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Basel Gill

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Those are all things that could be made up by mafia last minute too.


If there are two teams, mafia would know it.


If there are fake claims, mafia would know it.


Bomb. Well, again. Nothing in her claim vets her.

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[all those Ithi quotes]

Okay all!  Hook, line, and sinker.  I quoted a bunch of other ithi stuff so you could see the various disparities and ways she is bouncing around so far.  See, if we only have 16 left in a game of 23 then today is Lylo.  (assuming an average 7 mafia for this size) So she has voted on three people so far in an attempt to get some of you WIFOM'd and to vote with her.  I love this, she came out with a case on RTE when I had been pushing him all day and she hadn't mentioned him before.  That was the evidence I have been looking for.  It was a push for my kill (which mafia was relying on) and an opportunistic case on a newbie.


Oh yeah, Thorum revealed correctly but he left out one thing.  My Vig was 1 shot.


Vote Ithi


I like how you played it with that one-shot and threatening to shoot to find a follower.


Great work Darthe, apart from I was looking to also see who would easily go along with the RTE lynch. No-one bit, so I moved on to Smiley, WoT had a nibble, but Len took my bait, hence my Vote on him.


Sometimes you have to move about and try things to find Mafia, as well you know.


Len, why did you agree with me about Smiley, when I had no case and even said I was just bouncing about on votes to see what happened?


You sound like Darthe's post above gave you an idea to defend yourself.


Len also couldn't explain why he agreed with me about Smiley, unless he was just admitting he planned to blindly go along with me until I decided to vote for him. And then, he decideds to go along with Darthe. What a surpise.


That was just a few moments ago and he can't explain why he first agreed with me about Smiley, but NOW thinks I am bouncy bouncy Mafiosy. He's a fickle mistake making changey mind and totally caught out MAFIA.


I'm still the British Secretary of State for War :)


Wouldn't Minister of War make more sense?


vote Ithi

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I've definitely been thinking about the people who have said that it is obvious the Mafia has to be Germany ... when there were multiple antagonists in the War. That made me think that they didn't want anyone to think there may be more than one set of bad guys out there - but I was keeping it to myself so I could watch and see what else they said.


I could certainly see there being Japan as major players of some kind. Italy I feel would be more Sympish/linked with Germany. Hmmmm, guess who doesn't want to discuss this possibility? Someone who said that the Germans were definitely the Mafia?



Ithi made this comment before Day 1 ended. She seems fairly certain of the idea of two mafias already. Interesting that her first nightly "Intel" was there are two mafia teams.

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im going to have to ask the same question as time

is that even a role?? 


Advanced games, mods often make up their own roles. So that's not as big of an issue as much as I just think she's lying. It sounds like a variation on the Oracle role if real.

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So, first off, I did the reread looking for who was following who, seeming town and avoiding accountability. I also took into account role claims etc. BB never sent in one of the NA's, and the other couple were blocked so none of my thoughts are from investigations. But:


Scum Team - BG, Turin, Lenlo, Songstress, Starrik/Despo2.0


Town Reads - Ithi, Random, RTE, Time, Thorum/Darthe2.0


Not Sure - Kaylee, Lolguy, Mawthex (slightly scummy), Smiley, Snow


BG I am almost certain is mafia. From following others with late votes, multiple anti-town votes, asking for name claims, etc.

Turin I get the same mafia feel about as he is busy following also. Additionally, he posts lots of explanations to other experienced players who don't need it. His posts look like gameplay but aren't.

Lenlo has been a follower also along with obvious buddying up to townies.

Songstress has pushed misinformation all game long. Also has consistently waited to post late votes that look unaccountable.

Starrik was incredibly scummy, following others, emo posts that were unhelpful, etc. Despo2.0 has done nothing probably because he is looking at the QT and can't figure out how to undo the damage Starrik has done so he is laying low.


As for the Ithi train, all game long Ithi has posted original thoughts that others have followed on to. I don't see her as the mafia leader but I have never played with her. However, her play has been accountable and gives me a town read.

RTE and Time are new, but I see their play as being less scummy and more just newbie.

Random looks like a mason, Darthe2.0 is dayvig.


For Kaylee, Maw, Lolguy, Maw, and Snow, I don't have any good read yet. Kaylee is playing to her usual style, Lolguy is laying very low but had a good claim, Maw seems scummy with his complaining about claims post, Snow is...where is snow?


vote BG

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BG I am almost certain is mafia. From following others with late votes, multiple anti-town votes, asking for name claims, etc.




