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The Walking Dead - Season 2


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well the midseason premier (or whatever it's called) happened last week and we're looking forward to a new episode tonight

thoughts on this season?


the first half kind of really bored me

it was just everyone sitting around a farm doing a bunch of nothing

I really started to wonder why I was still watching this show

it may have really great costumes but the actors can be such a drag sometimes even with good dialogue (and the bad dialogue is just a terror all on it's own)

the mid season finale (seriously what are these things called?) reminded me why I was still tuning in

this show seems to save the very best stuff for the end of a season

I wont spoil what happened if you haven't caught up on this season yet but that ending was just brutal in a satisfying way

even so I wasn't sure if I was going to finish the season

I thought the second half was going to go right back to being boring but by the end of the episode we had another really cool moment

for the first time since season 1 ended I'm actually looking forward to the next episode


what are your thoughts on this guys? anyone else still with the show?

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  • Community Administrator

Yea, still watching it. I liked the farm episodes. Its a counter-point to their survival. And the farmer had a point for them all.


Do what you have to, to survive, but don't lose your humanity while doing it.

  • Community Administrator

I didn't hate the farm really I just hate how much time is being spent their

it just feels like they're dragging it out


Possible, (probably help if they released episodes more frequently, so it doesn't feel like such a draaag... Didn't this season start like.. october? :P)


I think they are setting us all up for making an emotional connnection with these new characters, so they can kill them off in a more significant way.

My bet? The Asian guys new GF. :P


I dunno looking at tonights episode I feel like Shane is gonna do something off the wall like kill that kid who hurt his leg or something and then the group is gonna tear itself apart like what almost happened at the barn


You know, I don't mind the farm. It isn't realistic for the group to run around the world and always overcome the monsters. Eventually you want a place to call home. The farm somewhat offers them that feeling.


What I am not liking. The wife running off on her own and flipping her car. I haven't watched last week's episode yet but I am betting they are using this to deal with the pregnancy without pissing off the general public. Personally I really like the social choice here. You need to repopulate the world... it is of vital importance. But a baby also brings about increased risk. It reminds me of BSG in that regard.


the decisions some characters are making make no sense

I mean that

no sense at all


in Lori's case (spoilers!) Rick hadn't been gone an hour and she desperately had to go after him? really?

she did ask the one guy to go (I'm forgetting his name...I think it might be Darryl? the "white trash" guy with the crossbow) but when he told her he wouldn't why didn't she ask anyone else? in an environment as dangerous as this you'd think she'd at least ask someone else to go with her you know?

but no the decision she made was to go by herself and tell nobody


the show has it's moments I'll give it that

but some of those moments are just awful and make me wish the zombies would just overrun the place and eat everyone


i seriously hope Shane gets bitten by a Zombie and gets Tentnis along with Rabies and Distermperment on top of the Zombie thing :angry: i really dislike him and his underhanded ways.


yeah, i could see the Otis thing, though he wa s a major jackwagon for doing it; but the thing with the barn was just uncalled for. seriulsy, its not that i didn't agree that the Walkers int he barn needed to go, i agree they were a threat reguardless of how long they've been there. but COME ON!! you DONT open the door and let them out, you take a high vanage poitn and pick them off one by one. you also don't want to crap all over the old guys hospitality, especially since he's about to kick your people off his land. not to mention, take his families feeligns into account for christs sake!! he doens't see those Walkers sa mosnters, he see's them as his wife, his step son, people he's treated since they were kids likely.


i mean, in his shoes, he's not only losing them once, but twice!!! much better ways to handle this situation.


i was sad about the little girl being in there though :sad: i had hoped they woudl find her though common sense said the odds were against her not being changed; sitll it was sad. and Shanes a flamming coward. yeah he could shoot all day when he didn't know the Walkers, but did he have the guts to shoot the little girl?! NO. he's a flamming coward that is too big for his briches and needs a good pistol whip upside his head.






so yeah, Bubba and i finally started wathcing this show; we caught the marathon they showed for the season opener and watched 5 episodes in a row and got hooked. it's set to record on our DVR so we genrally watch it some time during the week instead of on Sundays (Shameless is a priority on Sundays for me)



this last episdoe is interesting. imo, they shoudl have just put a bullet in the teens head instead of resucing him. not because it's not worth it to rescue him, or even because he shot at them. but because losing a limb is a death sentence in this case; not to mention the wasted ammo protecting themselves to get him out of there. havign never damage will prevent him from doing alot of work, and basically now if they turn him loose Shane and that chick are right in that he could lead the other bandits back tot he farm; not to mention he's as good as Walker food with a bumb leg. and with a bum leg, i doubt he could pull his own wieght at the farm even if they did let him stay.


