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Game of Thrones Season 2


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So I was skimming through the second book today for a minute, just trying to see how they were correlating and I noticed that Sansa has a guy she keeps around. Can't remember his name, but from what I glanced at, is it the knight who showed up to the tourney drunk that Joff tried to drown with wine and that Sansa convinced to let him be the court fool or whatever? And if that being the case, is it minor enough to have been left completely out of the show as it has been?

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So I was skimming through the second book today for a minute, just trying to see how they were correlating and I noticed that Sansa has a guy she keeps around. Can't remember his name, but from what I glanced at, is it the knight who showed up to the tourney drunk that Joff tried to drown with wine and that Sansa convinced to let him be the court fool or whatever? And if that being the case, is it minor enough to have been left completely out of the show as it has been?



You're right but thats is a minor change and he could easily be reintroduced in season 3 in the same episode he is needed to establish his connection with Sansa


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yay!! :happy:



I am curious about the season finale, since it's ben tagged RW, wich we all guess means Royal Wedding...



But I am curious, will it be the wedding between Sansa and Joff, or Margaery and Joff? Somehow, Sansa and Joffs wedding doesn't seem like a very good season climax... I can easily see them working things aound a bit. What o you guys think?



I cannot believe how they will manage to cram so much things into next weeks episode. I mean, we have to see Dany go get her dragons back, the RW, catch up on Robb and Jon and Arya... It's gonna be a busy episode indeed...!


Mirsh, you need to read the books, tis all i'm saying *nods* i do agree that it's gonna be a buisy episode.


My guess is



Robb marrying Talisa






HBO is showing the arch where as it happened off screen in the books, so it makes since if theres a wedding of any sort this episode it will be between Robb and that girl




So I was skimming through the second book today for a minute, just trying to see how they were correlating and I noticed that Sansa has a guy she keeps around. Can't remember his name, but from what I glanced at, is it the knight who showed up to the tourney drunk that Joff tried to drown with wine and that Sansa convinced to let him be the court fool or whatever? And if that being the case, is it minor enough to have been left completely out of the show as it has been?



You're right but thats is a minor change and he could easily be reintroduced in season 3 in the same episode he is needed to establish his connection with Sansa



actually, they've hit this plot point.


first episode Sansa saved him from Joff, last episode he's in the room with the woman in the background juggling. if you recall



his connectionwith Sansa doens't become central or even note worthy until she's married to Tyrion and the Hound is long gone.


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bubba actually pointed him out as i was more focused on Cersie and being estactic that they were finally potraying her right lol


when he remarked on it i had to rack my brains because at first i thought



he was the jester that comes in with Margery ... i forget his name. and i was like "wait a tick" and then Bubba reminded me and i was like "oh yeah! DUH!"




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I HAVE read the books <.< but my memory of the timeline is a bit murky. Since they have dubbed the last episode in THIS season (as far as I remember) for RW, then that can't possibly be the Red Wedding.

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no offense Misheru but if you've read the books



then why did you say joff and Sansa get married in a previous post?



and no, they announced last year that the red Wedding woudl be in Season 3 and thats the episode that GRRM will be writing.

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The RW is an episode I'll be looking forward to very very much. Going to watch the Battle of Blackwater again tonight, and am looking forward to the season finale on Sunday. Tho I am very sad we have to wait 10 months for season 3!


Going to re-read the books again soon too. ADWD comes out in paperback August 28th!

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no offense Misheru but if you've read the books



then why did you say joff and Sansa get married in a previous post?



and no, they announced last year that the red Wedding woudl be in Season 3 and thats the episode that GRRM will be writing.


Because it's two years since I read most of them and I got confused, that's why. Honestly Red, no reason to get rude. I've read houndreds of books the last couple of years and cannot remember every detail of each.

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GRRM will be writing the RW? He's writing S03E07 (titled "Autumn Storms"), so that may mean we'll get as far as the next major climax to conclude the season, which is a relief for me because it's a much better stopping point for nearly all of the character arcs. That probably means season four will not only conclude ASoS but start in on AFfC and ADwD, which is great.

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I don't understand how the concept of such a short running season works when it comes to shows like this. They make more money based on how many people watch right? So wouldn't it be in their interest to have seasons that last longer? Instead of two months on and ten off?

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The season finale was freakin' awesome!!!! I thought that



the added the story arc with Danaerys' dragons being stolen was odd, but I liked how they ended it. Pyat Pree getting burned like that was friggin' cool. Daxos getting locked up was cool too.



The very last scene was my favorite tho. Very well done, the best was the horse :tongue:

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season ender was great! i do have one beef.



really HBO, you couldn't be bothered to make Tyrion's nose more disfigured like in the book :mad: just a litle cut over his nose. such a cop-out *shakes head*



other than that, i lvoed the episode. i'm nto sure how to take this more frantic and on edge Stannis though; he's got alot more of the feelign of being insane in the series, or atleast being mental than he did in the books. not to say he's more likable in the books, but he certiantly doesn't come off as a semi-rabid cornered dog.


the Kings landing scene was brilliant.



though i do wish we had seen Loras's grandma :happy: i love that old broad *giggles* and seriously, Little Finger is a sicko perve of a petaphile. yeah i knew that already but sheesh, i can't wait for his death to come up. i hope Sansa pushes him out of a sky cell, or poisnions him slowly or something. i find him much more disgusting earlier on in the show than in the books *nods*




i liked the scene with Jon, but i feel that people only watching the show might be confused on this bit and whats truely going on; as half-hand never really did get the chance to fully explain his plan to Jon like he did in the book.


i'm confused abotu Sam's scene



more so how they expect to twist this into Sam living through the Zombie horde. i'd hate for them to make Sam into some rambo BAMF when he's not



the White Walker was awesome, and i agree that the horse was epically done!!


the added scene with the Spider was briliant as well, and i'm happy to have seen Robs wedding rather than have it in the background! as well as havign Cat's involvement in it more rather than her comming back to be surprised from it. it's also nice to see Rob standing up to her *nods*


Ayra's scene was epic!! tis all i can say about that tbh :laugh: and the twist on Dany's plot was done very nicely, they way they did it honelsty made me question whether it happened in the books; which is abotu the best compliment you can give an added scene *nods* LOVE her dragons, and that they got more screen time.


Winterfell was done nicely, i cracked up over the Horn bit and theon's continued focusing on it. the revolt of his crew was handled nicely, though i did hate to see the Maester die *shrugs* i do wish we coudl have seen the bastard bolton and the frog eaters though :unsure:



and ofcourse, Jamie was my fav scene :happy: quippy as ever and brilliantly so; loved the look of shock once he saw just how capable Bernie was with that sword and the look of admiration he had for her skills *nods*




serioulsy, this season went by WAY too fast!!

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GREAT episode to end an awesome season. The Others were cool as hell!



My only problem is that the viewers at this point don't hate Ramsay Bolton as much as the readers would. In the books he killed Ser Rodrick and sacked Winterfell.


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Yeah, the 3rd season is gonna be badass. Boo to HBO for making us wait til next April tho, seriously.


I read an interview with GRRM, he's got about 200 pages done of Winds of Winter. And he says that it's gonna be about 1500 pages long. So we have a long wait ahead of us....again.


I'm 23, I bet I'll be almost 40 before the series is finished... :sad:

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