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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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Indeed but the value increases the more you have and they are board wide so it's considered a general monopoly cash cow. Not the highest price but the most consistent money in the game. IMO this is a good trade compared to a piece that will never be used by oath rod and only nets them like 10 marks..

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Hmm.. There is definitely some way to make this work. Oh and Rand, if we land on any open spot or our own, please do not move.



Okay Ayla I will sweeten the pot for you. The next time

You land on the palace or farmhouse, no charge. If you take the deal.

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Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre (Red) - 556 Marks: You have received 10 rent from Callandor for Blasted Lands. You have rolled a 1 and 3 and have landed on Sea of Storms : Awating command


Oath Rod (Green) - 500 Marks: You have paid Dream Ring 150 Marks for The White Tower. You have rolled a double 2 (1st) and have suffered an attack of Tainty Madness. Paid 150 Fine : Awaiting Command


Fox Head Medallion (Purple) - 1429 Marks: You have bought Saidar: Awaiting Command *Please Roll - 1st Time of asking*


Horn of Valere (Orange) - 173 Marks: Now Inactive


Callandor - (Blue) - 1201 Marks: You have paid Dragons 10 rent for Blasted Lands. You have rolled a 6 and a 3 and are Just Visiting the Fortress of Light : Awaiting Command


Dream Ring (Pink) - 948 Marks: You have received 150 Marks from Oath Road for the White Tower. You have rolled a 5 and 2 and have landed on Dumai's Wells : awaiting command *Please roll - 1st time of asking*



Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document


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That said, I've been on here for around an hour waiting in case someone lands on our spot when ithi gets back so I think she gets a good one. Oh man my day is going to go bad if this time was wasted because someone can type roll faster than I can post this on my phone

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