so yeah, put him out of his misery and give him a quick death; it's better for all parties honeslty. still, i have a bum knee, so when Rick ripped his leg off the fence, lets just say i more than cringed and my knee started up with sympathy pains. it's even starting to ache just remembering it *shudders*



as for the baby and the car, i don't think they'll have the baby get aborted, maybe have it come out with some sort of disability, but i dont see them developing that plot line like they have just to create more conflict between Shane and Rick. i mean Shane's actions and thoughts/brief history with Ricks wife are enough to create the tension needed for a falling out betwen the two, so i think the baby will be a plot point that will come to a head later ... maybe having the mom die due to birthing complications or it having a disability due to the car accident.



i will say that i really dislike how the chicks are manipulating Rick and Shane. Ricks wife doens't need to be like that to get Rick to put Shane in his place; she's stoking the wrong type of fire in him and it's likely to turn him in a very bad way imo. the other chick that's whispering in Shanes ear, she's nucking futs!! she seems to be stooking the fire to revolt agaisnt the Doctor to take the farm by force; something Shane has been hinting at the past two episodes if you read between the lines :dry: not to mention, i really dislike the fact that she seems to feel the need to prove something, which is not a good mentality to have in this type of enviroment




as for the point of the Farm in this story, Emp ht the nail on the head. it's being used as a growing point for the story and to give the characters somethign later to overcome. if they want this to be close to realistic, then the characters need a safe heaven (brief or not) to take a break; otherwise they'd die of exhaustion and them continuing on would be way to unrealistic.





on a side note, last night i was killing Zombies in my dream :blink: bubba and i got pinned down with a group in a Home Depot and this guy that looked liek Santa Clause (without the hat and coat ofcourse) came out to help us from the back storage area. i was totally going all Resident Evil on them Walkers with my automatic shotgun :laugh:


"Shane and that chick are right in that he could lead the other bandits back tot he farm;"


they left him for dead and he was blindfolded

I'd find it very hard to believe he'd remember his way back even if he wasn't preoccupied with such a terrible injury


yeah it looks like they leave him for dead, but it also looks like Shane and Rick duke it out, and Rick was covered in blood splatter; so who knows.



honeslty, whether or not the group of bandits comes looking for the farm depends on them. if they come across the bo and take him in, and he starts blabbing about how nice the farm is, how many armed peoel are guardign and how many woman are there; they may decide it's worth it to keep the kid injury and all to use him to find out where the farm is and take it for their own.



obviously, seeing from the 2 that we met (the one guy had the persona of a group leader tbh) i think this is a real danger for our cast of characters. espeically with the internal turmoil between Shane and most of everyone else. not to mention the white trash guy ... i could see him easily joinging up with the bandits and going turn cloak on the group; especially with the hallucinations of his brother and him becoming rather mentally unstable. and he wasn't blind folded or injured :unsure:


Still watching this (when I'm not hiding behind my hands). I have been getting a bit fed up though. I just want Shane to get eaten already. Slowly. And I'm generally getting fed up with people being left to get eaten alive, rather than being put out of their misery first with a bullet in the brain. Aside from the fact that I find it horrible, it also just doesn't make sense.


i haven't watched the new episode yet, so i have no clue what happened but to address the "people being left alive to be eaten" angel, the only thing i can say is that in that situation you need to conserve yoru ammo becuase you don't know when you'll come across more.



so while i agree that its more kind to kill the perosn instead of leaving them alive to be eatena nd turned into a Walker; realistically its in better interest for you to leave them alive to both conserve your ammo and to distract the Walkers to buy you time to get away.



its a very callous look, but when its survive or get eaten, soemtimes you have to make nasty and inmoral decisions to keep your life :sad:


Still watching this (when I'm not hiding behind my hands). I have been getting a bit fed up though. I just want Shane to get eaten already. Slowly. And I'm generally getting fed up with people being left to get eaten alive, rather than being put out of their misery first with a bullet in the brain. Aside from the fact that I find it horrible, it also just doesn't make sense.



I have heard that Shane won't make it past this season. The actor playing Shane is in talks to be a lead on the new AMC show LA Noire



i haven't watched the new episode yet, so i have no clue what happened but to address the "people being left alive to be eaten" angel, the only thing i can say is that in that situation you need to conserve yoru ammo becuase you don't know when you'll come across more.



so while i agree that its more kind to kill the perosn instead of leaving them alive to be eatena nd turned into a Walker; realistically its in better interest for you to leave them alive to both conserve your ammo and to distract the Walkers to buy you time to get away.



its a very callous look, but when its survive or get eaten, soemtimes you have to make nasty and inmoral decisions to keep your life :sad:


Yeah I get the conserving ammo thing, but the cases I'm thinking about, they've already shot the person. Like with Shane and Otis. He could have easily shot him in the head/heart, but instead he shot him in the stomach I think it was. Although in the other case it might have not been possible...depends how good a marksman a certain person is.


in the shane/Otis case, leaving Otis alive was the point. Walkers will only attack live bait, there for if you injuring/shooting a person to give yourself a chance to escape you want to leave them alive.



this is why the Wlaker in teh well wuldn't go for the Ham and the chickens they fed the Walkers in the Barn had to be alive, not freshly killed.


in the shane/Otis case, leaving Otis alive was the point. Walkers will only attack live bait, there for if you injuring/shooting a person to give yourself a chance to escape you want to leave them alive.



this is why the Wlaker in teh well wuldn't go for the Ham and the chickens they fed the Walkers in the Barn had to be alive, not freshly killed.


