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Eurovision Song Contest 2012 - The Grand Final (Saturday 26th May 2012)


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With just about 10 minutes to go, it is time to get ready for the Grand Final of the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, which this year is coming from Baku, Azerbaijan. So it is time to settle in and see which one of 26 countries is going to be victorious. Will it be one of the Big 5 (Italy, France, Germany, UK, Spain), Jedward (*shudder*) or somewhere from Eastern Europe or Scandinavia?


After what I felt were two mediocre (even poor) semi-finals on Tuesday and Thursday, 20 qualifiers join the Big 5 and Azerbaijan (last year's winners). I didn't feel there was much to shout about from the two shows, so we shall see if things step up for the final. I don't know who is going to win this year. Sweden appear to be big favourites, and I think Estonia and Romania could be considered outsiders. Spain, Italy and the UK seem to have decent entries, but the UK is hindered with the Hump going first.


Sadly, there are a few bad entries in this year. I am looking at Ireland and Turkey. There appears to be a strong influence of ballads coming from the Eastern bloc of the Baltic and Balkans. Will that be a winning entry?


Like last year, a 50:50 split between juries and public telephone voting will determine each country's points.


I believe the hosts are the same as the semi-finals. They weren't too bad, and an improvement on previous years.


On a final note, DM and the Band will be able to vote for their favourite in the same format as Eurovision once Eurovision upload the performance videos onto YouTube.


That is enough yapping! So let's get comfortable and let the fun begin!

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I´m here. I do miss my laptop.


From what I heard of the finalists in the semi-finals I can´t see a clear winner. I agree that many of the songs was mediocre. I hope Loreen from Sweden makes a better performance this time.


Currently tucking into my pizza while watching the opening scenes.


And it might be me, but there don't appear to be many people in the stadium, considering the Green Room is in the front...


Ah, now time for why we are in Azerbaijan - it is Ell & Nikki singing their 2011 winning song Running Scared.


I liked that song. It´s funny that the chemistry between them still doesn´t work. He still looks in love and she is totally cold. lol


My comments will be coming after every 5th song, so after number 5, 10, 15, 20 and 26.


1. United Kingdom

- Come On The Hump!

- Tough place to try and win from

- Nice little ballad

- But waiting for it to kick on...

- Follow you heart and vote for the UK! :wink:

- If only there had been more vocals like the final one during the rest of the song



2. Hungary

- I didn't like this in the semi-finals, and still don't

- Doesn't do anything musically

- Feels very flat, dull and uninteresting

- The Hump had better beat this tripe!



3. Albania

- The crowd seemed to like this

- I see she is still sporting her Hump sideburns!

- That was quite a note!

- Plenty of emotion has gone into this

- Earplugs are needed...and that seems louder than the semi-finals!

- A real dark horse, in my opinion



4. Lithuania

- And the ballads continue...with more to come

- The handstand/cartwheel marks the change in the song

- Doesn't seem to have the vocals to pull off the song

- Either that, or something is missing from the song/performance to bring it to life



5. Bosnia and Herzegovina

- And another ballad!

- A very soft and smooth song

- Nice vocals

- Like the Albanian singer, she could quite happily fit into the Star Wars world with her outfit!


UK - no, a bit mediocre

Hungary - I like this song better this time

Albania - It gets a little too much but otherwise I like this song. A little bit like Björk sometimes and I like Björk. Great voice and expresses a lot of feelings.

Lithuania - no

Bosnia - don´t like dull piano ballads


Did not like songs 1-5. Russia is absurd and if nobody else can out absurd them I hope they win for the hilarity of their entry. I liked Iceland.


I had Cyprus as one of my favourites, but something has happened with her voice, sounds quite flat compared to the semi.

Iceland was also off, but they were just as flat in the semi, so no change there.

Russia might pull a Verka Sherduchka. there are even some similarities in the melodies.


France was better live than the video I have seen before. Should do well.

Italy the contrary. Potential in the song, but she does not give it enough energy.


6. Russia

- Russian grannies time!

- Will the novelty factor mean we will be returning to Russia?

- I think it would be better without the electronic music

- A cappella would show their vocals off better

- The crowd seemed to like that!



7. Iceland

- This is one of my favourite songs from the semi-finals (I seem to like Icelandic songs over the years...)

- It has a strong chorus to it

- At times, I do feel it could have some extra "oomph" at times

- I do believe...come on Iceland!



8. Cyprus

- She looks a bit of a cross between Liv Tyler and Dita von Tess...

- Our first Europop song

- Singing lots of "la la la la"'s means you are hiding something...

- I have a love/hate relationship with this song...



9. France

- Shock! Horror! No French power ballad in French!

- The crowd seemed to like it

- This isn't very imaginative

- I have lost interest as she doesn't appear strong enough vocally for the music

- Nice legs though! :tongue:



10. Italy

- Crowd showed their liking for the song

- Has Amy Winehouse been resurrected?

- Somehow I don't think Italy will match their 2nd place from last year

- Does seem to remind of some song on the music circuit at the moment...

- More "la la la la"'s - argh!!!

- Got mixed feelings on this...


Russia - really? Cute old ladies but...

Iceland - starts good (I´m weak for the violin) but doesn´t continue that way

Cyprus - very cute song. She has a weak voice but the song makes me happy.

France - no. And I agree with Ayla - why the gymnastics?

Italy - okay.


Raena, a bit. And it is the guys who wrote Popular. And one of his dancers was a dancer in Popular.


But unlike Saade, this guy can sing.


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