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Novice/Algai Quarters

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yay another novice like me. I was starting to get lonley. JK to other novices.^_^_^


Nice to meet you here. I think i met you on your welcome thread. I have a terrible memory.

*Exits room and comes back with plate of blue chocolate turtles* Please try these i made them my self. Just dont eat the heads. Those are for someone else. heheh.


Has anyone heard of lave. She is supposed to come here soon. Shes going to be a warder in training.

Nice meeting you Pyro. Come and swim with me in this hottub/whirlpool of blue chocolate.

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errrr hmmmm awkward, I thought Kepen was a guy.


Hell im a guy. Why did you think i was a gril??????? :evil: :shock: JK

I know i know it was probably the cooking thing. I like to cook so what. It usaually just depends on if i want to cook. And wether or not i burn it too. That happens some times.


I dont know if you want to come into this whirlpool with me i do bite. JK

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*laughs* A guy who likes to cook....well, which is odder? A guy who likes to cook or a girl who hates to cook? As for me...I'm the gal that hates to cook...unless its chocolate chip cookies and I get to eat a lot of the dough....lol!

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hey now... most master chefs are guys! Its the amatures that are more girls!


hehe though I'm an amature, but a 39 year old female friend of mine was thoroughly impressed when I made some Thai food... though I only know how to do a couple white people dishes... hehe I swear I should have been born Thai...

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Good point Horn.


Nyneve, the main point of these quarters is mischief and the then resulting mayhem....just don't go too far overboard, k? Then again, I just realized you said ajah quarters...better do it quietly...or else you'll have many more Aes Sedai on your tail than you want there, lol!

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