Oh ok, must have forgotten about that. Can't say it makes much sense though. But then this is a zombie show we're talking about so I'll shut up now lol.


apparently AMC accidentally leaked a big spoiler on thursday

I'll include it below but note that it is actually a pretty big spoiler so don't look if you mind that sort of thing



apparently Shane dies this season

or...well maybe not but the spoiler was presented as "Shane's last episode" so either he's going away for a long time or he's dying

I think that's a bad move

he may have been a dick but he brought a lot of interesting conflict to the show and tbh I can't imagine it without him



what in the world?? major spoilers for todays episode if you haven't seen it already




So Dale died

that was actually one of the sickest deaths I've seen on film

the zombie literally just ripped him open


I think maybe the writers were trying to make a point with this death

Dale said he couldn't live in a world that's uncivilized

where people are executed for things they might never do

the point is that is what life is like for these people now

things are different and people like Dale are either going to have to change (Shane, Rick) or they're not going to last


I was kind of hoping that zombie would kill Carl

he's kind of been a dick lately

I know he's a kid and, as stated before, Things Are Different now but still

he's doing extremely reckless things and just generally getting in the way

I guess that's sort of the definition of being a kid eh?



also does anyone notice how T Dog almost never has any lines?

I mean even during a debate where the entire group is voicing their opinions he just stood there

they really need to do something with him

either expand on his character or kill him off




what in the world?? major spoilers for todays episode if you haven't seen it already




So Dale died

that was actually one of the sickest deaths I've seen on film

the zombie literally just ripped him open


I think maybe the writers were trying to make a point with this death

Dale said he couldn't live in a world that's uncivilized

where people are executed for things they might never do

the point is that is what life is like for these people now

things are different and people like Dale are either going to have to change (Shane, Rick) or they're not going to last


I was kind of hoping that zombie would kill Carl

he's kind of been a dick lately

I know he's a kid and, as stated before, Things Are Different now but still

he's doing extremely reckless things and just generally getting in the way

I guess that's sort of the definition of being a kid eh?



also does anyone notice how T Dog almost never has any lines?

I mean even during a debate where the entire group is voicing their opinions he just stood there

they really need to do something with him

either expand on his character or kill him off




Completely agree with all your points. A zombie ripping someone open with their bare hands though...what the heck? Are they inhumanly strong too? Cos I just don't see that it's possible. And yeah the kid's become a little monster, I just wanted to wallop him every time I saw him. And I actually forgot T Dog was even in it until this last episode! Even then he only had one line, and I didn't hear it cos I was talking lol. Poor chap.

  • Community Administrator

they experience no pain. Its not that they are stronger, its that they arent limiting there strength because of pain...

As for the ripping part. I expect the fingers are goudged down to the bone. Possibly chipped, creating something harder ajd sharper than nails.


A human could easily do the same if you think about it. All you would need to do is dig in with you nails... After that there wouldn't be much to do except rip.. Kinda gross to think about but it's not unreasonable...


I didn't think about the bones being exposed, I guess that would work. But honestly I think the human skin is just too resistant to be torn open so easily (well, as easily as they showed) otherwise. There's layers of muscle and fat too remember.

  • Community Administrator

I didn't think about the bones being exposed, I guess that would work. But honestly I think the human skin is just too resistant to be torn open so easily (well, as easily as they showed) otherwise. There's layers of muscle and fat too remember.


Skin is easy, the other stuff as you mentioned, alot harder.

But you also have to remember, that zombie went straight for the mans stomach, which is going to be significantly easier to 'tear open', than say, the chest. They maynot show the fingers as being 'torn open' but really, given how much use they'll have gone through, and since they no longer 'heal' those things are going to be ground down to the bone, and even then, theres going to be more nail exposed (Since the skin after death tends to recede back, making the nails apear as if they still grow after death) so you combine nails and then bones, its possible that they'll be able to tear through it.


Besides, how do you think humans were able to 'survive' before we invented tool? :P

The human nail is incredible durable, just have to look at someones hands who's actually... Used them. (aka, a landscapers hands, vs an office workers hands.)


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