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Try the Dresden Files. The main villain in the first one was the good guy gone bad, yet he isn't overly cliche. I really think it's something you'd get into. The main character gives out wit and sarcasm really well and he's very likable, with flaws you can clearly see, he definitely isn't overpowered. In fact, the more powerful he gets, the harder his challenges become. Look it up. The Dresden Files.

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Hmm. The Vampires I actually like, their closer to the myths, not this sparkly new crap that Meyer created. You should really try to finish it, get past it, however, the Red Court is a recurring organization, but if you don't like them, you may like what happens to them later on.


Edit: Mavra is Black Court, is she the one your talking about? I didn't like her either, but she isn't really a main villain. Which two are you referring two?

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I don't want to seem rude or anything, but you quit reading a book simply because you didin't like two characters? Your not going to like every character you come across, and your going to miss out on a lot of good books if you simply choose not to read something simply because of one or two characters you don't like. I'd recommend finishing up that book and continuing, the series really is good. Oh, and those two are white court I think, been awhile since I've read that one, but I'm fairly sure they don't appear to much in that book, though they do appear.

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Well, I quit ASOIAF because of Dany and Tyrion.I DESPISE those two with ever fibre of my being. I couldn't just "put up" with them even if I wanted to. Though they are much bigger characters thann those two from Dresden.


Nah, WOT was the reason I put the Dresden book on hold. I didn't quit it. I'm just going to come back to it later

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For the love of all that's holy. A flaming villain is ALL I WANT.


(shudders) It's not fair

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't watch a lot of movies. Have you watched animes at all? I find they generally have better storylines and characters than american shows. My only gripe is that they seem to enjoy having main characters who are complete wusses. Not all of them do that though, and most of the ones that do at least do it to set them up for major character development. Eureka Seven is the only one where I stopped watching because the mc just got too wearing after a while.


Anyway, I think you might enjoy Death Note. The protagonist is the villian to some extent, and it brings up interesting questions about morality and right and wrong.

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