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Project I need help with

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First off, what a project! Live it!! Secondly you may wanna post about it in the wot discussion boards. Those Gus have scary knowledge of te details of the wot world.


You have gathered an incredible amount of information there! I'm really looking forward to the end product, I must say :biggrin:


If anything springs to mind that you don't have there, I'll definitely post about it.


Thank you mother

I know there are lots of random little bits of info that appear off handedly in the books and it's those which I really want to find. Sometimes people remember the strangest things

(like the garden and stuff in the accepted quarters. I remembered cos I just finished New Spring)


Wow Piano! That's quite a bit of information and such a project. I definitely look forward to the end result. The sketch of the library looks awesome, although I always pictured it with many more rows and taller ladders, something like in Beauty and the Beast (for some reason this is the only huge on screen library I can think of right now *laughs*). The sketch of the Tower looks great, albeit not what I pictured either - you're right in that :smile:.


Hi Guys

I started a project over in the Artist guild. Id appreciate help with it

so if you wouldn't mind heading over and taking a look that would be much appreciated




(its relevant to the WT lol)


I wanted to let you know how great I think this is. Are you going to look at the changes Eladia made as well?


I wasnt going to include them. I did consider including the rose window Egwene commissioned. If i do that ill include it


Just a random question. If you arent AWC I dont think you can post. Do you want me to move the thread to the AWC main board so you can post in there or is here fine?

Ill move images and stuff you post on here there if not


yea thats what I thought too


Ok library things. I just saw this, what you think?























Im debating weather to make the interior dark or white like the tower?


I love the last two, and especially the last one! It's so fanciful and seems Ogier built :)


Beauty and the Beast


Ive noticed something. In all of WOT there are no artists as such nor are their paintings decorating anything. What do you make of that?


I don't think paint as such has been invented yet. We see wagons painted, but mostly it's laquerwork. Tapestries seem to be the normal wall ornamention. This is quite historically correct I think, since tapestries has two functions; be decorative, and cover up cold stone walls to make it warmer.


Not commisioned, I think she bought one of the copies that merchants brought around after Falme. I seem to remember it being drawn in chalk, and Pedron Niall had a couple as well.


But I seem to remember Siuan having drawings of fishing scenes on her walls. So yes, drawings might be acceptable wall decor, but not seen as very classy or something?


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