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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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As Despo said, scum often try to pull risky moves like that. I still remember the one me, Mynd and Turin did in GoT mafia before this. That was fun. Also: No like vigs. I woulda lived if it wasnt for that one.


I've only won 3 times. Twice with the town when I was NK'd the first night, and in Darthe's GoT game when I met my personal win condition by complete accident.


One might think I'm fairly horrible at this game. :sad:


Bah your good. I always get lucky with who I am on a scum team with. That GoT game was great...


You also chose a great player to recruit :wink:

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I'm saying that whether or not he is being FoSed or not, there is still a good chance that he wouldn't want to link to other mafia characters. And even if 2 linked, that is still way less risky then 3. Linking 3 people is so risky that I have never heard that in any mafia stories that I have heard.

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Should I assume that all the people Basel was suspect of in our QT are clean, since he was scum?


Nope. Infact I was just lynched in a different game because a suspected scum bussed me but then voted somewhere else making people think he wanted to distance himself from me.


Really everyone Basel named, either protecting or condemning, should be under the scope right now.

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Wow, that is interesting. Is bc before claim? He would obviously say he was suspicious of Despo, that doesn't say anything more since he already voted him. Darthe, Womby, Tiink, and Lily are more interesting for now though. Not enough to lynch them obviously, but to keep an eye on.

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I'm not reading through all these pages, but the Dark Knight Rises was awesome.


Anyways, I have reason to believe my partner is scum and dragging me down with him, but I am town. That's all the defense I have. I see I made a mistake defending him. As well, if mafia have infiltrated the mason teams, it is likely that John is town. My only guess is that Basel targeted me for his "1 shot viewing" because I joked around about Captain Falcon at the beginning of the game (~page 9 I think). I took full advantage of his viewing and, when my partner was under attack, I defended him using this claim from Basel without even debating the notion that Basel may be mafia/symp/bad guy/evil demon lord.

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So basically, he went with OMGUS and whatever the majority was thinking?




Yeah, which ones were the most recent because those would be the ones he would have said while he was under pressure.


Why do you care more about the recent ones? Seems like once he started getting pressure, he'd be MUCH MOAR likely to feed some wifom to John in the QT.

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So basically, he went with OMGUS and whatever the majority was thinking?




Yeah, which ones were the most recent because those would be the ones he would have said while he was under pressure.


Why do you care more about the recent ones? Seems like once he started getting pressure, he'd be MUCH MOAR likely to feed some wifom to John in the QT.


Right, but if he mentioned different people then he did in this thread, then we know that everything he did was spreading WIFOM, by the way, this is what I think of when I see WIFOM


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