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BLUE [Discussion]


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I hate Star Wars but I know enough that only jedi have blue lightsabers, and that guy turned out not bad in the end anyways, so that should be Light-ish.

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You'd consider Darthe Vadar a good guy?

I don't spend my days thinking about whether fictional characters from series I do not like are "good" or "evil," but considering this:


If it wasn't for him The Emperor would have won.

I suppose he must be good-ish.

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"Destruction" is merely transformation or, as in the picture above, a transfer of energy. Nothing is ever truly destroyed, just transformed. So "destruction" is a part of "creation". And chaos......doesn't have a colour, if we are talking about the concept...Hence, still Light-ish.

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Quit arguing with me and post some pictures to prove your point. I can't be the only putting them up or this task doesn't count.


Ithi is of the Blue ajah, and she is very much the epitome of Shadow-ness.



Cyan is a shade of blue, and she's in the Shadow too.


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I don't need pictures to prove my point. And blue as we perceive it is a short wavelength of Light. Does not get much clearer than that.

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"Destruction" is merely transformation or, as in the picture above, a transfer of energy. Nothing is ever truly destroyed, just transformed. So "destruction" is a part of "creation". And chaos......doesn't have a colour, if we are talking about the concept...Hence, still Light-ish.

I didn't say that chaos is blue, I said Blue is chaotic.

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I don't need pictures to prove my point. And blue as we perceive it is a short wavelength of Light. Does not get much clearer than that.

Blue as I refer to it is a pigment. Pigments let you see colors by absorbing the other colors. Absence of light is darkness, or Shadow.

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And the Creator made pigments as well, and as you said, you cannot see pigments without light involved. So you would not see blue without an interplay of light. So Light still all-around.

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