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Basel Gill

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As a reminder, withing 17 hours, someone needs TWELVE votes


Unless I miscounted:


Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Des

Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry

BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE

Len (2): Maw, Darthe

Turin (1): Rand

Tina (1): Random
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Lastly, as I said before, even if Darthe is telling the truth, his role doesn't really offer town any more utility. So yeah, I still think he's a good lynch candidate.


that is a good point, but Darthe does pull his weight in terms of posting etc. just a weigh-up of whether that's worth the risk of him being mafia



If I was a claimed Miller would you keep me around just cause I'm an active player? No, you lynch peeps who claim Miller cause if you don't the wifom will haunt you. The only time you hesitate is if the game seems close to lylo and you can't afford to lose another townie.


No matter how useful someone can be as town, that shouldn't influence whether you keep them alive if they have a somewhat sketchy claim

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Lastly, as I said before, even if Darthe is telling the truth, his role doesn't really offer town any more utility. So yeah, I still think he's a good lynch candidate.


that is a good point, but Darthe does pull his weight in terms of posting etc. just a weigh-up of whether that's worth the risk of him being mafia



If I was a claimed Miller would you keep me around just cause I'm an active player? No, you lynch peeps who claim Miller cause if you don't the wifom will haunt you. The only time you hesitate is if the game seems close to lylo and you can't afford to lose another townie.


No matter how useful someone can be as town, that shouldn't influence whether you keep them alive if they have a somewhat sketchy claim



truetrue, and we are pretty low on people to vote, what with the first two big trains making big-name claims

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As a reminder, withing 17 hours, someone needs TWELVE votes
Unless I miscounted:
Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Des
Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry
BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE
Len (2): Maw, Darthe
Turin (1): Rand
Tina (1): Random



Quit fear mongering. This game has been active, I have full confidence that we can secure a lynch on someone before the deadline.


This! Is! BT MAFIA!!!




In fact,


Unvote, Vote Thorum


I already was suspicious of you, and you trying to manipulate town into lynching one of the three who have claimed just screams scummy.


Case inc

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As a reminder, withing 17 hours, someone needs TWELVE votes
Unless I miscounted:
Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Des
Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry
BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE
Len (2): Maw, Darthe
Turin (1): Rand
Tina (1): Random



Quit fear mongering. This game has been active, I have full confidence that we can secure a lynch on someone before the deadline.


This! Is! BT MAFIA!!!




In fact,


Unvote, Vote Thorum


I already was suspicious of you, and you trying to manipulate town into lynching one of the three who have claimed just screams scummy.


Case inc




that seems... abrupt. Can you give a quick pointer to where some casing against Thorum was made, it was pretty early on wasn't it?

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I've asked twice before. Both you and Tina claim you have made a case against me, but I must have missed it. Please share (or quote, or ...)


Secondly, you two are among the very limited group of people here I have played a few games with, and in most games cases ARE made against me. Not in this game, however.


Thirdly, mafia games I play rarely go from a situation as of this moment to a town-induced lynch (which we need) within 17 hours. I've only played once on the BT board, and it has happened, so I could be wrong.



Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Tina
Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry
BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE
Len (2): Maw, Darthe
Turin (1): Rand
Tina (1): Random
Thorum (1): Des
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I've asked twice before. Both you and Tina claim you have made a case against me, but I must have missed it. Please share (or quote, or ...)


Secondly, you two are among the very limited group of people here I have played a few games with, and in most games cases ARE made against me. Not in this game, however.


Thirdly, mafia games I play rarely go from a situation as of this moment to a town-induced lynch (which we need) within 17 hours. I've only played once on the BT board, and it has happened, so I could be wrong.



Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Tina
Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry
BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE
Len (2): Maw, Darthe
Turin (1): Rand
Tina (1): Random
Thorum (1): Des
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Without a sufficient answer on the first, I'll change my vote to Tina in one or two hours. So far, it sounds like a mafia way to make town suspicious of an experienced mafia player (if not a very good one). I'll be online almost-continually till a few hours before deadline.

