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Falling Skies -- Season 2


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no Nol its directed by Stephen Speilberg adn deals with the fall out after an Alien invasion here on Earth and follws a group of people as they try to take back the earth and kick the aliens butts.



ts a great show, about as good as Walking Dead imo. you shoudl try to catch up on season 1 *nods*


Three minutes into the new season and Pope already has the best line.


"When life gives you lemons, you blow it's freakin head off."


Really good beginning so far.


TNT lies ... questions get answered my left foot!! if anything i have more questions now!



- still wondering what the Skidders originally were since they were apparently harnassed (my guess is that their humans, and that the harnessing turns them into skidders)

- WTF was that little pill bug flying thing?

- why did they make a point of letting a bunch of people go with Tom just to kill them and leave him pointedly alive?

- why were Ben's spikes glowing in the teaser at the end?



did anyone else notice the skidder at the end was the same skidder that was in the ship with Tom? you could tell by the eye (one seemed to have a callous or basically was a dead reddish dull color.



anyways, it was a good episode, looking forward to this season :happy:


i know, i felt Jimmys death was un-needed and just thrown in. i hate deaths like that, utterly detest them :mad: its one of the main problems i have with the last HP book, where JKR killed people just to kill them and for no other purpose.



that said, heres a question. given the situation and knowing what we know; would you go to Charleston or not?



at first i was all for it, but then i got to thinking. Bubba i think gave the best solution, have that pilot chick fly 1 or 2 people from the group as emissary's to Charleston to check it out then have her fly them back with a report.



but like i said, i got to thinking and the more i thoughts about it the more i disliked it.


1st is the population. a group that big is goign to attract notice; how long before the skidders zoom in and send in a mass air wave to bomb the crap out of the area? imo, this society woudl do better splitting up into villages with a few hundered in the population count so your easily mobile and harder to find; but keep a means of communcation so everyone is on the same page and you can act as a cohesive force agaisnt the aliens.



2nd is the "too good to be true aspect". i recall what the alien told Tom, about the "sanctuary" camps they planned for the humans. running water ... epectricity ... big population without being bothered by skidders ... a woman able to fly that distance without being stopped by skidders .... yeah the entire thing sets my hair on edge. i think this is EXACTLY where the skidders want them and this IS the sanctuary thing the alien was telling Tom to lead the 2nd Mass to. and i think its a very BAD idea to go anywhere the skidders want you to go tbh.



call me paranoid, but it feels less like "a safe heaven" and more like a "round up them all to trap and kill them easier" type of situaiton. i'm honeslty surpirsed Tom hasn't said anything along these lines yet :unsure:




i do think that, given winter is comming, they need to move south of where their at *nods*

  • 1 month later...

I can't believe the season is over so soon, feels like it just started!! I have a feeling that they did the wrong thing taking out that big weapon though =/


Nah, I think it was built to take out the fellas at the end of the season that showed up. I think they'll be here to help Tom and co.


That's why it was pointed at the sky, to keep them from landing.


yep what Ishy said.


i'm reminded of a quote "enemy of my enemy is my friend" Red eye said "that weapon will destory everything" it being pointed at the sky imo meant the calvery thats landed. also, another point of them being Alley's is if you recall earlier this season we saw a shot Red Eye and soem of the rebell skidders doing a prayer like salutation during a sunrise; this imo was them contacting their home planet.



now whether these new aliens can be trusted not to turn on the humans once the Overlords are taken care of is another issue entirely :dry:


Well yeah, I know that the weapon was meant for the new arrivals. I'm just not convinced that they are allies. They may be allies at first, but if they win, could just as easily begin persecuting humankind when done.

  • 3 weeks later...


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