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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Cool. Now the result from last night. Ironeyes is a good guy.

We viewed you just to make sure that the rb was a town role, and also to make sure that the whole rbing thing wasn't a gambit. (Obviously, we don't know your power, just your alignment, but you have no reason to lie about your power now.)

There is a question I want to ask you Ironeyes, do you think Turin is still town, and how confident are you that he is town?

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And I want to ask, did you (Wombat) kill Nolder? Was it the vig. team that killed Nolder last night?


It's obvious now that the mafia are not using their NK but instead are busy recruiting. So we got rid of two recruiters, and I believe there is 1 or 2 more recruiters to find. Let's analyze this. Let's assume we started with 4 recruiters, and no symps. Night 1, the mafia used their NK on EP. Night 2 they recruited someone, probably Basel. Day 3 we lynched Rand, a recruiter. Night 3 they probably recruited Nolder, and the vig.(John?) killed AJ, another recruiter (or the NK bounced off despo onto AJ). Night 4, they've recruited somebody else, but the vig.(this time wombat) killed Nolder. Because there wasn't a townie NK this must mean that the mafia instead recruited so there are still recruiters at large. (There is also the possibilty that the docs are doing an incredible job, so well done!)


Can the vigs. please confirm that you targetted Nolder? This will give us more information on what happened during N4. Btw we shouldn't discount the possibilty that the recruiters targetted previously vetted townies or players we have accepted was very likely town such as Lily. So we should keep an eye on those that seem to be suspicious as the night phases pass.

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Anyway, rightly or wrongly I believe John to be town, so I won't vote for him, unless someone can make a strong case against him.


Razen and Arez haven't claimed yet, and this is what AJ and Rand were doing. Rand tried to fake-claim but that didn't turn out so well. So, I feel that Razen and Arez are not claiming as a tactic to avoid the spotlight.

So because Arez is easier to pressure, vote Arez.

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From the flash in the scene it sounds like Nya/Seamus got him with the laser cannon.


Lily, have you absorbed anything or do you not get told? Do you then release it into someone else?

Yeah, since you power probably changed to something else since EP died. So can you tell us more about your power now and what you may have been doing with it.

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And I want to ask, did you (Wombat) kill Nolder? Was it the vig. team that killed Nolder last night?


It's obvious now that the mafia are not using their NK but instead are busy recruiting. So we got rid of two recruiters, and I believe there is 1 or 2 more recruiters to find. Let's analyze this. Let's assume we started with 4 recruiters, and no symps. Night 1, the mafia used their NK on EP. Night 2 they recruited someone, probably Basel. Day 3 we lynched Rand, a recruiter. Night 3 they probably recruited Nolder, and the vig.(John?) killed AJ, another recruiter (or the NK bounced off despo onto AJ). Night 4, they've recruited somebody else, but the vig.(this time wombat) killed Nolder. Because there wasn't a townie NK this must mean that the mafia instead recruited so there are still recruiters at large. (There is also the possibilty that the docs are doing an incredible job, so well done!)


Can the vigs. please confirm that you targetted Nolder? This will give us more information on what happened during N4. Btw we shouldn't discount the possibilty that the recruiters targetted previously vetted townies or players we have accepted was very likely town such as Lily. So we should keep an eye on those that seem to be suspicious as the night phases pass.


wombat hinted they killed EP N1. (something about not having any evidence of a mafia NK). So they would have recruited N1. My guess would be Nolder, since Rand knew it was the Lightning bolt on N2. N2 it appears all actions failed due to the Lightning bolt of Nolder so probably no recruit. Basel was lynched D3. He did not appearto have been recruited already as he was still signaling. AJ Killed N3 and Rand Blocked. Not sure if recruit would have gone thru with her death. Mod call IMO. So if only 2 mafia to start then only the one recruit left plus any symps that are still out there.


I am most suspicious of the one team to not claim so I will pick one of them.


Vote Arez

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Vote Control means I tell BG to tell them who to vote. I can have them change their vote throughout the day, ect.

Also, they can only do the votes I tell them.


Huh? How many times can you do this?


If it's anything like in the GoT game... Many, MANY times.

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