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As a reminder, withing 17 hours, someone needs TWELVE votes


Unless I miscounted:


Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Des

Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry

BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE

Len (2): Maw, Darthe

Turin (1): Rand

Tina (1): Random


Quit fear mongering. This game has been active, I have full confidence that we can secure a lynch on someone before the deadline.


This! Is! BT MAFIA!!!


In fact,


Unvote, Vote Thorum


I already was suspicious of you, and you trying to manipulate town into lynching one of the three who have claimed just screams scummy.


Case inc

U-TURN!! You decided to NOT bus your team mate after all and try and flick everyone to a better option for you. Ok. :rolleyes:


Darthe is sooooo Mafia and now he comes out with a claim that conveniently requires yet another power role to out themselves and just happens to make him seem bad - but actually he is good - honest :rolleyes: That is of course if there even is a LD in this game. He might be just trying to check and see if there is one to see how much his team can get away with.


Tina still hasn't said or done anything useful this game. So my big three at the moment are Darthe, Despo and Tina. I also don't like Rand's little panicking rant that seems to direct where possible various power roles should be checking.


Also - I am mental busy today at work and do not want to be late home. I know who I want Lynched today and will not be changing my vote.


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As a reminder, withing 17 hours, someone needs TWELVE votes
Unless I miscounted:
Darthe (6): Ithi, Thorum, Len, Turin, Womby, Des
Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry
BB (3): Ley, Tina, RTE
Len (2): Maw, Darthe
Turin (1): Rand
Tina (1): Random



Quit fear mongering. This game has been active, I have full confidence that we can secure a lynch on someone before the deadline.


This! Is! BT MAFIA!!!




In fact,


Unvote, Vote Thorum


I already was suspicious of you, and you trying to manipulate town into lynching one of the three who have claimed just screams scummy.


Case inc



I´m sure we will get a controlled lynch but to vote someone that hasn´t got any votes so close to deadline...

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Without a sufficient answer on the first, I'll change my vote to Tina in one or two hours. So far, it sounds like a mafia way to make town suspicious of an experienced mafia player (if not a very good one). I'll be online almost-continually till a few hours before deadline.


Ehm... Okay.


For the record - I´m still highly suspicious of Thorum but right now we should go for Darthe.

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Not gonna bother with spoiler tags cause that might screw up the quotes somehow. I'll trim out what isn't relevant however




As chosen by the gods of random, a first shot.


1st post


unvote and vote jon snow


For thinking the world ends with the US.


2nd post, on the same page. A little jumpy with his votes to start off with...




So, I can confirm two things based on my role PM which will probably not give the mafia any advantage and yet it will give the town some. However, due to the nature of my role PM I am choosing to do so in another post.

Turin has been the only individual to acknowledge this. Interesting.




WAY too soon. Nobody ever really reads the first few pages. I know I don't, at least.

What does is interesting, is your requoting your old post, without "confiming two things." 





Here's where he starts his pessimistic streak, first saying that no one reads the first few pages.... uh what?! If anyone expects to be a good scumhunter they can't discount ANY post in the game thread as there could be potential clues there. Plus he obviously contradicted himself since he was def paying attention to the first few pages (voted and changed his vote page 2 because of something Mr. Snow said


Darthe, care to explain your first statement ???


As a reminder: unvote and vote darthe


An attempt at intimidating another player with a vote, and it def feels somewhat staged as well


Okay - they did show. :)  I have seen Thorum do this before. In my Norse Gods mafia everyone had to protect Leelou without letting the mafia know that she was Balder (the one they wanted to kill). Thorum voted her while stating it was a random vote. After a short while he changed his vote to someone else. I´m pretty sure I have seen him as scum doing the exact same thing but voting a scum buddy instead. If he is mafia I bet Time is too.



And by now, I've switched again  :rolleyes: Probably not what you meant to say, though







Here's where Thorum had that little tidbit about "I will neither deny or confirm being in a QT", which seemed off to me at the time.


Incidentally, the other part is where he starts saying players who don't say Scheveningen need to be looked at; he actually drills on this for a long time throughout the day.


I'm actually thinking if Wombat IS a LD, and there is a Silvertongue, that Thorum might be it.



I'm just posting this. Quotes are terribly messed up.


