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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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The scum would not know that Basel was a symp. They were just as likely to lynch him as town.


Indeed. This limits the info we can get from Basel's lynch. However, I am thinking his innocent result on AJ was a symp signal. This obviously makes AJ and Rand suspicious. Turin, it would be best if you and your partner did not block Nyanna tonight.

I felt that you shouldn't be directing other's night actions like this. and to be honest I would rather Nya gets blocked to stop another NK. And who we view should also be kept a mystery so as to keep the mafia guessing. But I already decided that we could easily lynch AJ or Rand tomorrow. In fact I will definitely be voting for you AJ.

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That or it could be him trying to vet himself by viewing a town as town. I have seen that in my recent games and have even seen previous teammates use that.


I don't like this post. It seems as if Rand is trying to discourage us from looking at AJ. If she flips scum, I'd like to look at Rand after her.

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Posting from my phone. . . Because its unrealistic that basel was trying to setup a town lynch with his death as a way to protect the mafia? right. Symp signal it is, then.


At the point at which he vetted you, no one was reading him as scum, if I remember correctly

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That or it could be him trying to vet himself by viewing a town as town. I have seen that in my recent games and have even seen previous teammates use that.


I don't like this post. It seems as if Rand is trying to discourage us from looking at AJ. If she flips scum, I'd like to look at Rand after her.


Looking at her is fine, I don't want you to lynch her obviously because she is my mason.

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Okay so I talked to lenlo about this and we decided that I would publicly declare that I would use the power buff tonight. This way, every townie that has a role that let's them target someone will have the opportunity to gain 2 na's the next night. Cop can view me too, to give us a confirmed townie and so you'll receive the buff too.


I also got semi confirmation from Bg that scum roles can receive the buff as well, so mafia may very well be targeting me with the nk as well, but the doc still should focus on either self protecting or protecting the cop as tonight would now be a good night for them to go after one of you. Hopefully we can just get lucky with the RB or something

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Sorry, I am really bad at typos, this is the second time that happened, you can ask others for proof. I was thinking about mafia killing me and what power I had.


LoL, and you were mafia in that other game too!


Yeah, but if you remember looking in my scum QT, you can see where I said that I said that not because I was scum, but actually because I made a typo. I can link my QT if you want to see.

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Despo, you know what happened last game, the exact same thing happened to me in the executioner mafia as well, I said I was not town when I was thinking of being mafia and not town at the same time.


*hands Rand a shovel*

This'll make the digging easier

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