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Feast of Fools 2012 Bonding Fun!

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*spams* Nah just kidding. :D



I don't think it has been nonimnated yet so I'd like to nom Fnorrll and Elgee as scaries bonded pair.


Tower beware if that should ever happen! :D

I don't think it has been nonimnated yet so I'd like to nom Fnorrll and Elgee as scaries bonded pair.


That is totally scary!


I think the Keeper of Fools and the Captain General of Fools would be a scary bond too. *G*


Captain O Captain I must confess

I'm not sure who you mean to address

Are you asking the illustrious Elgee

Or speaking to the flighty Fool that is me?

In your heart you must know that it is true

That I surely must be talking to you!

We spend so much time together anyway

Let's make this "official"--what do you say?


What a delightful request for Foolish me

To be asked by someone such as thee

'Tis true we spend quite a duration

mulling over matters of the nation

I'd be amiss and quite silly, true

If I ignored the request from You

So in honor of this auspicious occasion

(and your particular brand of persuasion)

I accept, I agree, I confirm, I'm quite fond

Of this idea of yours to cement our Bond.


*embraces saidar and weaves a Spirit strand*

I think this requires a celebration that's grand!

I don't think it has been nonimnated yet so I'd like to nom Fnorrll and Elgee as scaries bonded pair.


That is totally scary!


I think the Keeper of Fools and the Captain General of Fools would be a scary bond too. *G*


Now are you saying that because you know who they are behind the scenes, or because of the fools they are? *ggls*


What a delightful request for Foolish me

To be asked by someone such as thee

'Tis true we spend quite a duration

mulling over matters of the nation

I'd be amiss and quite silly, true

If I ignored the request from You

So in honor of this auspicious occasion

(and your particular brand of persuasion)

I accept, I agree, I confirm, I'm quite fond

Of this idea of yours to cement our Bond.


*embraces saidar and weaves a Spirit strand*

I think this requires a celebration that's grand!


I quite agree with you, my dear

We must announce this for all to hear!

The perfect way to do this, I think

Is with dancing, laughing, food and drink.

Let's start the party; we don't have long

What do you think should be the first song?


It does count (unless I get told it doesn't >.>) But I'll put it there anyways! :biggrin:


Now I know it's a day late, but:


Note: Nominations are now closed. Voting for each category is now open! :D Please PM me your choice for each of the categories in one message to me. :)


*waggles her eyebrows at AH*


Well then, go cause trouble with my warder dearest while I'm having fun :biggrin:

*Sweeps a bow to Tynaal* AH and I will have fun of our own causing trouble :wink:


*glares and bares a dagger blade*


You, sir, imposter, may feign my position if you so wish, but you may NOT attempt to usurp my bonded!



*looks around* everyone is nominating me and Tyn as scariest, and I know Tyn aint scary (heck, she's nominated for "nicest member" in the empys) so....I guess....



Anywho *glares at the SCoF some more*

Forgive me; I didn't see this before

I must have been distracted by the smore...

In any case, I simply bowed

Respect to the MoN is surely allowed

The person I pulled away at the start

Was just the Prankster known as Heart.

But, since I have your permission,

Here's a little bit of exhibition:


*Puffs out chest, struts around looking down his nose at the world*


Yeah...but theres just one small catch - he'd be in my head! O.o


The taint may have driven me completely crazeh, but I haven't abandoned my self-preservation instincts completely!! :laugh:


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