Anyone questioning why they should not go ahead and say Scheveningen for wombat is suspect in my book. It appears as an investigative tool for town. Mafia already know who is on their team. Anyone else is an enemy. So they don't need to know who is what. I don't think the ability has anything to do with theme. It is just the mechanism for the ability.


Or someone else can have a thing about not being allowed to say it, or Wombat may be mafia and he can find the role of one person who says it, or ... (just to name a few other options). Why do you want Wombat to seem town? Or Rand's Voodoo thing.




He already said the word, yet is still arguing against the logic of getting everyone to say it... not too long after he himself said those who didn't say it were suspicious.


Nice 180 there. Plus, first attempt at discrediting Wombat 



You can even mistrust Wombat, that's your prerogative, but to straight up not say the word at the very least makes you look incredibly scummy. It's akin to someone revealing as the LD, and asking everyone to say they're town, and for some to refuse to say it.


Even if you're town, and you have a power role so you're just ultra wary that Wombat might be mafia and can somehow use the word in a negative way against townies, you're still making yourself stand out that much more by not saying it. Plus, this doesn't really make any sense given the context of the word. It was a shibboleth used to ferret out German spies, and I think it's pretty obvious who will be the mafia in this game.

This made me think. Does anyone have a list of who said "Scheveningen" and who didn't? 


Maybe if you're the doctor and you REALLY don't trust wombat... I know I wouldn't use the word in that case. Or you could be mafia and have been told that's a dangerous word. Or ...

There's too many options.





Implies once again that players who didn't say the word should be looked at, and yet in the same post tries wifoming the situation yet again. I even said in my post that if you were a townie power role, refusing to say the word would still be drawing unnecessary attention your way.


Comments up to and including post #323. The rest will follow later today.



Random has not said it yet

Falcon has not said it yet

BB obviously has not said it.

Darthe did not say it

Smiley has not said it.



I'll follow up on this. Imo, these are the people that warrant a vote.





I'll put my vote back on darthe


Don't forget, anyone who claims being given a power by Ley, could be fellow mafia (at worst, even be a godfather  :dry: )


I'll be online enough tomorrow if things require a hammer.

Sows some wifom about whomever Ley tries to get to vet his role, which would be pretty funny cause Ley sounded like he was open to suggestions as to who seemed the "most" townie that way he could give his gift to them 



I'm Winston Churchill, town cop.



Does this seem odd to anyone else? Important role to important person, I get that, but "cop" is a role much more fitting to a LOT of other characters. Unless I'm missing a bit of history...


And, for the record, I'm not Churchill, so this is just an idle thought. It could be a mafia plow to smoke the real Churchill out.



What is a rubber tongue? Cannot find it on mafiascum and also sounds VERY untestable and useless to town.


My vote stays where it is




Sows some suspicion against the cop... yeah that's a pretty obvious scummy move


And he says Darthe's role seems untestable... or I'm sorry, VERY untestable, yet Darthe had already volunteered a way to try and test it. I later gave my thoughts on why that might not work, but this was after this post of Thorum's.



it sounds to me as if when a lie detector checks out a rubber tongue he/she would find that a true statement is false and a false statement true, so for darthe's above statement it should return true, if he said he was town it would return false. At least that's how I think it works.



And if he's lying about his role, results would be exactly the same.




4. If a hammer is not reached by the voting deadline, a random player will be lynched with no coroner report.



Seems to me, we better concentrate on the three people who have proclaimed. I don't see anyone else getting a majority over the next 17 hours, and we need a coroner confirmation.





And here's where he tries directing town's lynches to only be one of the three who have claimed. Mind you, one of those who has claimed claimed Inventor, a very powerful role at times. Another claimed Cop, one of the most important roles for town.


And Thorum wants us to lynch out of THAT pool?




Lynch him you guys.

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that seems... abrupt. Can you give a quick pointer to where some casing against Thorum was made, it was pretty early on wasn't it?



I did say "Case inc" didn't I? In case you didn't know my mafia shorthand that meant a case was incoming 


Without a sufficient answer on the first, I'll change my vote to Tina in one or two hours. So far, it sounds like a mafia way to make town suspicious of an experienced mafia player (if not a very good one). I'll be online almost-continually till a few hours before deadline.

