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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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11 people left, potentially 4 scum. That is 7/4.


With a NK / Mislynch / NK, it can go to 4/4. So, we have to get the next lynch right, or we are done.


I think since its night phase again, we should have the Cop reveal - and give us all their results. Doc can then protect the Cop, and hopefully out of that we'll net at least 1-2 scum. Its the only way we rebound here, and avoid the mislynch.

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11 people left, potentially 4 scum. That is 7/4.


With a NK / Mislynch / NK, it can go to 4/4. So, we have to get the next lynch right, or we are done.


I think since its night phase again, we should have the Cop reveal - and give us all their results. Doc can then protect the Cop, and hopefully out of that we'll net at least 1-2 scum. Its the only way we rebound here, and avoid the mislynch.


I actually agree with this..we need the info asap!

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Shush John. My thoughts again - I'm not gonna bother with reasons cos I gave them last time. And I'm doing this quick in case they get their actions in super quick. Also I'm the Cop so pay attention this time.


1. A. Heart - Probably Town

5. Turin - Viewed as Town

6. Despo - Probably Town

9. Paet/Ithi - Town

11. CTM - Viewed as Town - but something a bit off

14. Talya - could be Mafia, but 1st to claim correct dull folk of Florin. As I use to be one I know what the PM said.

15. Nyn/Ape - could be Mafia - why would someone walk out on the Mafia team tho

16. Sakae - Probably Mafia. I would vote her tomorrow as I already tried to today lol

19. Solimind - Probably Town - is the counterpart to my Character

20. Tina - Viewed as Town). Maybe more likely to be Town that CTM *shrugs*



My views


N1 - Turin - Town

N2 - CTM - Town

N3 - Tina - Town

N4 - Locke - Town, but now dead.


I haven't decided who to view tonight. I think with the pool of unknowns shrinking, and the quite clear information I gave yesterday I'm likely to get lynched today anyways.


Also hi, I'm Valerie :biggrin:


With the Towns I have results on, plus me and Solimind as paired characters and the Townie Masons. I think I have definitely viewed a godfather. This will be either Tina or CTM - but maybe go for them last. You should firstly lynch the two unclaimed people who I strongly believe are Mafia: Sakaea (sorry sis) and Smiley. Then you need to decide if there is a godfather, or if the possibly two remaining Mafia are just John and Talya.


Either way, the field for the Mafia to hide in just got WAY smaller. They should have left Locke alive really lol.


Feel free to ask questions, I will try my best to answer. I would recommend that the Doc continues to self protect as I pretty much have all the info I'm likely to gain.


Good luck Town



Vote Kae

Vote Smiley


Then try and figure out the rest.

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Although CTM gave the kings role - so maybe not


Has Tina given a role?


Maybe the Mafia are just Kae, Smiley, Talya and John. But actually maybe Tina is the GF because she made that mistake and said if the GF was viewed they would show as Mafia, when in fact GFs show as Town. Has she claimed a Role yet?


Maybe it is


Kae - Mafia

Smiley - Mafia

John - Mafia

Tina - Mafia GF


But I would definitely lynch the almost definite Mafiosos first - Kae and then Smiley.

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Shush John. My thoughts again - I'm not gonna bother with reasons cos I gave them last time. And I'm doing this quick in case they get their actions in super quick. Also I'm the Cop so pay attention this time.


1. A. Heart - Probably Town

5. Turin - Viewed as Town

6. Despo - Probably Town

9. Paet/Ithi - Town

11. CTM - Viewed as Town - but something a bit off

14. Talya - could be Mafia, but 1st to claim correct dull folk of Florin. As I use to be one I know what the PM said.

15. Nyn/Ape - could be Mafia - why would someone walk out on the Mafia team tho

16. Sakae - Probably Mafia. I would vote her tomorrow as I already tried to today lol

19. Solimind - Probably Town - is the counterpart to my Character

20. Tina - Viewed as Town). Maybe more likely to be Town that CTM *shrugs*



My views


N1 - Turin - Town

N2 - CTM - Town

N3 - Tina - Town

N4 - Locke - Town, but now dead.


I haven't decided who to view tonight. I think with the pool of unknowns shrinking, and the quite clear information I gave yesterday I'm likely to get lynched today anyways.


Also hi, I'm Valerie :biggrin:


With the Towns I have results on, plus me and Solimind as paired characters and the Townie Masons. I think I have definitely viewed a godfather. This will be either Tina or CTM - but maybe go for them last. You should firstly lynch the two unclaimed people who I strongly believe are Mafia: Sakaea (sorry sis) and Smiley. Then you need to decide if there is a godfather, or if the possibly two remaining Mafia are just John and Talya.


Either way, the field for the Mafia to hide in just got WAY smaller. They should have left Locke alive really lol.


Feel free to ask questions, I will try my best to answer. I would recommend that the Doc continues to self protect as I pretty much have all the info I'm likely to gain.


Good luck Town



Vote Kae

Vote Smiley


Then try and figure out the rest.



Which investigations did you submit, and which did Paet submit?

