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Start of AMoL chapter one!

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IT HAS THE WIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I missed the wind SOOOO much in TGS and ToM!!! YAY it back!!!!!


Ooooooooh I can't wait!!!!!


Thank you for that, Misheru! I really enjoyed that. Don't know if it was Brandon or RJ who wrote that, but it flowed. Loved it!


Seriously, I had goosebumps all over my body while reading, it was so beautiful. "Hearing" Rand laugh again, finally getting his POV. Caemlyn burning. All the poor refugees. The wind following Rand's initial journey from the Two Rivers to Caemlyn. Ooooooooooooh!


Tor.com has posted the start of chapter one from AMoL after BS read it on ComicCon.


Clicky! http://www.tor.com/s...memory-of-light


I have goosebumps all over now! Can it be January soon?


You know, we posted it here too. And yesterday at that. :P


IT HAS THE WIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I missed the wind SOOOO much in TGS and ToM!!! YAY it back!!!!!


Ooooooooh I can't wait!!!!!


Pretty sure they had the wind opening the first chapter for both of those books too.


did they release the prologue? I know they did that for some of the other books.


Part of the prologue is out, you can find it on DM somewhere, or on Tor's site probably. I don't know where offhand though.


*Headdesk* You're right. Should have double checked before posting that :P


Why do I remember there not being one? ....Odd.


Barm, I found it while going into tor.com to continue my re-read of Wise Mans Fear, that's why I said Tor posted it... I rarely am on the front page of DM, my bookmark takes me straight to the forum.


Barm, I found it while going into tor.com to continue my re-read of Wise Mans Fear, that's why I said Tor posted it... I rarely am on the front page of DM, my bookmark takes me straight to the forum.


Me too :P


Yeah, DM for me goes straight to Shayol Ghul I mean the Mosvani Thread I mean the Red Ajah. (actually, i have a tab for each in my IE).


*Smacks EP* Use words, damnit.


And I work straight from email notifications, coupled with the "view new content" button on this version of DM. Though I do head on over to the front page every now and then, but it's just too cluttered and busy for my taste so not often.


The front page is chaotic to me, I try to browse it from time to time, but I end up fleeing pretty fast because it's so disorganized.


EP, I'm not joking.


I experience it the same way, Mashi. If there's too much going on I get anxious and confused. It's why I don't go on the new facebook much.


EP, I'm not joking.


I experience it the same way, Mashi. If there's too much going on I get anxious and confused. It's why I don't go on the new facebook much.


awww, but I'm not good with words they just don't have the same effect... *pouts*


Mine goes straight to the forums main page and then from there I explore wherever there's something of interest


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