As for the Ithi train, all game long Ithi has posted original thoughts that others have followed on to. I don't see her as the mafia leader but I have never played with her. However, her play has been accountable and gives me a town read.

RTE and Time are new, but I see their play as being less scummy and more just newbie.

Random looks like a mason, Darthe2.0 is dayvig.


For Kaylee, Maw, Lolguy, Maw, and Snow, I don't have any good read yet. Kaylee is playing to her usual style, Lolguy is laying very low but had a good claim, Maw seems scummy with his complaining about claims post, Snow is...where is snow?


vote BG


Late votes... That's a scum tell? Anti-town votes, well considering that everyone who has been lynched has been town so far... I guess most everyone has anti-town votes. Darthe asked for name claims, I said I wasn't opposed to the idea, Wombat gave a good reason why it wasn't a good idea, I Fair Enoughed it. I assure you TGlems, I'm town.


Concerning Ithi, there is proof given that her opinion on two mafias came to light the day before her info was received which is highly irregular and likely a scum slip. You just going to ignore that?


I think Snow was replaced.

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So, first off, I did the reread looking for who was following who, seeming town and avoiding accountability. I also took into account role claims etc. BB never sent in one of the NA's, and the other couple were blocked so none of my thoughts are from investigations. But:


Scum Team - BG, Turin, Lenlo, Songstress, Starrik/Despo2.0


Town Reads - Ithi, Random, RTE, Time, Thorum/Darthe2.0


Not Sure - Kaylee, Lolguy, Mawthex (slightly scummy), Smiley, Snow


BG I am almost certain is mafia. From following others with late votes, multiple anti-town votes, asking for name claims, etc.

Turin I get the same mafia feel about as he is busy following also. Additionally, he posts lots of explanations to other experienced players who don't need it. His posts look like gameplay but aren't.

Lenlo has been a follower also along with obvious buddying up to townies.

Songstress has pushed misinformation all game long. Also has consistently waited to post late votes that look unaccountable.

Starrik was incredibly scummy, following others, emo posts that were unhelpful, etc. Despo2.0 has done nothing probably because he is looking at the QT and can't figure out how to undo the damage Starrik has done so he is laying low.


As for the Ithi train, all game long Ithi has posted original thoughts that others have followed on to. I don't see her as the mafia leader but I have never played with her. However, her play has been accountable and gives me a town read.

RTE and Time are new, but I see their play as being less scummy and more just newbie.

Random looks like a mason, Darthe2.0 is dayvig.


For Kaylee, Maw, Lolguy, Maw, and Snow, I don't have any good read yet. Kaylee is playing to her usual style, Lolguy is laying very low but had a good claim, Maw seems scummy with his complaining about claims post, Snow is...where is snow?


vote BG


just this post. rawr.


If there is one thing in this game that I'm sure of it is that Ithi is Town, her play just does not suggest mafia, I wholeheartedly agree with TG here, she's headed most lynches in the game or at least seems rather pivotal in them, (Darthe, Rand and Marsh) but she wasn't alone in those lynches, others agreed/bandwagoned on her, they weren't just subtle mafia nudges, they were blatant, well-thought out cases that turned out in the end to be wrong. Everyone on those trains shares responsibility for this not just Ithi. I just don't think a mafioso would risk that kind of exposure


I am happy voting BG right now, the only mildly helpful thing I've seen him do was to ask lol some questions. To answer his question about seeing that there were two fronts - I believe people were tending towards game mechanics talk at that point and it's a pretty blatant thing to suggest, there were of course multiple "bad guy" nations - I'm not exactly sure if that's what the first report means but it's a possibilty. BG's never headed a lynch, sure I don't think he's ever completely bandwagoned but he's too good of a mafia player to do that anyway.


and even if that and the reasons TG have given fall apart, he is still attacking Ithi, and as I said before I stake everything I have in my game on her being Town. All in. To that list I add in TG, Random, RTE, lolguy, Darthe and WOT


Vote BG


if I may be so bold as to suggest Starrik next?

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^^^ You made me laugh with the "rawr." Also, your avatar creeps me out. Reminds me of the madness in Soul Eater manga.


@BG - It seems Smiley answered the question about the talk of two fronts. I had it in my notes and saw it, but thought it was less of a scum slip and more of general setup talk, along with the talk about Jesters, etc.

