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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Mafia only had 1 day end ability.


Both Town and Mafia had two instakills each


Dice had an extra instakill to balance out that Kate would definitely get lynched at some point in the game.


The extra day endings were Ishy's - as he had his powers doubled when he Hammered Kate and could have used them for Town. If you had killed him, or they had not recruited him - they would not have been able to end day so often.

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I wasn't Palpatine. Dice was.


Ah, so Dice had a perfect fake claim then. Turin's character didn't have much of a featured role in the film, while Aayla Secura was featured as much as my own charcter, including her death scene during the Jedi purge. Dice sent me a Jedi Telepathy message telling me his character, which to me clinched it for me.




Mafia were on a knifes edge of losing a lot of the time. Only once they finally figured out how to get to anakin did it become possible for them to win.


Mynd did a great job of outing all the power roles so they could do that.


I couldn't find her name when I was creating the normal jedi roles, cos she technically only dies in number 3, but she is my favourite. When I stuffed up on kate's claim they asked for a Jedi claim for dice instead - I said they could have her as she was my favourite, but she didn't really have a role in number 3. They decided to go with it.


I wasn't Palpatine. Dice was.


Ah, so Dice had a perfect fake claim then. Turin's character didn't have much of a featured role in the film, while Aayla Secura was featured as much as my own charcter, including her death scene during the Jedi purge. Dice sent me a Jedi Telepathy message telling me his character, which to me clinched it for me.



Aayla got more scren time cause she was waaaaay cuter than Cin "the Troll" Drallig.


I couldn't find her name when I was creating the normal jedi roles, cos she technically only dies in number 3, but she is my favourite. When I stuffed up on kate's claim they asked for a Jedi claim for dice instead - I said they could have her as she was my favourite, but she didn't really have a role in number 3. They decided to go with it.


I'm sad that Dice knew enough about her to tell me that she was your favorite, of which he told me as much in the telepathy message. That kinda implies that you talked about her with Dice. Did you tell him she was not in the game?


There were a lot of mistakes made by many of us, and some good play on the part of the mafia team, especially Ishy. I'm curious to know when he was recruited.


Ive also read the comments in the dead thread. You guys gotta remember that it takes more than one vote to lynch, so blaming the town failure on one person is bullshanks. There were a lot of things each of us could have done differently, and we all should have lynched Ishy from the start, even if he flipped town.


Could Palpatine have recruited anyone or just Anakin?


Now we get to find out who ended the first day early. I've been wanting to know that for ages. Great game, Ithi.


I'll save you the suspense. It was ME!


I didn't think I would last long in this game, certainly not as long as I did. Hindsight it was rash and stupid, but I wanted to get the game moving and I felt like we were pushing a lynch on an innocent. I didn't count on there being a jedi slaughter in the next few phases. Had I kept my one shot power to endgame, I could have possibly swayed Darthe off me and onto Ishy. But yeah.....my bad!


I have my own hindsight about the use of my power. On the day I got lynched, I tried to take some of the heat off me by Mind Tricking Razen into unvoting me and putting his vote on Len. I was taking my chances that he wasn't Jedi and I guessed wrong. If I had to do it over again, I would have tried sending a message to EP.


Hey gang, I'm starting Avengers Mafia on MyndJack in a couple weeks, sign ups are open now! Verbal is coming out of retirement to play!


Here is the link: http://www.myndjack.com/forums/index.php?topic=7415.0 Everyone is invited!


If you haven't registered at MyndJack, lemme know and I'll manually approve you. We've been having issues with our spammer protocols. Just don't put a viagra add in your siggy and we should be good!


/shameless plug


* * *


This has been a real puzzle. Had Turin been Aayla and not Ne-ho bob, I probably would have believed him and we probably would have had dice earlier. NO worries, this was a real blast to play and I look forward to the next one.


Saving Len was somthing that actually worked out for town. Since he saved us a day to lynch Ironeyes after mafia ended day before we couldlynch him the first time.


I honestly couldn't find her when I was setting up the Mafia Fake Claims. If you read the QT you can see I go through a few crappy Jedi names and don't really think that Aayla is a good one, but they decide to run with it. Palpatine could only ever recruit Anakin, and Anakin was protected against being recruited until Nya was killed.


Kate advised you when she got lynched that I had given them all fake claims, she also told you they had the same powers, apart from Siths can't mediate.


Im going to start posting day and night actions now.


I honestly couldn't find her when I was setting up the Mafia Fake Claims. If you read the QT you can see I go through a few crappy Jedi names and don't really think that Aayla is a good one, but they decide to run with it. Palpatine could only ever recruit Anakin, and Anakin was protected against being recruited until Nya was killed.


Kate advised you when she got lynched that I had given them all fake claims, she also told you they had the same powers, apart from Siths can't mediate.


Im going to start posting day and night actions now.


So, in a way, you kinda fed Dice a fake claim that you knew wasn't in the game? Just for future reference, I don't think the Mod should help the mafia in any way, even if its just to provide fake claim names. Didn't lose the game for us at all, a lot of other factors on our side, but I think what had me write off Dice was that he not only claimed a Jedi that was a bigger part of the story than Turin's character, he included that he was your favorite.


No worries, this was such a fun and challenging game. I can't believe I lived as long as I did.


They were all provided fake claims. DPR agreed it would be wise because the names are so blatant.


Kate clearly told you that you couldn't trust anyone because they all had fake claims. Nothing was hidden.


Mynd, you seemed quite peeved about my choice not to reveal. At the time, I thought it was just scum putting on an act.


I think your reveal would have helped. We only needed the fellow Jedi to reveal in order to help narrow down who isn't Jedi. I think it would have saved your lynch.


They were all provided fake claims. DPR agreed it would be wise because the names are so blatant.


Kate clearly told you that you couldn't trust anyone because they all had fake claims. Nothing was hidden.


How did Dice know Aayla was your favorite?


I wasn't buying anything that Kate told us. She was, after all, mafia.


Again, its no big deal. I'm just explaining why I wasn't so hot to lynch Dice until the end.


Mynd, you seemed quite peeved about my choice not to reveal. At the time, I thought it was just scum putting on an act.


I think your reveal would have helped. We only needed the fellow Jedi to reveal in order to help narrow down who isn't Jedi. I think it would have saved your lynch.


Well, I did think you were scum at the time. If scum is pushing hard for you to do something, then actually doing it doesn't seem all that bright.


Day 1



Wombat - Kill BG

Mynd - End Day


Night 1


Pale - View Tress (Town)

Key - Protect Self

Tress - Track Kae (nowhere)

Len - Kill Kae (succeeded)

Nya - Save Roo (no effect)

Dice - Turn Len (Fail)

Kate - Watch Ishy (no-one)

Wombat - NK Nolder (Succeeded)


Day 2


Kate - Telepathy Key (Succeeded)

Wombat - Kill Maw (Succeeded)


Night 2


Pale (vanished and didn't turn an action in, was replaced by Kae who was allowed to submit an action late) - View Mynd (Town)

Key - Protect Mynd

Loke - LD Mynd (Truth)

Nya - Save Ishy (Success)

EP - Telepathy Mynd (Success)

Dice - Turn Ishy (Fail)

Ironeyes - NK Mynd (Fail)


Day 3


Darthe - Double Vote Basel (success)

Basel - Mind Trick Razen (fail)


Night 3


Kae - View Ironeyes (Mafia)

Key - Protect Kae

Tress - Track Wombat (nowhere)

Nya - Save Ishy (success)

Dice - NK Tress (Success)

Dice - Turn Ishy (Fail)


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