Weak post. You aren't the only experienced mafia player in this game, bub. Why would Tina have gone after you specifically? 



U-TURN!! You decided to NOT bus your team mate after all and try and flick everyone to a better option for you. Ok. :rolleyes:


Darthe is sooooo Mafia and now he comes out with a claim that conveniently requires yet another power role to out themselves and just happens to make him seem bad - but actually he is good - honest :rolleyes: That is of course if there even is a LD in this game. He might be just trying to check and see if there is one to see how much his team can get away with.


Tina still hasn't said or done anything useful this game. So my big three at the moment are Darthe, Despo and Tina. I also don't like Rand's little panicking rant that seems to direct where possible various power roles should be checking.


Also - I am mental busy today at work and do not want to be late home. I know who I want Lynched today and will not be changing my vote.



Well aside from you being willfully stubborn and refusing to change your vote, no matter what, here's my response to this post-


I still don't trust Darthe's claim at all, and would be happy to see him lynched as that would spare us the wifom. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to also try and case those who I think are more deserving of a noose, when I think town still has plenty of time to secure a lynch.


As for Tina, I def disagree there. She seems to be tunneling on the Thorum/Time connection a bit, but other than that she def seems to be contributing to the scumhunt imo.


And you're def wrong about me. While I would most certainly be happy to bus Darthe in a heartbeat if we were teammates, that is not the case this time. Although you WOULD love that, since you've been trying to link me and Darthe since early in the game. I simply think Thorum is the scummier of the two. I can't "flick everyone" to my way of thinking, I can only present the best case I can and hope others agree, or in the meantime see if something else convinces me otherwise.




I´m sure we will get a controlled lynch but to vote someone that hasn´t got any votes so close to deadline...


Well, you and me have already stated our distrust of him, and Wombat was def wary of him early in the game and voted him. I think others had said Thorum was pinging to them as well. Since I have a town read on both you and Wombat, I think 3 town leaders is enough to help push his train along 


Good to see you prefer getting a second vote over saying why I'm suspicious.


And I cannot think of any town reason to do so. unvote and vote Tina



btw, it's tina instead of des, because tina already has a vote.




I LURVE how you try to justify picking between two OMGUS votes. ROFL!

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Finally something I can reply to. That took long... All quotes are from des' post #516.


2nd post, on the same page. A little jumpy with his votes to start off with...

Random votes. To be played with. For fun.


An attempt at intimidating another player with a vote

What else are votes for? Intimidating someone so we see what they're worth. In Darthe's case, the follow-up was meagre.


Here's where Thorum had that little tidbit about "I will neither deny or confirm being in a QT", which seemed off to me at the time.

Which I explained, and everyone seemed to agree to the explanation. Why bring it up again?


Plus, first attempt at discrediting Wombat

Everyone seemed to take Wombat as a confirmed innocent because he wants everyone to say that word. Which needed to be put under doubt again.


I REALLY don't see how Churchill = cop would work out historically. Which is why this is the third time I'm asking to fill up that hole in my British history.


And he says Darthe's role seems untestable... or I'm sorry, VERY untestable, yet Darthe had already volunteered a way to try and test it. I later gave my thoughts on why that might not work, but this was after this post of Thorum's.

It's probably because my English isn't perfect, but this sounds like you suspect me because I had the same idea you had, just a bit earlier?


And here's where he tries directing town's lynches to only be one of the three who have claimed

That one, I corrected with the updated vote count a few minutes later. Under the last vote count (at the time), those three had most votes. One of the people on top of the vote list is an obvious choice for a lynch. Claiming is easy.



Sorry, but I can make this much case up for ANYone on this game (and you're a better player than I am). My theory stands.
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Finally something I can reply to. That took long... All quotes are from des' post #516.


2nd post, on the same page. A little jumpy with his votes to start off with...

Random votes. To be played with. For fun.


I'm sure you'd want us to believe all votes like these are random. But it has been proven time and time again that random votes are often not nearly as random as people used to believe.



An attempt at intimidating another player with a vote

What else are votes for? Intimidating someone so we see what they're worth. In Darthe's case, the follow-up was meagre.


