoy yourself for a little while. While you're looking around be sure to stop by The Flamin' Shot Pub and have a drink or two with those of us in the Archers division so you can get to know us a little bit.

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*Goes to make sure Dors is hidden*


*Pulls out a magnifying glass and pulls on the HAT*


*Stares at the ground and pauses when she seers a line of footprints*


I deduce that he passed this way


*walks on a little further around a copse*


And found some company...



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*glares with his one good eye, the other covered with a patch*


Yarr.. I don't be seein' what you arrreeee.


Gimme that thing..


*snatches the magnifying glass, enlarging his single eye as he peers through it*

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