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Hello !


I would like to start reading WoT in the following weeks. So I guess I'll be lurking on this forum quite a bit into the next year :)


What kind of books WoT can be compared to? I read LOTR obviously when I was a teenager (20 years ago), Drizzt and some Moorcock as well. I restart reading a few years ago, reading the 5 books of ASOFAI, the first trilogy of Fitz, Black Company, tried Malazan (I'll come back on this one when my english reading aptitudes will be better) and some others.


As far as I know, TOR will reedit the books with new covers, I was wondering if it will be one per month until the last book or it might pause from release to release. My plan is to read them all and be at the same pace for the release of the last one.




I read all the books within the past year. I would have told you before, that I hated fantasy. Lol. Be careful where you go here so it isn't spoiled for you. Welcome!


Hi and welcome to DM, Mercador! Great that you decided start reading WoT :) I really really recommend it (as you probably guessed already lol)


So, if you don't like spoilers, avoiding General WoT discussion board could be a good idea. Feel free to ask if you've got any questions about the site, WoT world, or anything. I hope you'll like it here!!


Jordan is a much different writer than Tolkien you will find. A couple of the books drag on and are extremely verbose however some of the books in teh series I hold as some of my all time favorites. Welcome to Dragonmount sir.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey - I'm new to this forum, myself. As for the WoT series... I always hate books that are so very favourably compared to Tolkien on the covers. They never quite live up to the Great JRR and when they're not a pale imitation, they're not even a real comparison. The covers of WoT, however, do not lie. When it comes to it, Tolkien merely prepared us for the greatness that is Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson).

Aye, ever yours


(Long-standing and active member of the Tolkien Society, membership no. 8085, who will likely be murdered if any of the other 8084 are lurking here.)


Thanks Jaedan! That's the kind of answer I was looking for :)


Now, I just wonder if I should read it in English or in French (there's a new edition from Bragelone with a better translation).


Bi- or multi-lingual friends I have recommend reading novels in the language they were written: most say that literal translations lose 'soul' and those less technically approached often mislead (although this is only usually in mionor ways) - so for something of the grandeur of Wheel of Time and based on the advice of better-informed friends, I recommend English.




At times a slow moving series but I loved even those parts, it was impossible for it to be too long for me,


The world he created is so intricate and vast I have yet to read it's equal.


Hope you will feel the same


Jordan is a much different writer than Tolkien you will find. A couple of the books drag on and are extremely verbose however some of the books in teh series I hold as some of my all time favorites. Welcome to Dragonmount sir.

Though sometimes you can't help wondering the similarities. Especially in the beginning but you realize them when the story starts taking it's own form.


So what it looks like? Sword of Truth (please no!) ?

WoT isn't like Sword of Truth. Sword of Truth is like WoT. I remember reading a discussion where it said that Chainfire trilogy saved Sword of Truth. Myself I am no fan of Sword of Truth.


Thanks Jaedan! That's the kind of answer I was looking for :)


Now, I just wonder if I should read it in English or in French (there's a new edition from Bragelone with a better translation).

My opinion is that you read the english version. Unless you can't read the original language, there is no point in reading translations. I usually prefer English novels rather novels written in my native language, Hindi. I have only read WoT in English since there is no Hindi version but rarely do translations keep up the spirit and what author has in mind. So go for English WoT.


Yeah, I know but I read to calm me down, to induce sleep, to think to something else that day-to-day matters. If I need to concentrate a lot to understand what I'm reading, I'm missing the point :-) Though, I should say I don't have that much difficulties reading English books.. I should at least give it a try :D My current book should be ended within 10 days or so, so I'll see.


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