It was more the way you said it. "Here, let's see if THIS convinces him. THREATVOTE DARTHE".


Seemed to me it was a little staged. As in, you wanted to act like a tough truth-seeking townie, and that you would bully whoever you needed to to get a satisfactory response. Could've just voted him. 


Here's where Thorum had that little tidbit about "I will neither deny or confirm being in a QT", which seemed off to me at the time.

Which I explained, and everyone seemed to agree to the explanation. Why bring it up again?


I DEF didn't agree with the explanation, and it is near criminal exaggeration to say "everyone" seemed to agree with it.



Plus, first attempt at discrediting Wombat

Everyone seemed to take Wombat as a confirmed innocent because he wants everyone to say that word. Which needed to be put under doubt again.


I REALLY don't see how Churchill = cop would work out historically. Which is why this is the third time I'm asking to fill up that hole in my British history.


I see Wombat as pretty much confirmed innocent because of the context of the word itself. It would be one thing if he was trying to get everyone to say "abracadabra" or some other mumbo jumbo. But Scheveningen was used to ferret out German spies. Just doesn't make any sense thematically to have that word be used in an antitown sense.


And Churchill was one of the most iconic figures for the Allies. Why is it so hard to get that he'd have one of the traditional town power roles? 


And he says Darthe's role seems untestable... or I'm sorry, VERY untestable, yet Darthe had already volunteered a way to try and test it. I later gave my thoughts on why that might not work, but this was after this post of Thorum's.

It's probably because my English isn't perfect, but this sounds like you suspect me because I had the same idea you had, just a bit earlier?


But you didn't say why it would be untestable, or point out flaws in Darthe's reasoning. Seemed more like you pulling something out your arse. 


And here's where he tries directing town's lynches to only be one of the three who have claimed

That one, I corrected with the updated vote count a few minutes later. Under the last vote count (at the time), those three had most votes. One of the people on top of the vote list is an obvious choice for a lynch. Claiming is easy.



Sorry, but I can make this much case up for ANYone on this game (and you're a better player than I am). My theory stands.



There's still plenty of time for consolidation on a number of players. Restricting our choices between Darthe, a claimed Inventor, and a claimed Cop is pretty ridiculous. Obv I would choose Darthe there, but the fact that you're even presenting the other two players as possible lynchees is silly. 

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Des, I'm not coupling you with Darthe. I'm coupling you with Tina.


As to experience: I think you two, BG and me are the 4 most experienced players on here. I could be wrong on that, though


I was talking about Ithi linking me and Darthe, not you.


As for the experienced players, you're def leaving some big names off the list. Wombat has way more experience than me, and is a veritable mafia legend. Kaylee has more experience than me (where has she been?). Turin and Ithi are both experienced and very good players. Maw and Ley have played mafia for a while, and some of the newish players like Mr. Snow, Darthe, and Rand have shown a great aptitude for the game. I'm prob leaving off some names as well, but the point is there are plenty of experienced players in this game

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I DEF didn't agree with the explanation, and it is near criminal exaggeration to say "everyone" seemed to agree with it.
If you disagree with a statement in mafia, let it be known. How else are we gonna find mafia???


Every role in this game has something to do with the person-name you have (at least those we know of are). Doc is a perfect role for a lot of WWII characters. The only reason Churchill would have that role would be because he's important. Which doesn't fit into the pattern. Could be, of course, or I could miss a bit of history where Churchill has a history as a spy or something...


About Wombat: I agree he's probably innocent. But most people took that as a certainty way too early in the game.


I indeed forgot wombat. The others I know way less. And I corrected "experience" to "ancient" in the next post. This was however only my guess as to why you would go after me without a reason.

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Darthe (6): Ithi, Len, Turin, Womby, Darthe, Tina

Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry

BB (2): Ley, RTE

Len (2): Maw, Darthe

Turin (1): Rand

Tina (2): Random, Thorum

Thorum (1): Des


Not voting (5): Falcon, Time, Tress, Snow, Kaylee


With 23 alive it takes 12 to lynch.


Deadline is Friday, Dec. 7th at 9 PM EST.



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