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^^^ You made me laugh with the "rawr." Also, your avatar creeps me out. Reminds me of the madness in Soul Eater manga.


@BG - It seems Smiley answered the question about the talk of two fronts. I had it in my notes and saw it, but thought it was less of a scum slip and more of general setup talk, along with the talk about Jesters, etc.

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^^^ You made me laugh with the "rawr." Also, your avatar creeps me out. Reminds me of the madness in Soul Eater manga.


You're not the only one it creeps out, I think it juxtaposes nicely with the rawr in my sig rotation.


Just to get this straight: You have information on only one person in this game. One other investigation was blocked and the other one was never entered?

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So, first off, I did the reread looking for who was following who, seeming town and avoiding accountability. I also took into account role claims etc. BB never sent in one of the NA's, and the other couple were blocked so none of my thoughts are from investigations. But:


Scum Team - BG, Turin, Lenlo, Songstress, Starrik/Despo2.0


Town Reads - Ithi, Random, RTE, Time, Thorum/Darthe2.0


Not Sure - Kaylee, Lolguy, Mawthex (slightly scummy), Smiley, Snow


BG I am almost certain is mafia. From following others with late votes, multiple anti-town votes, asking for name claims, etc.

Turin I get the same mafia feel about as he is busy following also. Additionally, he posts lots of explanations to other experienced players who don't need it. His posts look like gameplay but aren't.

Lenlo has been a follower also along with obvious buddying up to townies.

Songstress has pushed misinformation all game long. Also has consistently waited to post late votes that look unaccountable.

Starrik was incredibly scummy, following others, emo posts that were unhelpful, etc. Despo2.0 has done nothing probably because he is looking at the QT and can't figure out how to undo the damage Starrik has done so he is laying low.


As for the Ithi train, all game long Ithi has posted original thoughts that others have followed on to. I don't see her as the mafia leader but I have never played with her. However, her play has been accountable and gives me a town read.

RTE and Time are new, but I see their play as being less scummy and more just newbie.

Random looks like a mason, Darthe2.0 is dayvig.


For Kaylee, Maw, Lolguy, Maw, and Snow, I don't have any good read yet. Kaylee is playing to her usual style, Lolguy is laying very low but had a good claim, Maw seems scummy with his complaining about claims post, Snow is...where is snow?


vote BG


just this post. rawr.


If there is one thing in this game that I'm sure of it is that Ithi is Town, her play just does not suggest mafia, I wholeheartedly agree with TG here, she's headed most lynches in the game or at least seems rather pivotal in them, (Darthe, Rand and Marsh) but she wasn't alone in those lynches, others agreed/bandwagoned on her, they weren't just subtle mafia nudges, they were blatant, well-thought out cases that turned out in the end to be wrong. Everyone on those trains shares responsibility for this not just Ithi. I just don't think a mafioso would risk that kind of exposure


I am happy voting BG right now, the only mildly helpful thing I've seen him do was to ask lol some questions. To answer his question about seeing that there were two fronts - I believe people were tending towards game mechanics talk at that point and it's a pretty blatant thing to suggest, there were of course multiple "bad guy" nations - I'm not exactly sure if that's what the first report means but it's a possibilty. BG's never headed a lynch, sure I don't think he's ever completely bandwagoned but he's too good of a mafia player to do that anyway.


and even if that and the reasons TG have given fall apart, he is still attacking Ithi, and as I said before I stake everything I have in my game on her being Town. All in. To that list I add in TG, Random, RTE, lolguy, Darthe and WOT


Vote BG


if I may be so bold as to suggest Starrik next?

Your right she has lead most of the lynchs, how many of which have been scum? 0. An easy way to slip by as scum is to keep forcing everyone's attention elsewhere. If your at the front of the pack leading them to their next kill, whos going to think of killing the leader?

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Okay, so I didn't manage to get the reply box to work this morning before work, so this VC is a bit overdue. The count is incomplete right now, I'm doing the edit as I go thing.


Vote count:


Len (1): Ithi

Ithi (6): RTE, Darthe 2.0, Len, BG, Random, Ley 2.0

BG (2): TG, Smiley


With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Not voting (7) : Turin, Maw, Tress, Kaylee, Chuckles, Time, Des 2.0

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I'm wondering why Smiley chose the specific phrase of staking whatever Town cred he has.... I'm not saying he has much or not, but it's interesting... if he's that certain, then it's possible he's either Ithi's lover (snicker) or there could be another Mason team. 




