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Are there always two COL in eac turning?

Dagon Thyne

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The Age of Legends was the end Second Age according to the first paragraph of each book. The events descripted in the WoT is the end of the Third Age. There is no evedince that each Age is of a uniform length.


The Age of Legends was the end Second Age according to the first paragraph of each book. The events descripted in the WoT is the end of the Third Age. There is no evedince that each Age is of a uniform length.



I was not talking about the length of the ages....I was asking if there are always two COL born into a turning of the wheel.......LTT and Rand, were born into the current turning.........Has there been anything on whether this was unique, or that there was always two.


I've always wondered this. Is there any evidence that Rand and LTT are unique? Or is the COL always born twice in each turning of the wheel?


Jordan's implied that a female hero could be spun out to champion the Light if the Wheel required it. As for LTT/Rand being spun out twice in a prophesied role... I don't know. Heroes and ta'veren are corrective mechanisms. If, for whatever reasons, the circumstances of a particular turning are such that such a thing isn't projected to be necessary...


It's really hard to say. We don't have enough information. Consecutive turnings tend to be similar to each other, but after thousands and tens of thousands of turnings things may have gone down differently.


I am certain that AoL always has the Bore, War of Power, CoL. Next age CoL defeating the DO properly or temp again.


That's not actually true......While time is cyclic and repeats itself, it may not do so in the same way every time......It may not be a bore in the pattern every time.....Or the same types of seals.......The previous turning might not have even had heartstone to make the same types of seals. And that is my point......There has never been any proof, be it in the books themselves, or by acknowledgment by RJ, the COL being born twice always happens. A great example of this would be the fact that RJ has said that the Horn of Valere did not exist in the Last Battle of the previous turning of the wheel.


I am certain that AoL always has the Bore, War of Power, CoL. Next age CoL defeating the DO properly or temp again.


That's not actually true......While time is cyclic and repeats itself, it may not do so in the same way every time......It may not be a bore in the pattern every time.....Or the same types of seals.......The previous turning might not have even had heartstone to make the same types of seals. And that is my point......There has never been any proof, be it in the books themselves, or by acknowledgment by RJ, the COL being born twice always happens. A great example of this would be the fact that RJ has said that the Horn of Valere did not exist in the Last Battle of the previous turning of the wheel.


It did exist, it just wasn't used. RJ has stated in interviews that it was created in an Age before the AOL.




What makes you think there were only two? When is a turning done?

The wheel turns without stop there is no beginning or end, even ages can be arbitrary...

Before LTT there was many others, if you wanna believe Ishmael. also LTT was end of 2nd age, who was at end of 1st age? Was there someone at the beginning of the 1st age?


speculate all you want, but I doubt we will get much more info at this point.


also it seems LTT had other voices in his head other than Rand's voice...


What makes you think there were only two? When is a turning done?

The wheel turns without stop there is no beginning or end, even ages can be arbitrary...

Before LTT there was many others, if you wanna believe Ishmael. also LTT was end of 2nd age, who was at end of 1st age? Was there someone at the beginning of the 1st age?


speculate all you want, but I doubt we will get much more info at this point.


also it seems LTT had other voices in his head other than Rand's voice...


There are seven Ages in each turning of the Wheel. There doesn't need to be a Dragon at the end of each Age. Anyway, that's a separate topic. We're talking about different turnings, not different Ages within a single turn.


I think we need to agree on what actually happens in each cycle before we agree on the role of the champion. Can we agree that this is at the minimum a beginning influence of the Dark One, and then the Light's victory. There might be more to it but at least this seems to be something that goes on in each cycle. If the champion is the same soul (as mostly agreed upon in another thread where I asked about this), it would seem to me that the soul of the champion will be spun out to play a central role in the battle(s) to ensure the victory of the Light. We don't need to specify ages if we at least agree on this.


If LTT has voices in his head (I can't remember, its probably ahead of where I am at the moment) it would not be too hard to explain. It might not be a personality trait or the taint of saidin but simply the fact that he's one of those reborn for specific purposes, like the Heroes of the Horn (Birgitte mentioned being partially aware of her skills and of Gaidal in her lives).




I am certain that AoL always has the Bore, War of Power, CoL. Next age CoL defeating the DO properly or temp again.


That's not actually true......While time is cyclic and repeats itself, it may not do so in the same way every time......It may not be a bore in the pattern every time.....Or the same types of seals.......The previous turning might not have even had heartstone to make the same types of seals. And that is my point......There has never been any proof, be it in the books themselves, or by acknowledgment by RJ, the COL being born twice always happens. A great example of this would be the fact that RJ has said that the Horn of Valere did not exist in the Last Battle of the previous turning of the wheel.


RJ has said the pattern and lace of time look the same from a distance but different close up. I think that implies there are major themes that play out every time but names, places and how it happens is different.


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