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Basel Gill

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Vote count:


Iron (3): Ithi, Womby, Maw

Chuckles (1): BG

Ithi (2): Random, Starry


Not voting (12): Turin, RTE, Iron, Smiley, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Snow, Thorum


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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Is he? I just got finished studying WW2 in History and not once was he mentioned, while Leys character, Churchhill and afew others were.


He was responsible for thinking up the air raid we did on Tokyo shortly after Pearl Harbor.  More of a symbolic attack than anything else, but they made a movie about it.

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Vote count:


Iron (4): Ithi, Womby, Maw, BG

Ithi (2): Random, Starry


Not voting (12): Turin, RTE, Iron, Smiley, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Snow, Darthe 2.0


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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I'd be happy to lynch either Marsh or Maw. Marsh for previously stated reasons and Maw b/c he's really been pinging me lately. This post for example:

Uuuuum... Sure. Better than anything else I've thought of.




I'm sorry I haven't been very active, life's been a bit hectic lately.

That first line just doesn't feel right. There was another post of his further back that stood out too. I'll see if I can find it.

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Um... Wow. This is obnoxious. Everyone has a good claim. I think i'm going to stay on Rand till DL since he doesn't seem to want to defend himself and its close enough that I don't think we could pull together another lynch.

This is the quote of Maw's I was thinking of. I had tried to quote it before but the coding went funky on my phone.

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I'd be happy to lynch either Marsh or Maw. Marsh for previously stated reasons and Maw b/c he's really been pinging me lately. This post for example:
Uuuuum... Sure. Better than anything else I've thought of.




I'm sorry I haven't been very active, life's been a bit hectic lately.

That first line just doesn't feel right. There was another post of his further back that stood out too. I'll see if I can find it.



Um... Wow. This is obnoxious. Everyone has a good claim. I think i'm going to stay on Rand till DL since he doesn't seem to want to defend himself and its close enough that I don't think we could pull together another lynch.

This is the quote of Maw's I was thinking of. I had tried to quote it before but the coding went funky on my phone.


These two quotes jump off the screen as fairly blatantly scummy.  I was going to say I don't know if he could play any scummier even if he tried, but then I figured he could just pull a Rand and admit to being mafia.  :laugh:


Maw could use some attention.   Marsh I still find very suspicious for reasons listed earlier.  


*prods RTE and Snow.... especially Snow* 


Would like to hear more from RTE, he was coming across as pretty suspicious to me earlier. 

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I don't know guys, Marsh's claim seems to be the only thing people are voting for, and he's already got four votes. I haven't seen an actual case, or even quotes yet from people who have voted. I have no problem looking back on his activity to hunt for something, and if it's there, I have no issue with voting him, but nothing so far has blatantly jumped out at me as suspicious from him, and Ithi's mentions of him seem a bit too focussed. (Not quite tunneling, but certainly staying on him). Maw following Ithi with basically nothing added at all is really pinging me.


Happy with my vote on ithi for now, but would indeed like to hear from Marsh, and a couple other people.


hoping BB comes around, too.

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I don't know guys, Marsh's claim seems to be the only thing people are voting for, and he's already got four votes. I haven't seen an actual case, or even quotes yet from people who have voted. I have no problem looking back on his activity to hunt for something, and if it's there, I have no issue with voting him, but nothing so far has blatantly jumped out at me as suspicious from him, and Ithi's mentions of him seem a bit too focussed. (Not quite tunneling, but certainly staying on him). Maw following Ithi with basically nothing added at all is really pinging me.


Happy with my vote on ithi for now, but would indeed like to hear from Marsh, and a couple other people.


hoping BB comes around, too.


my argument against darthe has a lot of what people are voting him for, it's the terribly weak claim, with a character which doesn't make much sense (as opposed to Truman which was suggested by Lenlo which I think works great), as well as him following a Wombat vote on Ithi and then criticising wombat for making the vote in the first place (he didn't unvote Ithi until much later after admitting that his follow-on vote was flawed)


I also haven't seen him remedy his post made after his reread which had me mistaken, so it could have had other errors as well, even if a flawed summary of what people have been doing in the game is an honest mistake, not making right on it is just negligible.


Happy Darthe and Random?


Vote Marsh

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Vote count:


Iron (5): Ithi, Womby, Maw, BG, Smiley

Ithi (2): Random, Starry


Not voting (11): Turin, RTE, Iron, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Snow, Darthe 2.0


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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