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The loss of Westley the night before did not bode well for this evening. You woke to find the body of your Beloved Princess Buttercup run through with a sword. Overcome with grief, you refuse to go on this day.


Locke, Buttercup (Beloved Princess - town), is dead.


It is now night. You have until Wednesday 8 PM EST to send in all actions.


(sorry scene short - have a ton of work on my desk)


WTF, why night again?

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I had just been looking up the characters and thought Valerie would make a good cop if Max was the Doc...weird, I had you, John or Tina down as cop. (the lists you and Tina gave I thought was there in case you were night killed..) John I thought he might be because when Nyn said she agreed I was town, then another scenerio was that she was cop and had viewed me.


I know I'm town. If mafia had been given fake claims, why haven't others done so! They haven't Tina, nor Kae nor Smiley have come up with a claim. I agree Smiley and Kae are definitely the way to go. you could always try viewing Tina again, she should come up as mafia the second time if she is the godfather. However you may feel you want to check either me or John...which ever one is the other is going to be the opposite. I know I'm not Mafia, so I know John would come up mafia. I can't believe there wouldn't be. and I'm not directing you, as someone is bound to say, as I'm sure you know what you are going to do. It's more just thoughts or ideas, in case you aren't sure. To take as you will.

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The loss of Westley the night before did not bode well for this evening. You woke to find the body of your Beloved Princess Buttercup run through with a sword. Overcome with grief, you refuse to go on this day.


Locke, Buttercup (Beloved Princess - town), is dead.


It is now night. You have until Wednesday 8 PM EST to send in all actions.


(sorry scene short - have a ton of work on my desk)


WTF, why night again?


Something to do with the Beloved Princess role!



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Cops out..



You need to protect the cop or flip a coin which determines if you should protects yourself or Ithi..


The only person cleared was Tina, but Locke dying reduces the pool.. And her claiming cop..


I think that leaves




Naughty Ape

and Tayla



For what it's worth, I am roleless...



Most likely 3 of 4 of them are scum, if not 4/4..


This should be easy from here on out

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Please be aware Town, that there may be a Godfather. For CTM to keep blindly going on like there isn't one scares the bejesus out of me.




But seriously at this point you have to play the odds, and odds are against you having investigated the Godfather... That's something that should only be considered in a lylo situation

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Does CTM live in another dimension? Why hasn't he seen this yet?


Also Paet did the first two and I was presented them in my role PM. I did Tina and Locke and I will have another one tonight.


Funny how this could have been you had you got the PM to Leelou first.



I was catching up :D

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I had just been looking up the characters and thought Valerie would make a good cop if Max was the Doc...weird, I had you, John or Tina down as cop. (the lists you and Tina gave I thought was there in case you were night killed..) John I thought he might be because when Nyn said she agreed I was town, then another scenerio was that she was cop and had viewed me.


I know I'm town. If mafia had been given fake claims, why haven't others done so! They haven't Tina, nor Kae nor Smiley have come up with a claim. I agree Smiley and Kae are definitely the way to go. you could always try viewing Tina again, she should come up as mafia the second time if she is the godfather. However you may feel you want to check either me or John...which ever one is the other is going to be the opposite. I know I'm not Mafia, so I know John would come up mafia. I can't believe there wouldn't be. and I'm not directing you, as someone is bound to say, as I'm sure you know what you are going to do. It's more just thoughts or ideas, in case you aren't sure. To take as you will.



The bold red is not true.


The blue is a HUGE reach, I don't understand how you've deduced that between you and I if the Cop views one of us and gets town, then the other is scum. If anything, now I suspect you may be a GF that was given a safe claim... that actually makes the most sense in this situation, like you got a role PM that says you blend in as one of the townsfolk of Florin, or something to that effect.


You've had one of the scummiest agenda's in this game... this may explain it.

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Tina as GF could make sense if you consider role flavor which seems to be holding true.




Westley: BG>> NK night 3. Town bodyguard

Buttercup: Locke >> NK night 4 Town beloved princess

Queen: Rhea >> Lynched day 2 Town vanilla

Clergyman: ape 1.0 >> NK night 2 Town vanilla with PR

unnamed townfolk: Wombat >> Lynched day 4

unnamed townfolk: Ithi 1.0 >> random lnched day 1

unnamed townfolk: song >> NK'd night 1

unnamed townfolk: player >> lynched day 3

Vizzini: Verb >> NK night 2 : SK third party

Yellin: mmeesh >> NK night 1: goon : mafia


Inigo: Despo >> mason: town

Fezzik: Heart >> mason: town

Miracle Max: Solimind >> doc : town

Valerie: Ithi 2.0 >> cop : town

Booer: Turin >> vanilla with PR : town

King: CTM >> vanilla? : town

unnamed townfolk: Talya >> vanilla : town

unnamed townfolk: Ape 2.0 >> vanilla : town


not claimed:




assistant brute:


no claim made:





I would say all 3 of the presently unclaimed role are mafia>> these three are all mafia. There is possibly one more which would most likely be either John or Talya. If we lynch either Kae or smiley and they flip mafia then the other one is next.

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