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Game of Thrones Season 2


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Hi guys *waves*


So MISCON was of course freakin' awesome! I got to shake Mr. Martin's hand twice, and I got to speak with him personally. He is so nice, and he is really cool (of course).


The question everyone wants to know the answer to: does he have approval rights for the added scenes/what they delete? Answer is no he doesn't. However, he is pleased with how HBO is doing the series, and he says he loves seeing his work adapted to a visual medium.


The highlight for me was getting his autograph. I now have a signed map of Westeros. When I get it framed I will post pics if anyone is interested^_^


Ask me any questions you have, I might have the answer :wink:


Awesome episode of course; best part being that Mr. Martin watched it with us^_^ He is just too cool.


Tyrion FTW, all the way. GRRM's favorite character, by the way.

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Yet the one GRRM wrote last year was awful. He did a far better job this season.

Really? I thought they were both amazing.


Also for those of you who like the action/gorey stuff

Did anyone else notice Stannis cut that one dudes head in half? geeeeez that was crazy

I always knew Stannis was a beast


And of course there was the Hound literally cutting PEOPLE in half but whatever it's expected of him


I really liked the way Loras and Tywin came into the Throne room

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Yet the one GRRM wrote last year was awful. He did a far better job this season.

Really? I thought they were both amazing.


Also for those of you who like the action/gorey stuff

Did anyone else notice Stannis cut that one dudes head in half? geeeeez that was crazy

I always knew Stannis was a beast


And of course there was the Hound literally cutting PEOPLE in half but whatever it's expected of him


I really liked the way Loras and Tywin came into the Throne room


Don't forget Tyrion, who enters the fight by chopping a dudes leg off. Tough little bastard :)

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Kae did he answer any of the questions i asked you to pass onto him??



edit - did he slip in any hints to what will happen in the last two books in any of the two scenes he's written?



was it wiered for him writing characters that are already dead?



how does he feel about the changes to Danny's story line on scene, about HBO's poor potrayal of Drago, and of the slit change in Cersie's character as being more sympathetic?


as of right now, which actor did he say he feels is potraying his character the best?



i'll be back as i think of more *nods*

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He said that he has no approval power over scene changes, but that overall he is very pleased with HBO's adaptation.


NO hints, at all. I didn't think there would be, lol.


His favorite character is Tyrion, he says HBO is portraying him exactly as he sees him in his mind.

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Hello all, hope no one minds me joining in. I've read books 1 and 2, and have been more than satisfied for the most part about how the show has adapted them. Keep this in mind, since the rant I'm about to go on might make it seem like I feel otherwise. Dany stamping her feet and swearing violence against people has become quite tiresome, but that's already been well-discussed here.


However, I have to say that I was actually pretty disappointed with the last episode. I liked the inital wildfire scene; however, let's not forget that in the books that part was much, much more prolonged. The boat exploding only crippled a part of Stannis' fleet, not the entire group. The show completely dismissed the genius tactics of Tyrion making the chain across Blackwater Bay to trap the fleet once they'd moved in, and the catapults throwing more wildfire were nixed as well. This ties into the scene where Mandon Moore attacks Tyrion; in the books, this was in the water, but in the show, they were forced to move it onto land.


Also, I have to say that the fight scenes were really pretty lame. To this point, the show has done an excellent job of making a small number of people SEEM like a very large group of people, through clever use of camera shots, etc.; however, Ep9 totally failed to live up to that. It was very patently obvious during many points throughout the episode that they were working with a pretty small number of people. The walls also seemed very... short. Did anyone else notice that? The whole set just looked very amateur, the ladders, the walls, etc.


I really enjoy Arya's storyline. Though she also has a little bit of spoiled brat to her, it's being quickly culled out by her harsh life experiences. I liked the portrayal of Jaqen, though IIRC he almost never used personal pronouns like "I" or "you" in the books, where he seems to do it pretty often in the books. However, I think my favorite part is the interplay between Arya and Gendry - I could see them ending up together. (To those who've read the later books, don't spoil it! :tongue:)


I continue to hold faith in GRRM and the HBO writers, as for the most part they've done a fantastic job, and I fully expect the finale this weekend to be fantastic.

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I am curious about the season finale, since it's ben tagged RW, wich we all guess means Royal Wedding...



But I am curious, will it be the wedding between Sansa and Joff, or Margaery and Joff? Somehow, Sansa and Joffs wedding doesn't seem like a very good season climax... I can easily see them working things aound a bit. What o you guys think?



I cannot believe how they will manage to cram so much things into next weeks episode. I mean, we have to see Dany go get her dragons back, the RW, catch up on Robb and Jon and Arya... It's gonna be a busy episode indeed...!

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My guess is



Robb marrying Talisa


Wasn't that the actual RW? Or were they M before that and RW was just the "celebration"?


The actual RW was

Edmure and Roslin Frey

... directly brought about because of

Robb marrying Jeyne

, of course, which happened "offscreen" 'round about this time in the story.

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