I still don't like your play this game, Ithi. But There are enough other people in this game worth looking at that this will be a pass for now.


Tress, you seem to pop up conveniently to add one or two posts a day, kinda agreeing with the consensus and then checking out. What are your thoughts right now?

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I should also add that BG's asking for names followed N2 where the Master Forger was made and Turin also seemed SUPER town with pushing his D1 everybody say Schenvenighas, or whatever it was. The buddying up was incredibly obvious and makes me think mafia.


I have already talked about my decision to push for everyone to say scheveningen as soon as I figured out what it was. Originally I was curious of the significance even asking Wombat why he wanted us to say what looked to me to be a German word. I googled it and only found that it was the city where they housed Milosevic and other war criminals. Then Ley explained how different nationalities pronounced it differently and then that it was used as a password in the war. Basel is a stickler for details so it seemed like the kind of thing he would include in the game. If something helps the town, it should be pushed by anyone of the town. Justas it would be to help find mafia. Now I have admittedly not been super active. The biggest reason is that I have been working like crazy. I have currently been on the road over a week and will not be home for a few more days. I thought that this was something that I could do to help the town. I still don't think that it was buddying but I guess perception is reality. Or you could say buddying is in the eye of the beholder.


You said that I have been following. I can see how it looks that way because I haven't been making a lot of long posts. I have imo tried to put forth my thoughts as I could. But Due to lack of time long posts with big descriptions were not happening. The only reason I was able to quote now is I am at a truck stop with WiFi. Now I just hope my battery doesn't die.


I currently agree with you about Lenlo. He has been one of the people I have been suspicious of. his last little bit with Ithi is raising him a bit more. He doen't say why he did what he did and basically just gave attitude as if to sluff it off. But why you do things is as important as what you do.


That was an interesting little thing that BG noted in regards to her claim. I am not sure about her which is a bit odd. Normally I can feel from her mannerisms if she is town. But the one time she was mafia she did have me NK'ed N1. Then used that to gain town cred, tricksy girl.


Lolguy just can't seem to stop himself from sounding mafia. He has a pretty solid sounding character claim but there a ton of big names that were in WWII. They can't all really be in the game. I am leaning mafia on him.


Darthe, It turns out that Thorum used up his single vig shot early on. You would think a town vig would hold on to it for someone they were sure of, or at least more sure of than the way it played out. Now it was Thorum and not Darthe that did it so I dunno how to apply it to Darthe. I do feel this lends less credence to the town claim as it could be very easy for the mafia to have a onetime day kill also. I just saw the quote about being at lylo today. I am not a mafia mod so will ask those that are if that sounds right. I would think  that a game with 23 to start would have 6 anti town elements as that is approximately 25%. If the modly types here concur with Drthe's assessment then I will believe the consensus.


RTE, next post.


Who replaced Snow? Dap. Have we heard from him yet. Having a mystery is not good at this time, but it may be too late to do anything about him.


Tress. Very quiet as some have noted. Is it computer/internet issues? I would like to hear more from her.


Random is confirmed Mason partner to Rand imo.


more in a bit I need to pull up the two RTE quotes that have been bothering me today.

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Love.Ly. :dry:


Am I the only town left?!

This is right after Ironeyes flips town and Jimmy Doolittle. I have previously stated my dislike of the "drat" post and that he makes yet another staement decrying his towniness sits very wrong with me. In my experiance it is something that new mafia tend to do. Trying to convince themselves as it were.


This is going to be a poor question but did we lose our lie detector? Because I posted I am town about 52 times and role revealed early on. They could easily check my claim.


But whatever, Darthe is killing me. I still am wary of Wombat and Ithi sounds like a very experienced player with relatively little to say. That's not good.

This is a bit later after his spurt of activity.

First section he is begging for the LD to check him. Why the LD and not also the cop? A slip of the silvertongue perhaps?


The second that he is wary of wombat who died during the same night phase. Also stated that Ithi has had little to say. It seems to be the majority opinion that Ithi has been leading the lynches to date so how can she have little to say?


I was already suspicious of him from D1 but he got the noob pass and then I have been less available to look into his activities. There was the thing I noted yesterday which was before Darthe made his big case during the night. I think RTE is very much mafia.


Vote RTE

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