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Is anybody doing NaNoWriMo this year?

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For those who don't know, November is National Novel Writing Month. I'm going to try this for the first time ever, and would love some writing buddies and/or moral support as I try to hit 50K words.


I've started my planning over in the ACW guild, here is the thread with my novel's synopsis and details so far. I'd love some feedback, as I really have no clue what I'm doing. ^^


If anybody else has done NaNo before, I'd appreciate any tips and tricks you have!

  • Community Administrator

Hi Claire! I've done NaNo twice (and won!) and tried to do one session of Camp NaNo this past summer (and failed).


I think you're off to a good start being so prepared. For the times I've won, I've had detailed outlines of what I'm writing, down to which character's POV the scene is in. This summer, I winged it. Bad idea. :( When I get a minute to sit down and look, I'll go through your synopsis and give you some feedback. I'll probably give it a shot in November... but I'm not expecting to win this year. Too many RL things going on. But I'll try! When you sign up, let me know and I'll add you as a buddy!




oh yeah I'm definitely doing it this year! I've tried it the past couple years but I've not put loads of effort it but this year I'm going for it! Might even go to the regional meet up things!

  • Community Administrator

I've gone to three NaNo regional events, all of which featured published authors. They were fantastic! One event was a critique group where the author--Donna Hatch--looked at the first ten pages of our novel. Really good feedback there! The other two were seminar type events; one on dialogue and one on character development. I would definitely suggest getting involved with your region! There's so much help out there when you need it!


Nano stands for national novel writing month. The easiest way to explain it is that it is a challenge! Write a book with 50,000 in one month.


Te official rules are that you can have the idea fleshed out, plotted, outlined (explain why happen in each chapter) and all that.


But you must not write any of the actual story until Nov. first and then you have until nov 30 to reach the 50,000 word mark.


The book doesn't have to be completed (ending written) at tris point, it's a numbers game. And editing is frowned upon. Just write words till you hit 50k!


Anyone here who is interested in trying can come stop by the nano board in the acw guild. If you don't have access just shoot me a pm and I'll hook you up!


oh of course the acw guild has a nano board! I never even thought of that! It would be great to do nano along side you guys this year, might be the kick up the butt I need :laugh:


There's loads of people who do it who are nano "rebels" and they still participate fully and do the 50,000 words...


Right, You can continiue a work your started to get to the 50k mark, or change your goal of words to something that you is more achieveable to you. The only way that would be an issue is if you wanted to officially submit it to the NaNo association and compete for prizes.


If you do want to be eledgeable for the prizes and the competitions i would highly suggest you check the official NaNo website and read up on the details through it before Nov.


Otherwise, just set a writing goal for November and try to stick to it! We'll be motivating and checking in and around for bouncing ideas and problems off of in the NaNo board all this month and next!

  • Community Administrator

For all those interested, come join in the discussions on the NaNo board. We've already got threads going for planning and setting up writing buddies. For the weeks leading up to November, there'll be special writing tips and topics, aimed to help people who lack motivation, need help with their plot or characters, or who just want to talk about their ideas and get feedback.


Once NaNo starts, we'll have help, or kicks in the pants, for anyone who needs it!





This is your first year, Claire? You're going to love it! :D


This is my third year writing, and my first year as an ML.


A municipal Liaison, they're the lovely people in charge of the regions and they make the meet ups, run the forums etc etc etc.


They're very busy and very useful people!


I don't know if I'll submit my story by then. My newest work has most of the pre-writing done. It's a great thing to compete against others, it's very motivating. I will probably just make November a month when I go full steam. I just don't know yet.


I kind of want to. I've done it for the past two years, with last year being a win for me. I just haven't really had inspiration as of late... Maybe it'll come by the first. I certainly hope so. I don't want to miss out on all of my friends. :/ Hopefully seeing it everywhere will inspire me! *thumbs up*

  • Community Administrator

Go for it, Masema!


Kwom, if you go to the NaNo board, we'll get some inspiration and motivation threads going soon. I agree that just talking about it could help you get hyped up.


I'll be doing it this year ... I've done it the past few years with varying degrees of success, but I think I've got enough of an idea to do something decent this year. Now to get some outlining done ...


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