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A Message for Froggy


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I met her way back when, I think it was before she became the Artist's Guild leader but it wasn't till then that I really came to know her from just another DMer, but it wasn't until we started FBing that I really got to know her. At first we just had the odd chat about the usual random stuff. It wasn't till Froggy needed someone to talk to that we really became good friends. To tell the truth that was the first time I ever thought that maybe she would be someone I'd like to bond. I admit that I never told her and put it to the back of my mind. I didn't want to rush things (I like to be sure with things like this)

Our friendship really cemented with the House Ospenya incident took place. I sort of became an adopted Ospenian and was there on the front lines with the protesters. I felt Froggy’s pain about losing her home and fell headlong into the debate. I’m not sure if I really was much help or just there but it brought me and Froggy closer so for that I’m thankful.


Froggy is an awesome person and I find myself sitting on FB all day just in the hope that our time zones sync enough for us to have a chat and see how each other are going. The more I learn about her the more I want to bond her and make our friendship more official. I really love how she always has something to chat about and a cool story for everything. We are two dorks together and often have the oddest convo’s (like velociraptors [i hope I spelled that right, my computer wants to correct that to velocipedes], so so many unresolved questions). It turns out that we are both equally weird in most ways you can be. But capes and ties are awesome and anyone that says otherwise can take it up with me.


I guess the only thing that really bugs me about her is her need to talk. Sometimes I get on FB after missing her and have a novel of conciseness to read. She just doesn’t stop talking lol. But in a way thats why she is the best person for me. I am quiet by nature so someone that gets me chatting is always good. I think I annoy her a bit when I don’t reply or change topics 100MPH but it helps keep her toned down and me able to keep up. Other than that I haven’t really found anything that I really don’t like at all. There is only one thing so far that we have had a disagreement on and I forgot what it was pretty much straight away.


So for all these reasons and many many more that I can’t even begin to list I chose to ask Froggy to be my bonded. She is always there when I need to talk and enjoys my drunken FBing without mocking me for it. Id fight for her to the bitter end (the first time I typed that it came out butter end lol) and I know she will do the same for me, I put forward the disbanding dreadies as my example. If you needed any more proof I am choosing to bond a SS :tongue:

She means that much to me


Any who do not wish this to go forward speak now or forever hold you peace

*sharpens his dagger for those who may object*


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